#arpnetworks 2013-03-05,Tue

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up_the_ironscan someone on FreeBSD 9.x verify the last stanza in:
i just updated it with "For FreeBSD 9.0 and later", but i don't have a system to test that for sure
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mtve has joined #arpnetworks [03:48]
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up_the_ironsi am a blogging machine these days

many struggle when we extend their volume, to add a new partition, so there.
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vin has joined #arpnetworks [06:23]
vinanybody awake here?
i need help... I need my /usr/sys/src so i can recompile my kernel on my vps
mike-burnsvin: http://bit.ly/Yayf3r - does this have the advice you need? [06:26]
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vinmike-burns no what I need to know is can you guys put the src files on my vps account?
or do I have to download them from freebsd site?
brycecProbably the latter [07:01]
mike-burnsThe latter. [07:02]
staticsafeup_the_irons: that support page looks correct
ipv6_activate_all_interfaces="YES" - not sure this is needed though
vinping vin[07:05] * brycec waits for vin to pong himself
vin still waiting for response from support
im afk for awhile... pls pm me the response. thank you
mike-burnsvin: Put the source files on your own machine. [07:09]
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vinbut its gonna cost a lot of bandwith to put it
hmmm can aprnetworks support put the src files without costing me any bandwith? im willing to pay for it... of course for a reasonable price :)
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brycecPerhaps if it's on the install ISO? SUpport can easily attach that to your machine and you can copy from there
up_the_irons: Do I remember correctly that you were going to run a mirror?
At least for your own subnets, for the OS that you provide images for?
"a lot of bandwidth" 92MB is *not* a lot of b/w... :/
It's .001 of your monthly quota
but vin isn't here to get all this knowledge dropped on him
antbrycec: i think you remember correctly: http://mirrors.arpnetworks.com/ [08:09]
brycecwell that's fantastic
up_the_irons: So... how come Debian isn't mirrored?
(oh sweet, it's dual v4/v6 too)
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staticsafeTIL arpnetworks has a mirror [08:31]
bryceclol [08:31]
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up_the_ironsstaticsafe: roger, tnx
brycec: I think vin is misunderstanding how much bandwidth will actually be used
brycecI agree
But vin disappeared, so I couldn't enlighten them :(
up_the_ironsbrycec: we don't mirror debian simply cuz i never got around to doing it [16:20]
brycecAlso, as a Debian customer/user, I am outraged at the lack of Debian on the mirror! [16:20]
staticsafeup_the_irons: the gritty details of the interface configuration is in man rc.conf fwiw [16:20]
brycecah, lol [16:20]
up_the_ironsi still need to tell FreeBSD about our mirror, so i can sync from the "official" master
brycec: LOL
staticsafe: i am outsourcing the reading of the man page to this channel... ;)
brycecI'm also outraged at the 100mbps mirror-vps link, when I can pull at near gigabit speeds externally.
(But I understand the reason, just think it's funny/dumb)
mercutiobrycec: most people have 100 megabit :) [16:22]
brycecheh, I found out my Chunkhost VPS has >100mbps but pulling a 2.5GB ISO at 62.8MB/s
I was astonished
up_the_ironsbrycec: when the new switch is all set to go, VMs will get gigabit everywhere [16:24]
brycec(Route is Chunkhost - Peer1 - ARP, for those interested)
up_the_irons: w00t
GbE to the mirror!
up_the_ironsyeah the mirror externally has a 1 gbps link [16:24]
brycecup_the_irons: o/ you da man [16:25]
up_the_ironsbrycec: i did set up a dedicated VPS <-> mirror / backup server VLAN. so if you really want, i can add an interface to your VPS which will let you get 1 Gbps right now ;) [16:25]
brycecWant: Yes. Need: No. But thanks for the offer. [16:25]
up_the_ironsbrycec: but only to the backup / mirror server (they are the same box), and only over IPv6. no reason to do IPv4 on the same network. Let's be progressive! [16:25]
brycecI get godawful performance v6 vs v4. :(
v4 is usally 10x faster
And that's internal, unrouted, same segment etc
up_the_ironsbrycec: but i'm talkin' v6 over same LAN, so it'll be f'in fast. I grab ISOs myself from my own mirror that way. very fast.
