up_the_irons: You around? hi http://7he.at/freebsd/vps/ looks nice fbsd 10 is going to be so nice :o what's the best supported freebsd system on a board arm hardware for freebsd 10? what's a nice looking monospace font for urxvt? just tried out inconsolata, it looks awesome. arenlor: indeed brachiation: i think i'm usually using: -misc-fixed-medium-r-normal--15-140-75-75-c-90-iso8859-1 yeah it doesn't get more generic than that... ;) up_the_irons: It can get more generic - I have "URxvt*font: fixed" in my Xdefaults :) does anyone have a publicly available weechat config they care to share? I'd share mine, but it's just the stock/standard weechat.conf mnathani: this one is pretty good: http://pascalpoitras.com/2013/05/25/my-weechat-configuration/ i stole the colors... ;)