#arpnetworks 2012-10-17,Wed

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***Webhostbudd has quit IRC (Quit: Leaving) [00:23]
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[FBI] starts logging #arpnetworks at Wed Oct 17 01:39:38 2012
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mercutiowhy is the fbi logging this channel? [01:46]
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.......... (idle for 48mn)
up_the_ironskvr27 (beta) server going down for one last reboot... [02:36]
crap, one more time... [02:41]
what are you doing to it? :)
just curiosity not waiting on it or anything
oh it's up anyway
says uptime of 6 minutes
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up_the_ironsmercutio: kernel patches
while we may still need some openbsd / freebsd testing for the beta VMs, my cacti server VM has been running on it for over two months without issues, so I'm declaring kvr27 production ready. I have provisioned the first Linux customer on it.
(cacti server runs Linux if that wasn't obvious ;)
..... (idle for 22mn)
mercutio: can you re-run the test you mentioned was "it's quite reproducable"
i found the RAID controller write cache was off; this was one reason iowait was high; now fixed
no rush, just whenever...
.......... (idle for 49mn)
easymacDo you have any process by which you evaluate a guest OS on a beta system?
(features to try, stress testing, etc?)
I know some issues I've had in FreeBSD VMWare guests that seem fairly reproducable under higher IO situations.
They seem to crop up more frequently when ZFS is involved as well.
............ (idle for 57mn)
up_the_ironseasymac: i want to see 1) no guest panic, 2) clean network throughput, 3) decent disk performance
i've seen frequent guest freezing with ZFS and load
less so if a lot of RAM is involed
toddfzfs necessarily requires lots of ram for optimimum performance (I know this and I only admin'ed a freebsd system that used it for a very short time) [05:55]
up_the_ironsyeah [05:58]
............ (idle for 58mn)
recommendations on a good Intel NIC for FreeBSD? (dual port, gigabit)
so that it uses the em0 driver
igb0 is driving me insane
..... (idle for 24mn)
I'd presume that would be a good list to work from
I can't say I have hardware knowledge from a freebsd perspective ;-)
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heavysixerup_the_irons: don't look at me at 6:47PM i'll be gone :-)
up_the_irons: but yes i'll help you rock that app.
.... (idle for 15mn)
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gcw|mbpro has quit IRC (Remote host closed the connection) [09:27]
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HighJinx has quit IRC (Quit: Computer has gone to sleep.) [10:45]
....... (idle for 32mn)
Webhostbuddis there an ipv6 routing issue im not aware of?
up_the_irons: you there?
my traceroutes are hitting 120 hops
that definitely can't be right
the packets just never get there
milkilooooop [11:20]
that's what im thinking
does arp control this router?
13 2607:f2f8:0:102::1 (2607:f2f8:0:102::1) 105.860 ms 105.698 ms 105.629 ms
after that it looks like it loops
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mnathaniWebhostbudd: do you have a sample traceroute with source / destination [11:23]
RandalSchwartzI'm reaching google.com via ipv6 with no problem [11:23]
WebhostbuddRandalScwartz: same here
from the vps
however, from my home ipv6 to the vps
i get that loop
just a sec on the full trace
RandalSchwartzand a few others I tried [11:24]
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RandalSchwartzahh, yes, let me try from my home to here. [11:24]
Webhostbuddhttp://sprunge.us/AFAY [11:25]
RandalSchwartzI can ping6 from home to red.stonehenge.com
traceroute is good too
what's your host?
it looks like it is one of the intermediate routers
because it can ping out fine
could i somehow be causing this?
RandalSchwartzI'm checking...
I'm getting stars after a bunch of hops.
let me try from red.
Webhostbuddyea [11:28]
RandalSchwartzYeah - I can't get to yours from even nearby
I think it
is your end perhaps.
mnathaniI cant ping 2607:f2f8:a9e4::2 from home [11:28]
Webhostbuddoddly enough i can ping red just fine [11:28]
RandalSchwartzI'd still file a support request in case something is broke [11:28]
mnathaniperhaps ICMP are blocked? [11:28]
Webhostbuddmnathani: nope
it has an almost identical pf ruleset to my other ipv6 box
which can be pinged just fine
pass inet6 proto icmp6 all icmp6-type {echoreq unreach neighbradv neighbrsol routeradv}
RandalSchwartzmaybe your default route is busted? [11:30]
mnathaniWell even the ipv6 ping sourced from Sprints looking glass : Success rate is 0 percent (0/5) [11:30]
mnathanitry pinging my home IP: 2001:470:b148::25 [11:31]
Webhostbuddit just has to be something on my end
works fine from the box
RandalSchwartzno problem reaching you from red
(your home, that is)
Webhostbuddsee, it's weird, i can ping out and get response
so routing may be working?
