hello anyone up here? hi can someone help me editing my kernel conf randalschwartz: I am for now, sup? ..? did i miss something? oh I misread scrollback, you can probably guess how: 140057 < vin\> hello anyone up here? 140126 < RandalSchwartz> hi yeah that's what i figured hi can someone help me editing my kernel conf probably for linux anywya wouldn't have been much help. :) so do all the VPS plans only have 1 proc exposed to the guest? JC`: Yes. You can order more cores at $2/core/month hey anybody awake i want to prevent my isp from viewing all my web traffic on the entire pc i take it a vpn is what i need yea encrypting the data yes? any recommendations on a top provider, i want to pay for one.... hi dr3amaz: you could get a VPS from here and run something like OpenVPN or you could go with a vpn provider http://netforbeginners.about.com/od/readerpicks/tp/The-Best-VPN-Service-Providers.htm the vpn's in here are free? i want something very secure, it's my damn isp ... they gave me some shit, i think they were spying on me ARP provides VPS - Virtual Private Servers and no they are not free ok... anyways but i want to confirm with you... that using a vpn provider, all my data will be encrypted correct plus i have to install software yea... so my isp wil just monitor my traffic but wont be able to see what it is i'm downloading or uploading.. correct zzzzzzzzzzzZZZZZZZZZzz IRC's not an instant response medium you should probably google about VPNs, and OpenVPN, to learn more i have and for some reason i get 2000 differnt anwsers, in reality it works 1 away... anyways ...