#arpnetworks 2013-06-29,Sat

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phluxIt feels really weird actually ENJOYING Ubuntu's font family (Ubuntu Mono, specifically) even though I've never used their distribution [02:52]
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m0undsthey're pretty solid typefaces [07:49]
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Lucifer7 is now known as sinecurist [10:40]
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mnathaniI am experiencing slow download speeds for ubuntu updates, possibly due to ipv6 usage here at ARP has anyone been able to force ipv4 for downloading updates? [19:47]
m0undsmnathani: i changed my apt repos to point to local (arpnetworks) apt repos
err, mirrors
sdkmvxthere are local mirrors? [19:49]
m0undsyeah, hang on
(grabbing my sources.list for you)
sdkmvxI don't use Ubuntu so that wouldn't be useful. But dooes said mirror have other stuff on it? [19:50]
m0undsidk [19:51]
mnathaniit has centos [19:51]
m0undsit was listed on the ubuntu mirrors page

that's my sources.list for 12.04
mnathanihttp://mirrors.arpnetworks.com [19:51]
m0undsand it's faaaaast [19:51]
meingtslahttp://mirrors.arpnetworks.com/ should give an idea what other stuff is on there [19:51]
m0undsah, cool
didn't even look at the root
sdkmvxooh OpenBSD
sdkmvx wishes he had something to install now
m0undshaha [19:53]
sdkmvxthanks though [19:53]
m0undsit's funny, i was talking with someone in another channel about how annoying it was that ubuntu's us repo was in the uk
apparently, their us repo has an ipv4 addr in new england somewhere
but their AAAA record still points to the uk
sdkmvxIPv6 is neglected. My university has an SSH access server for access outside the firewall. But the IPv6 is firewalled. ssh_config helps, but it's annoying. [19:56]
m0undseh, when it's got more of a purpose outside of labs and server environments, it'll be better
but adoption for places where end users will need it has been kinda slow, and probably will be a bit slow for a while
mnathaniThanks m0unds: much faster download speed from the local mirror [19:57]
m0undscomcast has been staging ipv6 deployment in the us for like 3 years, and they haven't even gone to trial it in a lot of markets yet
mnathani: sure thing, it makes a huge difference
sdkmvxat least it's actually starting to happen.
IANA released recently. Someone gets
that's gonna be fun
I'll put in a bid of $.50
sdkmvxheh [20:00]
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mnathaniPrefix: Prefix description: Google Origin AS : 15169 [20:06]
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brycecfwiw sdkmvx Comcast has deployed 6to4 in most (if not all) markets while they still fiddle with actualy ipv6 deployment (via dhcpv6) [20:35]
m0undsthere are a lot of markets without ipv6 capable cmts
i can think of several larger (850k+1m) pop markets where they still haven't done anything - no dual stack, nada
brycecI'm in a town of <8000 and we have 6to4. [20:39]
m0undsthat must be nice
i'm in a town of almost 1 million and we have nothing
brycecNot really, it's pretty terrible [20:40]
m0undshaha [20:40]
brycec(The market/area is about 250k) [20:40]
i'd rather just get native and nothing til then
because it's just a headache and a silly stop gap that doesn't really need to exist
brycecThe connection is slow and drops packets at random. Not to mention I have no rDNS control. [20:40]
m0undsfantastic [20:40]
brycecyeah [20:40]
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mnathaniI'm loving the ARP Networks Ubuntu Mirror right about now: Fetched 36.3 MB in 6s (5,285 kB/s) [23:42]

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