hmm anyone else losing a lot of packets? yup alright just came here to check myself hopefully just a simple upstream issue odd, usually issues are IPv6 only related well, this is definitely affecting both this one is affecting regular IPv4 as well seems like a peer is down Packets: Sent = 14, Received = 5, Lost = 9 (64% loss), current trace from Toronto shows forward path via HE, reverse through peer1 Webhostbudd: is your connection stable now? dunno nope not stable do you know which host you are on one of my VPS is not being affected which might mean a DDOS is in progress errr i wanna say kvr4 ipv6 is all sorts of messed up I am trying to check, but the portal keeps timing out up_the_irons: Do we have a report on the packetloss earlier? [jeremy@bofh ~]$ bofh Little hamster in running wheel had coronary; waiting for replacement to be Fedexed from Wyoming