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RandalSchwartz has quit IRC (Ping timeout: 245 seconds) staticsafe: whee IPv6 just died again ***: notion has quit IRC (Ping timeout: 245 seconds)
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cullum has joined #arpnetworks brycec: I've been having problems with my HE tunnel for the last couple of days :/
(as you may have noticed)
and it's getting really irritating staticsafe: brycec: yep ***: twobithacker has joined #arpnetworks staticsafe: my friend has been having issues with his LAX tunnel brycec: I'm tunneled through LAX too
(And another in SEA)
Which is normally fine, since this VPS is in the same DC as the LAX endpoint
I'm #10 on tserv15.lax1 http://www.tunnelbroker.net/usage/tunnels_by_latency.php staticsafe: hrm which DC is ARP coloed in? ***: heavysixer has quit IRC (Quit: heavysixer) brycec: I have no idea... Don't think it's 1 Wilshire though
(based on traceroute and latency between my VPS) staticsafe: ty ***: heavysixer has joined #arpnetworks
ChanServ sets mode: +o heavysixer up_the_irons: staticsafe: CoreSite (900 N. Alameda) staticsafe: o up_the_irons: staticsafe: it is One Wilshire's 2nd building (about a mile down the road) staticsafe: ah up_the_irons: speaking of IPv6, I just configured a static /127 between my 6506 and NTT, w00t brycec: oic
kewl staticsafe: o/ ***: Guest87384 is now known as pjs
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mnathani has quit IRC () nixbag: can't decide if i will eventually want a 12.5'', 14'' or 15.6'' screen on a laptop. jbergstroem: nixbag: http://cdn.memegenerator.net/instances/400x/36920879.jpg nixbag: haha, did you make that just now?
but for $900+ i don't think i should carefully consider all options.
i *do think* i should carefully consider.. jbergstroem: nixbag: i would never :-) mercutio: up_the_irons: does this mean ipv6 is moving to the new router soon? ***: jbergstroem has quit IRC (Read error: Operation timed out) -: dr_jkl yawns ***: jbergstroem has joined #arpnetworks