#arpnetworks 2013-08-08,Thu

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***ziyourenxiang has joined #arpnetworks [01:42]
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Ehtyar has quit IRC (Quit: Never look down on someone unless you're helping them up.) [02:29]
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first2know has joined #arpnetworks [04:01]
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SpeedBus_away is now known as SpeedBus [04:21]
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heavysixer has joined #arpnetworks
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gcw|mbpro has quit IRC (Ping timeout: 240 seconds) [06:54]
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NiTeMaRe has joined #arpnetworks
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heavysixer has quit IRC (Quit: heavysixer) [09:15]
twobitha1ker is now known as twobithacker [09:26]
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first2know has quit IRC (Remote host closed the connection) [09:51]
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robonerd has joined #arpnetworks [10:27]
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ARP IPv6 just died
hazardouswhat makes you think that? [10:49]
staticsafehazardous: do a mtr [10:50]
hazardousoh i don't use ipv6
ipv4 is the one true way
***lteo has joined #arpnetworks [10:52]
staticsafestaticsafe looks at hazardous [10:52]
hazardousi'm joking
you're no fun
brycecstaticsafe is right, definitely down :(
Think I've seen this pattern before too - my ipvy traffic is going to den1.he, chi1.he, merit.edu, then mich.net... Nowhere near LA.
happened a few times before
im sensing a BGP session dropped
can someone check BGP routes from a looking glass?
brycec would look but doesn't know what to look for
staticsafeyep [11:00]
***first2know has joined #arpnetworks [11:00]
staticsafebrycec: BGP route v6, plug in a ARP v6 address
er nvm
brycecGives me "core1.fmt2.he.net> show ipv6 bgp routes detail 2600::/12" seems a bit broad [11:02]
staticsafeye im not sure that is relevant [11:03]
brycecDoes tell me that 2600::/12 is routing through merit.edu [11:03]
staticsafenotice the update date
brycec(the same "next hop" as I get second-to-last on my traceroute) [11:04]
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***sdkmvx2 has joined #arpnetworks [11:19]
sdkmvx2anyone else having v6 trouble? [11:19]
It appears ARP's v6 to the rest of the world is broken (probably due to some upstream BGP session dropping)
sdkmvx2not completely broken, but very very lossy
I did just send about a kilobyte in over a minute...
brycecLast I checked it was completely broken *shrug*
9 packets transmitted, 0 received, 100% packet loss, time 8013ms
sdkmvx2guess I've never waiting that long before [11:25]
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rpaulo has joined #arpnetworks [12:15]
IPv6 is down
staticsafeindeed [12:16]
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heavysixer has joined #arpnetworks
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heavysixer has quit IRC (Quit: heavysixer) [13:27]
up_the_irons has joined #arpnetworks
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staticsafestaticsafe pokes up_the_irons [13:43]
up_the_ironsi am aware of the ipv6 issue [13:43]
staticsafe:p [13:43]
brycecwb up_the_irons
brycec receives the @arpnetworks twitter feed on his phone
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notion has joined #arpnetworks
Lucifer7 has joined #arpnetworks
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Hien has joined #arpnetworks
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staticsafeyay its back [14:10]
up_the_ironsm/ [14:14]
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mikeputnamipv6-6-6 Number of the BEAST!
mikeputnam imagines up_the_irons is in fact Eddie.
up_the_ironsi'm in fact wearing an Eddie shirt right now [14:18]
mikeputnamknew it! [14:18]
staticsafe:o [14:18]
up_the_ironshaha [14:18]
toothmight be a trick. He might not own other shirts.
mikeputnamheh [14:18]
up_the_ironslol [14:20]
mikeputnamIron Maiden COMING SOON: Friday 13th San Bernardino, CA, USA
sadly nowhere near me
texas, missouri, tennessee, north carolina, nevada, cali, the-rest-of-the-world, ...
i see slayer has dates on the non-us legs of the tour
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mikeputnamwonder who is filling in on lead :/ [14:22]
up_the_ironshmmm [14:27]
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hazardousidk what iron maiden is [15:17]
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gcw|mbpro has joined #arpnetworks [15:29]
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nestaup_the_irons: pix or it didn't happen [15:44]
up_the_ironsnesta: https://twitter.com/bsdvps/status/365605956081565697
too bad i can't rotate it right
nestasomehow I knew you would actually come through
..... (idle for 23mn)
up_the_ironslol [16:17]
brycecwhoa not only did up_the_irons come through, we've now seen a pic of him [16:26]
you can send thank yous to my paypal acct
up_the_ironslol [16:27]
brycecup_the_irons: Might be a dumb question, but... Why the two twitter accounts? What's the difference between @bsdvps and @arpnetworks?
(since both seem to overlap - arp has vps stuff, and bsdvps has higher level transit stuff)
up_the_ironsbrycec: way back in the day, i wanted to emphasize *BSD VMs, so i picked @bsdvps. now I don't like having 2 accounts, i wish i could merge the two
brycec: actually, opposite. bsdvps has vps stuff, and arpnetworks has company-wide stuff
brycecYou could probably just stick to using one and use a service like ifttt to retweet/repost on to the other account
Just my $.02 anyways. And I can appreciate that you'd want to emphasize BSD VPSen (VPSs? How does one pluralize VPS?)
...... (idle for 26mn)
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m0undsVPS' [17:38]
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meingtslaVPSes [19:25]
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milkiall teh VPSs [20:01]
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***Jungle-Boogie has joined #arpnetworks [20:41]
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kennyz is now known as kennyz0
kennyz0 is now known as kennyz
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toddf has quit IRC (Read error: Connection reset by peer) [21:20]
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mnathaniVPS's [22:02]
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