#arpnetworks 2013-06-24,Mon

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***first2know has quit IRC (Remote host closed the connection) [01:29]
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first2know has quit IRC (Quit: Leaving) [09:02]
up_the_ironswhat is the "/25 thing" on nanog? ..forgive me for not reading the thread. are people talking about announcing /25's? [09:07]
twobithackerLooks like someone was just asking if people think we'll see smaller prefixes as IPv4 runout happens
General consensus appears to be "no"
up_the_ironsomg.. ncdu, ty brycec :) [09:18]
brycec has done one good deed for the day, now to do a second: take out the trash
up_the_ironsman, lots of scrollback...
mercutio: our any2ix link is 1 gbps
hazardous: there are a lot of combinations i could do with 200ish, what are you looking for?
mercutio: i don't think we've ever congested any2ix, 1 gbps of peering traffic would be a TON of traffic overall ;)
twobithacker: ah, thought so.
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hazardouswas worth a try but howm any ssds can i get with 200ish
right now i think i need about 8 ish at minimum to not have my database fall over and collapse
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first2know has joined #arpnetworks [11:26]
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staticsafejust rebooted my ARP Networks fbsd VM after 189 days for kernel security update
went smoothly o/
mercutioup_the_irons: yeh i didn't think it was likely, it may be the other end.
hazardous: 8 ssds sounds expensive?
static: what security update?
staticsafemercutio: http://lists.freebsd.org/pipermail/freebsd-security-notifications/2013-June/000184.html [14:59]
brycecohlol that one [15:00]
up_the_ironshazardous: 8 ssd's for 200 is a hard sell [15:01]
brycec steps back out of the negotiations
staticsafeheh [15:02]
up_the_ironsi'd need to get another chassis
cuz my dedi's go up to 4 drives
brycecGood point
(chassis+backblane, I assume)
up_the_ironsyeah [15:03]
mercutiowhy would you need 8 ?
ho hmm, static, that loosk bad
brycec10:38:34 < hazardous> right now i think i need about 8 ish at minimum to not have my database fall over and collapse
mercutio: ^ *shrug*
I find it hard to swallow, but I've never worked with "big data"
mercutiowell most db stuff should be in ram :) [15:10]
yeah, i figured :[15:12] <hazardous> at least i get more of a budget in 29 days when adsense goes through
.... (idle for 15mn)
playstation 4 runs freebsd9?
mercutioOS based upon it
tehy wanted something bsd licensed?
brycec"PS4 runs Orbis OS, a modified version of FreeBSD that’s similar to Linux" http://www.extremetech.com/gaming/159476-ps4-runs-orbis-os-a-modified-version-of-freebsd-thats-similar-to-linux [15:30]
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up_the_ironswho wants a ps4 dedicated server? ;) [15:56]
hazardous< [16:03]
up_the_ironsfor that matter, who simply wants a ps4?
up_the_irons raises his hand
don't expect anything to get done in January 2014 guys...
hazardousi hope it has multitasking
so you can pause your game and swap into a ssh window
(as if, considering the drm sony loves it probably won't even have openssh installed)
mercutioi don't even know what the ps4 hardware is like
is it going to be good?
brycecLOL hazardous [16:07]
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sdkmvx has quit IRC (Ping timeout: 252 seconds) [17:00]
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m0undswhy would they put openssh on a home console?
that's a better question
they didn't like people running alternative os' on their ps3s, so...yeah
could probably build an AMD trinity-based htpc for around what it costs to buy a ps4 and you could run whatever you want on it, openssh included..just no games :)
gizmoguyis the ps4 just x86? [18:09]
mercutiowhat makes you say they didn't like it/ [18:09]
m0undsno [18:09]
mercutiothey implemented it [18:09]
m0undsbecause they removed it?
and made every effort to prevent people from doing it
mercutiowhat engineer is goin gto want to remove something like that [18:10]
m0undsthe ones who like their jobs?
gizmoguy: it's x64
mercutiowell "they" i would consider to mean the engineers [18:10]
m0undsjust regular old PC gear [18:10]
mercutiobut it probably came from up high [18:10]
m0undsi'm sure it did [18:10]
gizmoguywhy aren't game consoles virtualisable yet [18:11]
m0undsor there was a reason for it, things were tremendously ram-limited
gizmoguy: part of the xbox-one are virtualized
gizmoguynah I mean [18:11]
mercutiowhy do people still buy games consoles? [18:11]
m0unds shrugs
gizmoguywhy can't I put ps4 on my linux computer [18:11]
mercutiowhy can't you run windows on a ps4 you mean? [18:11]
m0undsbecause sony can't make money selling you hardware if you use your own [18:11]
mercutiothere are lots of sega emulators out there [18:12]
m0undsi'm hoping the shift to common x86_64 stuff will mean more, better pc ports [18:12]
mercutiowhy would you want a pc port?
just get real pc games
m0undsbecause consoles tend to be the lead platform most AAA games are built on?
with very few exceptions
mercutioconsoles are like dumbed down computers [18:13]
m0undsthat's a semantic thing [18:13]
mercutiowith limited functionality [18:13]
m0undsthey sure are [18:13]
gizmoguym0unds: wonder what the margin on the console is vs margin on the games [18:13]
mercutioso when you take limited functionality and stick it ona pc [18:13]
m0undsand they get most of the attention from game devs because they make money for the publishers and stuff
it sucks
mercutioit means the game is designed from the beginning with limitations [18:13]
m0undsdur [18:13]
mercutiowell it's because piracy is lower actually [18:13]
m0undsyou're pointing out every obvious part of what i said
i get it
mercutiowell just don't buy them
and buy pc agmes
m0undsjesus [18:14]
mercutiogames [18:14]
semantic nonsense, nope nope nope
by virtue of the fact that i can run them on my pc, doesn't that make them pc games?
mercutiowell buy native games :)
ports usually aren't as good
m0undsi know.
iiiii knnnoooooowwww
hence wanting them to be better, see how that works?
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mercutioi can't actually think of any pc port games recently
sega rally?
i dunno, i play games like starcraft
m0undsgizmoguy: i imagine that the margins are probably better per unit on the hw [18:15]
mercutiowhich aren't even on consoles [18:15]
m0undsi don't play starcraft because blizzard is evil and awful
diablo will be on consoles shortly
gizmoguy: but i imagine the volume of titles w/associated licensing and stuff is pretty good too
mercutiothere's not meant good RTS games out there :/ [18:16]
m0undsdo you like 4d games at all? [18:16]
mercutio4d? [18:16]
m0undslike galactic civilizations etc? [18:16]
gizmoguyI'm questioning, whether steam is a better money making platform than Playstation/xbox [18:16]
mercutiohaven't heard of it? [18:16]
m0undsgizmoguy: no brand identity
people are real particular about consoles
it's more like universe type stuff
gizmoguygizmoguy gamers don't make sense to gizmoguy [18:17]
those are all 4d games for the most part, like a mixture of civilization and space stuff
gizmoguy: i don't either, tbh
mercutiobah it uses steam
i hate steam
m0undsthe stardock ones don't require it, i don't think - unless they do now for some reason
they used to deploy via their content platform called impulse, but gamestop bought impulse and a bunch of stuff got pulled from it
mercutiostardock? the os/2 company? [18:19]

mercutiooh galciv is a os/2 game [18:20]
m0undsgizmoguy: but i think a lot of pc gamers might buy steamboxes
kind of funny really
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