RandalSchwartzsounds like wonky firewall then [11:32]
Webhostbuddyes it does [11:32]
RandalSchwartzby the way, if you haven't seen mtr, get it.
it's far slicker than ping or traceroute
mnathanifrom my ARP VPS: 18 packets transmitted, 0 received, 100% packet loss, time 17582ms [11:32]
Webhostbuddi just turned off pf
still nothing
RandalSchwartz... http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/MTR_(software) [11:33]
Webhostbuddyea i've used it
and long since forgotten
my rc.conf is pretty simple
RandalSchwartzI'm using the 0 address for my box. :)
red.stonehenge.com has address red.stonehenge.com has IPv6 address 2607:f2f8:3080::
shorter to type
i should actually use the 0
ill see what i can try and change
RandalSchwartzI also have ipv6_gateway_enable=YES
I think that was to try openvpn over ipv6 though
........... (idle for 51mn)
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mercutioup_the_irons: well the test runs a lot faster :)
round-trip min/avg/max/std-dev = 0.559/1.208/7.285/1.409 ms
and that's not as bad
up_the_irons: speed increase of roughly 4x for my test
where it's twice as fast without the sync commands
........ (idle for 36mn)
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twobithackeranyone else seeing packet loss to their VPS? [13:28]
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staticsafetwobithacker: not noticing anything here, mtr? [13:29]
twobithackeryeah, it's clean to ge0-arpnet.cust.lax07.mzima.net then about 25~30% packet loss [13:29]
staticsafetwobithacker: hostname/IP? [13:30]
twobithackerComcast on the way there, trying to get a trace back now is my vps, I'm on 17216.146.45.2343
IRCing from my VPS too, the packet loss is more than mosh can deal with nicely
staticsafeah yes
I have loss over v4 as well
mnathani0% loss from Toronto [13:34]
twobithackerah, v6 is much better [13:34]
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twobithackerlooks like it's the return path, packet loss as soon as it hits Comcast
maybe someone saturating a link :/
mercutiogo comcast [13:39]
staticsafei think the loss just got worse o_o [13:45]
i lost connection to freenode
which seems to happen to lots of people frequently
staticsafehttp://pastie.org/private/agllzswbtezlpyyjtz2a [13:46]
mercutiobut i was just thinking yesterday how i seem to avoid it [13:46]
staticsafefrom both sides [13:46]
mercutiowow [13:46]
staticsafeI think thats why my friend was complaining about not being able to reach his znc session [13:46]
mercutiothat looks like congestion to mzima in genreal
which most outgoing routes go over
until up_the_irons get's his new router
staticsafeznc is still connected to IRC because its over IPv6 [13:47]
happsne here too it seems
as starting hop
ahh that's same as you
staticsafeyea seems like mzima is having issues
im sshing in through another VPS via IPv6
mercutionotice how it doesn't seem consistent between hops
i feel like i have slight lag
but smooth
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mercutiohmm it's routing via trit
oh hey
how do i do a paste?
staticsafepastie.org [13:50]
mercutiohttp://pastie.org/5075292 [13:50]
twobithackerI'm guessing v6 is mostly over peering with HE [13:50]
up_the_ironswho's saturating my linkz?! [13:50]
mercutioi think it's an incoming issue not outgoing
based on that
but the other things i'd found were screwed in both directions
err i mean packet loss all the way
twobithackertelstra must have a different return path that's hitting an unsaturated link [13:51]
qbitman i am gettin lagielagg [13:51]
mercutioi can do the reverse path from that ip [13:51]
up_the_ironsoh wow 1 Gbps of traffic, who will i shit can today... [13:52]
mercutiohttp://pastie.org/5075303 [13:52]
staticsafeup_the_irons: O_o [13:52]
mercutiotwobithacker: not telstra return path but yeah
this wind is creepy
let's hope the power doesn't go out again
brycecup_the_irons: who? Thought you limited us to 100Mbps, so that would be 10 users to shitcan... and grammatically speaking, "whom" [13:59]
up_the_ironsthings look clearer now [13:59]
mercutiobrycec: it's prob incoming ddos
which can go way over that
brycec would be interested to know who all is saturating up_the_irons' links too
mercutiosome loser kid in his basement i imagine [14:00]
up_the_ironsbrycec: you can't limit incoming though
target has been identified and null routed
twobithackeryeah, that's much better from here [14:00]
brycecswoot [14:00]
mercutioit does look like it cleared up [14:00]
brycecyeah I know up_the_irons (unless you either have friends on their end, or like borking the BGP periodically) [14:01]
mercutioup_the_irons: that write cache thing doubled my performance with and without sync
err actually i think it was 4x
staticsafeup_the_irons: outgoing packet flood? :P [14:03]
mercutiostatic: i think it just happened incoming was the same as outgoing for the hops that showed all loss [14:04]
up_the_ironsbrycec: we basically give the target IP a null route community and certain important peers / transits cease forwarding traffic to this IP [14:05]
brycecbingo [14:05]
up_the_ironsmercutio: yeah i'm not surprised, that write cache rocks [14:05]
mercutioup_the_irons: well, it use to be slower than the old node...
