:/ [mike@zeus ~]$ ping6 google.com ping6: UDP connect: No route to host works from my colo er vps o_o i suspect i've fubard my /etc/pf.conf maybe looking good for me from my KVM works for me too mikeputnam: how about ping6 mirrors.arpnetworks.com ? Personally I'd take a good look at route/netstat -rn and ifconfig. Definitely sounds like something local got mixed up. if you blocked icmp6 you're EOL for IPv6 Same for ND ND is done via ICMPv6? Oh, yeah it is. (Bad mental translation from ARP->NDP, ARP packets -> ICMP6 packets) [mike@zeus ~]$ ping6 mirrors.arpnetworks.com ping6: UDP connect: No route to host definitely local found it. i had setup AAAA and pf.conf using the wrong address at least for the external failur e mikeputnam: if you want to test pf blockages, you cuold always disable pf temp then reenable, pfctl -d to disable.. pfctl -e to enable i doh you found it anyway i responded before reading to the end, oops :) hmm i think i still have another issue and my hunch is it's related to default route and/or something i must've botched in ifconfig Probably. so can someone with a browser on ipv6 verify that http://wisconsinlinux.org/ loads and has a cute penguin? i'm now battling nginx.conf and multiple server{} directives on this dual stacked host i turned off the ipv4 side for this site does ipv6 work? mikeputnam: i get v4 only yep curl -4 works but curl -6 doesn't k thanks mikeputnam: * Trying 2607:f2f8:a610::1... * Connection refused fwiw I can ping it... but for whatever reason (the voodoo of networking that's beyond me), 4 packets took 15238ms, but each ping was 75ms.