boo! i can finally blog again bye bye mephisto, hello octopress Very very nice domain up_the_irons Woha up_the_irons: Do you mind if i want subdomain (A record) for it? Point to my ipv6 :D what word are you trying to make? i don't have that one Your domain is awesome! errrr tnx :) I owned for a bit. Was sad to sell it, but couldn't really think of a use for it. my bad. it is yeah would be ok? Heh i come here and asking for free sub-domain Silly me. EUR35/year for a .st , that's not unreasonable. Time to run a dictionary list through it and see what's free Everyone can register it? nixbag_: seagate accepted all 10 busted drives and have shipped replacements; same with Hitachi. thank you sir for your help that day :) hooray now i can build a huge backup box ;) too bad they only give u refurbs, but hell, i was kinda writing off those drives anyway.... how did you lose so many disks? mercutio: we just have lots of disks. over 200 in the cluster. some are bound to fail. drives are so unreliable these days. oh i thought you lost heaps at once suddenly mercutio: no these were drives collected over the years up_the_irons: that's great to hear. oh not nearly so bad then :) i still use old drives for everything. haven't gotten a single ssd. ssd's fail more often the nhard-disks well over time they seem to have current generation ones may not be so bad it should get better with time. burning a cd used to be very hit or miss. i'm waiting til price of ssd goes down. i don't mind the lifespan problem so much. they went up in cost recently i don't think things are likely to get a lot better soon not on the cheap end may do 1gigabyte/sec on high end hdd i think is the bottleneck of my current desktop. holy. shit. i got an order from one of my own IP addresses... tunnel? maybe... It's coming from inside the house! your computers have become sentient. skynet has booted mike-burns: lol Maybe one of your split personalities ordered it. i keep learning of new countries through the order process... I never knew of "Nevis" apparently, a full country (island state) "Saint Kitts and Nevis", ISO code KN, in the West Indies Well, looks like I'm moving to New Orleans in a few months. Got orders there today. i've never heard of Nevis before either 51,300 population oh that's including saint kitts Very good morning everyone! morning I hate working with windows. why's that? Because i am a noob. Sup! up_the_irons: I just submitted the dedicated server order. Let me know if you need any additional information. woo another sale! kaching! mnathani: cool, i'll be at the data center tomorrow and get that server ready for ya how's it going awyeah Thanks. np