but not by a lot
and a bit variable
up_the_ironsmercutio: would you say the performance is on par with the regular VPS' ? [14:05]
mercutioand now it's obviously faster :)
up_the_irons: i /think/ so
up_the_ironsstaticsafe: incoming :) [14:05]
staticsafeah [14:06]
mercutiobut i ssh into the old vps to get into the new vps
or via ipv6
ipv6 is longer route though
up_the_ironsmercutio: oh so it's faster now? [14:06]
mercutiotar definitely seems faster [14:06]
up_the_ironsnice [14:06]
mercutioi was disconcerted by the high network ping times when untarring before htough [14:06]
up_the_ironsmercutio: do those high network ping times still occur? [14:06]
mercutioand vmstat was showing very few interrupts when that was happening
up_the_irons: well highest was 7 msec
in my untar
i assume it's probably a bug somewehre where it's running out of queue slots or something
staticsafestaticsafe e-mails friend [14:07]
mercutioand spinning in the inrerrupt handler
and not receiving network packets while that happens
so teh write cache thing really might alleviate it, and it may not happen at lower load anyway
but yeah it was over 200 msec before the write cache peak
up_the_ironsmercutio: roger [14:08]
mercutiooh the other weird thing is that ping times in general are higher than old vps
like if i ping the ipv6 gateway
but that may be going through an extra switch or something
up_the_ironsmercutio: nah same switch
mercutio: how much higher are we talking about
mercutioabout 100%
err 50%
up_the_ironsso double? [14:10]
that's still like half a msec
--- 2607:f2f8:add0::1 ping6 statistics ---
29 packets transmitted, 29 packets received, 0.0% packet loss
round-trip min/avg/max/std-dev = 0.394/0.622/1.158/0.178 ms
that's old one
up_the_ironsyeah i don't think i'm gonna be able to do much about [14:10]
mercutioit may be ethernet coalescing setting
--- 2607:f2f8:add0::1 ping6 statistics ---
27 packets transmitted, 27 packets received, 0.0% packet loss
round-trip min/avg/max/std-dev = 0.696/0.928/1.821/0.263 ms
that's new one
up_the_ironsbtw, this recent UDP flood was targetting an IP on kvr26, and I recently used my new NOTRACK rules (that we talked about) on that host. Man, even with 1 Gbps incoming, shell over SSH to kvr26 was clean as a whistle, no delays at all.
