#arpnetworks 2013-08-16,Fri

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mercutiobut computers that take pci-x aren't good for home generally
brycecmercutio: Technically pci-x will work just fine in a 32bit PCI slot, you just lose half your bandwidth/speed [00:01]
mercutiothdose aaaren't terrible price [00:01]
brycecThat's the same card that was on oversale.com a year ago (that I mentioned) [00:01]
mercutiobrycec: you really don't want to lose your bandwidth/speed with infiniband thhough
on single lane pci-e x1 i was only getting 1.6gigabit/sec
on 8x i was getting 12 gigabit/sec
ahh ok
i have 28 four letters xtc
brycecMy point was that "computers that take pci-x" are essentially any computer [00:03]
it's the model before the one that does double speed lanes
but pci-e bandwidth can't do gigabit
brycecAnyhow, I need to get a new SAS HBA before I invest in Infiniband, no matter how cheap IB is [00:03]
mercutiolet alone 20 gigabit
brycec*PCI (cuz pcie does GbE just fine) [00:03]
pci-e is diff from pci
brycecHaven't decided on an hba [00:04]
mercutiopcie does gigagbit ethernet fine yeh [00:04]
brycecExactly. [00:04]
mercutiom1015s are good
if you reflash them
but that can be a pita
brycecAnd PCI-X isn't PCI-e [00:04]
pci-x is on old servers
brycecbrycec used to develop PCI cards [00:04]
mercutiopci-x isn't really bad [00:04]
brycec(and PCIe and PCI-X)
(and got really really annoyed with people mixing the terms up_
i get confused
like pcie 2.0 doesn't mean dual lane
and pcie 2.1 actually added some important things
but i can't remember what they were
but some of the new pcie stuff like msi-x is preetty useful
brycecI have no idea, I dropped out of the PCI arena after PCIe 1.x
mmm msi
mercutiothese cards are meant to do vmdq
but you need to flash with alternate firmware i think
and it's buggy :(
the newer ones probably better
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robonerdhey what's the most groovy way lately to write web services? not web sites as much as services web sites and mobile apps will communicate? in 2005 i would have used ruby on rails, in 2008 i would have used ruby directly, and now? [02:50]
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josephbWarZone: I've put a note in your ticket. It's backhaul from MEL to the exchange. [03:40]
robonerdcan i get a host to traceroute from where i am to see my link to arpnetworks? [03:40]
josephbyou want a traceroute from somewhere to somewhere? [03:41]
robonerdi want a host i can trace from where i am [03:41]
josephbrobonerd: you want a host on arpnetworks to trace to? [03:42]
i'm considering getting a vps
josephbwww.arpnetworks.com is hosted in the same network as VMs [03:43]
robonerd94 ms ping
ew, tons of cogent
josephbI don't see cogent

maybe the cogent is closer to you?
staticsaferobonerd: where are you located and what network? [03:48]
2 ( 37.002 ms 39.130 ms 36.926 ms
3 ( 39.637 ms 39.485 ms 39.300 ms
4 gi2-29.mag02.lax04.atlas.cogentco.com ( 91.708 ms
gi2-9.mag02.lax04.atlas.cogentco.com ( 92.311 ms
gi2-21.mag02.lax04.atlas.cogentco.com ( 88.860 ms
5 te0-7-0-12.ccr21.lax04.atlas.cogentco.com ( 91.375 ms 91.917 ms 90.412 ms
6 ntt.lax04.atlas.cogentco.com ( 88.994 ms 87.965 ms 89.962 ms
7 ae-5.r04.lsanca03.us.bb.gin.ntt.net ( 91.485 ms 90.021 ms 91.615 ms
8 ge-0-7-0-24.r04.lsanca03.us.ce.gin.ntt.net ( 91.146 ms * 94.041 ms
9 vl5.s1.lax.arpnetworks.com ( 91.105 ms 89.976 ms 92.071 ms
use a pastebin :)
robonerder sorry [03:51]
staticsafebut that route looks decent [03:51]
josephbrobonerd: yeah Hawaiian Telecom look like they mostly use cogent, so you should see that in every traceroute :-)
staticsafe^ [03:52]
cock snacks
josephbnp [03:52]
robonerdif you guys were going to code a network service like let's say a skype server clone, what would you write it in? [03:53]
i'd probably use straight c tbh
but recently i've been interested in the D programming langugae
on that note, i really want to see something free like skype
jabber's pretty much as good as we have atm
but it's maybe too decentralised for good adoption
staticsafeheh i run my own Jabber server
but I use IRC as my main "IM" protocol
i run my own jabber server too
mike-burnsI'd use Haskell (+ Haskell Cloud, likely) or Erlang. Though really, I'd use Rails + some Python if I wanted to get it to market quickly. [04:13]
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mercutiopython isn't a bad way to go if doing open source stuff [04:15]
mike-burnsOr any license, really. [04:18]
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m0undshttp://www.columbian.com/news/2013/aug/16/man-sentenced-to-13-months-for-having-child-porn/ ...oof [19:19]
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