brycec: well, that's weird. i get a lot better performance over the v6 1 gbps link.
brycecYeah, I've seen it at home and at the office, so it's not equipment related [16:27]
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brycecup_the_irons: hitting the mirror via HE, I get 10MB/s, but using IPv4, I get 60MB/s
^ That's probably just HE. I'm not using that as an example re:performance
up_the_ironsbrycec: so yes, that's HE b/c the IPv6 router is only 100 Mbps. But on same LAN segment, it can be 1 Gbps. [16:29]
Well, looking forward to the new router and GbE internally
up_the_ironsm/ [16:30]
brycecup_the_irons: Will there be any changes to the VM (i.e. will we need to reboot) for the new switch/GbE?
brycec assumes not, but asks to be sure
up_the_ironsbrycec: no [16:32]
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brycec: how have you found Chunkhost to be, reliability and performance wise? [17:02]
brycecThey're okay. Been with 'em for a long time now, no major issues or anything. Their biggest problem is Xen/disk IO (and to an extent, overloading)
Sometimes I'll see my disk read/write wait time spike to 500ms/op and stay there for a half hor
mercutiobrycec: having radically diff ipv4 and ipv6 perfromance seems common atm
but sometimes it can alternate which is better
brycecmercutio: If I went jumbo, I think I could get better performance out of v6... But cheap nics only get me so far. [17:05]
mercutiobrycec: jumbo isn't common on intrenet yet :(( [17:05]
brycecha, yeah, no... [17:05]
mercutiocheap nics are fine often
i get like 105megabytes/sec at home on realtek
brycecup_the_irons: I definitely prefer ARP - better pricing, an IRC channel, native ipv6, a cool vibe
up_the_irons: oh and KVM, of course. Nice to have "bare metal" virt (with vnc)
up_the_ironsbrycec: cool, thanks for the feedback [17:07]
brycecmercutio: The problem I run into with "cheap nics" is that they don't support full 9000 byte jumbo frames. Last I tried, I could get a realtek up to 7200 [17:07]
mercutiobrycec: i'm running mtu at 6k
i think it can do higher
brycecup_the_irons: Ever considered a customer satisfaction survey, say 2mo after signup? [17:07]
mercutiobut not really much more benefit going higher [17:08]
up_the_ironsbrycec: considered it, but am always too busy with other stuff [17:08]
mercutioi wouldn't even say it'd be a benefit at gigabit [17:08]
brycecThat seems to be the one advantage Chunkhost has over ARP - they're more than just one guy ;) [17:08]
mercutiobrycec: that's n ot necessarily an advantage [17:09]
brycecmercutio: what happens if up_the_irons spontaneously ignites?
I think we all end up screwed... Unless there's someone else?
up_the_ironslol, you'd get all your vps' for free [17:10]
mercutiobrycec: what happens if los angeles has a huge earthquake [17:10]
brycecThen I've lost two VPS hosts :p [17:10]
up_the_ironssince only i have the gpg key to decrypt the credit cards ;) [17:10]
brycecand I'm 6 hours closer to the beach!
s/I'm/I'd be/
mercutiothere can always be things that go wrong
you either need redundancy or contigency plans
preferably both
or to have things that aren't important enough that if you lose them you are severely effected
brycecthere's a reason I have two VPS's ;)
and that reason would be that I'm lazy and haven't gotten around to migrating more over to ARP
still it's nice to have redundancy
which reminds me... I should do another backup
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toddfbrycec: manual backups scare me... [22:04]
brycecha, I just haven't dumped it in a crontab yet.
Fear not, my standard backups are automatic
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