#arpnetworks 2012-12-04,Tue

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***Ehtyar has joined #arpnetworks [00:12]
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LT has joined #arpnetworks [01:27]
Sixday has joined #arpnetworks [01:37]
is there anybody who can give me answer about tech question of arpnetworks.com services?
LTask it and see... depends what the question is [01:40]
SixdayI'm looking for to rent one dedicated server from arpnetworks, but not sure that they support running FreeBSD on the dedicated machines also?
or just in VPS
mercutioSixday: i'm sure they would
but i can't give authorative answer
you can probably email asking
Sixdayyep, I will [01:42]
mercutioi think sales@arpnetworks.com [01:43]
SixdayThey had a form on the website, I think it will be fine [01:44]
mercutioyeh that'd work too [01:45]
LTSixday: http://support.arpnetworks.com/kb/dedicated-servers/iso-library [01:45]
SixdayLT: it looks like a clear answer :) thank you [01:47]
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cmeiklejohn has joined #arpnetworks [07:10]
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Novae has quit IRC (Ping timeout: 244 seconds) [07:51]
Novae has joined #arpnetworks [07:57]
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cmeiklejohn has joined #arpnetworks [08:17]
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cmeiklejohn has joined #arpnetworks [09:43]
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HighJinx has joined #arpnetworks [10:32]
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Ehtyar has quit IRC (Quit: There are two major products that come out of Berkeley: LSD and UNIX. We don't believe this to be a coincidence.) [12:17]
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valleyfoxHi, I noticed there was a charge according to my account to my credit card on December 1st. Which I did not do. Is there a autopayment feature done? [14:08]
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mercutioinvoices usually come out on the 1st
and i think they're usually autobilled
at least my account is autobilled
err autopaid
brycecYes, auto-bill
valleyfox: You should have also received an email with the invoice, and you can login to portal.arpnetworks.com and view the invoice(s) there as well
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TbKdaYviL1013 has joined #arpnetworks [15:26]
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up_the_ironsThank you all for answering questions asked by new users when I'm not around. I'm always impressed when that happens. :) [16:54]
RandalSchwartzRandalSchwartz waves at up_the_irons [16:55]
up_the_ironsup_the_irons waves at RandalSchwartz [16:55]
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phluxi may not be around to answer questions, but i'm good for trolling kraigu every now-and-then
so i suppose i provide entertainment at the very least
***cmeiklejohn has quit IRC (Quit: Computer has gone to sleep.) [17:14]
DaCaup_the_irons: may I pm you regarding a billing issue? [17:25]
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up_the_ironsDaCa: I'd rather you email support@
goes to the same person either way :)
DaCaup_the_irons: ok, tnx [17:44]
CaZeqbit: http://www.portlandpottery.com/supply/supplies-tools/Glazingsupplies/talisman.html
Gonna start sieving coffee for my french press.
mercutiowhy not just inject it CaZe ? [17:56]
CaZeBecause then you can't taste it. [17:56]
mercutioeven better :)
i've had so much bad espresso coffee in my life
and apparently the average quality of coffee here is good
CaZeI roast my own coffee beans. [17:57]
mercutiodo you sell them? [17:57]
CaZeNo. [17:57]
so is it like a hobby, or you just like it better that way?
CaZeWhere are you? NZ? [17:58]
mercutioyeh [17:58]
CaZeBoth. [17:58]
mercutiowhere are you?
unaffiliated :)
CaZeYou could grow your own coffee trees there. [17:58]
mercutioactually how did you know i was in NZ?
oh it does say
qbitheh [17:59]
mercutioi dbout it's hot enoguh? [17:59]
CaZeBoston, MA. [17:59]
qbitCaZe: nice! [17:59]
mercutioi've never been there
actually i've never been to the US at all
but boston's cold right?
like snowing cold
There's a decent coffee industry in New Guinea.
I guess NZ might be too far south though.
mercutiohmm it may be ok
apparently you need a lot of sunlight here though
where in tropics you need not too much sunlight
CaZeHeh, those seives are made in NZ though. [18:04]
qbitso you are gonna use the seive on the grinds before fpressing? [18:08]
I'm not sure what size to get thogh.
qbitis the measurement in microns? [18:09]

You also have to take into account that coffee partiles aren't round.
So if you have a particle that's a thin flake, it won't pass even though you may want it to.
it's like making hash.. but with coffee :D
CaZeI think I might just get an 80 mesh sieve though.
80 mesh is around 180um.
I just want to get rid of the finest of the fines.
qbitnice [18:15]
CaZeThat should theoretically still hold back espresso sized particles. [18:15]
qbitwhat are you gonna do with the stuff that goes through? [18:23]
CaZeI dunno.
I could make turkish coffee I guess.
But I'll probably throw it away.
qbitwonder if it could be used in baking [18:28]
CaZeWell they make flour sifters for much cheaper.
Oh, you mean the fines?
up_the_ironsup_the_irons pours himself another cup of coffee [18:46]
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HighJinx has joined #arpnetworks [20:28]
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cmeiklejohn has joined #arpnetworks [21:14]
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Ehtyar has quit IRC (Quit: Don't follow me) [22:34]

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