anybody just as unable to sleep as me? yip maybe sometimes :) but it's earlier here sleep is for the weak :/ it's 4:15am here :( nearly 4:20 and it'll be 4/20 in 11 days i got some shades that block blue light. it is supposed to reduce insomnia caused by computer/tablet screens. the other thing you can do is not use computer late at night :) that is really hard to do, though. you could try turning it off just put a timer on your house power main. No power supply to the house after 7pm lol Not to mention there are programs like f.lux and redshift that tilt your monitor gamma "red" (much the same as those shades block blue light) and they can do it automagically and gradually though, I've never had a problem. nixbag: welcome to night owl'ism he's prob gone to bed now :) i would hope so good morning. toddf: giving your other VMs extra NICs now... nixbag: afternoon! up_the_irons: i found my old books that i thought were stuck in missouri. nixbag: nice my wife must have packed them up without telling me, and while i was frantically looking for them over there. among them, 'the unix and linux system administration handbook'. that's next in line to be read. in between twilight books. up_the_irons: yayzorz