up_the_irons is happy about that one
mercutiosweet [14:12]
staticsafeup_the_irons: nice [14:12]
mercutiomy beta kvm is on kvr27 isn't it? [14:12]
up_the_ironsmercutio: yup [14:12]
mercutiodoes that have notrack too? [14:12]
up_the_ironsmercutio: yeah looks like double
mercutio: try IPv4, not IPv6 though. IPv4 is hardware accelerated
soljup_the_irons: any specific target IP on kvr26? [14:12]
mercutioi first noticed it when thinking it was weird that gateway had much lower ping than the other vm [14:12]
up_the_ironsyeah kvr27 has notrack [14:12]
mercutioyeh well the ipv4 gateway is congested atm [14:13]
up_the_ironssolj: yeah, the target was identified as a single IP [14:13]
mercutioerr i mean pinging next hop is deprioritised [14:13]
soljsolj hopes it wasn't mine then :-/ [14:13]
mercutioand the ipv4 from the new vps goes through the first vm
so would need to contrast it against something
up_the_ironssolj: if you can still reach your vps, it wasn't you :)
mercutio: ah right
mercutiooh up_the_irons ... is kvr27 on 100 megabit atm btw? [14:14]
up_the_ironsyes [14:14]
well ipv6 performance to another host in los angeles was basically the same
up_the_ironscool [14:15]
soljup_the_irons: awesome, thanks! [14:15]
up_the_ironssolj: np [14:15]
mercutiooh, and your ethernet card issues on freebsd would probably be alleviated by Intel® PRO/1000 PT Server Adapter
they're standard pci-e cards
without the fancy stuff
err withotu the really fancy stuff
staticsafelatency to another LAX VPS from my arpnetworks vps - http://sprunge.us/iVFI
mercutioheh under 1 msec is nice static [14:17]
staticsafeyep [14:18]
RandalSchwartzwe interviewed the KVM guys today on FLOSS Weekly
pretty active chat room
mercutiothat sounds like a dentist magazine [14:19]
RandalSchwartzoooh, and the audio is already out [14:19]
up_the_ironsWebhostbudd: nothing on ipv6 changed btw. looping is a sign that my router can't see a route to you [14:19]
RandalSchwartzFLOSS = free libre open source software [14:19]
mercutiohmm [14:20]
RandalSchwartzmy podcast that gets about 50k downloads a week [14:20]
up_the_ironsmercutio: yeah after a bit of research i also found the PT card and NewEgg'd it already :) [14:20]
staticsafelatency over v6 is a bit higher cause the other LA host does not have native v6 and is using a HE tunnel [14:20]
mercutiois it audio only?
up_the_irons: oh cool
up_the_ironsRandalSchwartz: nice! i'll have to listen to that one [14:21]
mercutiostatic: he.net tunnels aren't likely to be that slow actually [14:21]
staticsafeit isn't [14:22]
mercutiofor just los angeles traffic [14:22]
up_the_ironsstaticsafe: nice traceroute! that VPS at Cyberverse is about 1 mile down the street, so yeah, pings are way low :) [14:22]
thats my friend's box with Chunkhost
mercutio: http://sprunge.us/iRTH
mercutioa lot of that latency's coming from the arp ipv6 router having higher latency
if i trace from another host it's 0.8 msec to that destination
although more hops
up_the_ironsgonna get some air
why is it so hot in LA now? It's almost november!
up_the_irons takes a walk
staticsafemercutio: interesting [14:25]
RandalSchwartzwelcome to global warming [14:25]
mercutioi'm listening to this web cast
about kvm
RandalSchwartztwit.tv/floss ? [14:26]
mercutioyeh [14:26]
RandalSchwartzyeah. that's what I sound like :) [14:26]
mercutioso kvm was made for windows [14:26]
RandalSchwartzno - there's a version of it for windows [14:26]
mercutiook this is too basic for me :) [14:27]
RandalSchwartzno - wait... we get deeper
I just had to give gradual overview
mercutioi skipped ahead :0
gah i need more coffee
the developer is hard to understand/follow for me
probably partially accent
RandalSchwartzYeah - they failed to follow our instructions about audio [14:28]
mercutioit's also partially i think cos of being a geek :) [14:28]
RandalSchwartzand they're israeli [14:28]
mercutiorather than public talker
ahh ok
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RandalSchwartzMy instructions are to have a mic that is no further than six inches from the mouth. they shared a single mic between them that was 2-3 feet away
that makes the sound very muddy
it reminds me of skype
but with skype you have feedback loop
i use skype on my laptop rather than desktop with some inbuilt mic
RandalSchwartzit *is* skype [14:32]
mercutioso it probably sounds terrible
oh real
RandalSchwartzyeah [14:33]
mercutioskype isn't great for audio quality [14:33]
RandalSchwartzit is if you have enough bandwidth [14:33]
i only have 1 megabit upload i suppsoe
RandalSchwartzin fact, it's better than nearly anything else [14:33]
mercutiobut i've never noticed skype being that great [14:33]
RandalSchwartzthe SILKv3 codec is amazing [14:33]
mercutioi find voip better [14:33]
RandalSchwartzbetter than G.729 [14:33]
mercutiovoip doesn't use g729
voip uses g711
or g722
RandalSchwartzuh - I have voip that goes 729
it depends on your clients
.. http://voip.about.com/od/voipbasics/a/voipcodecs.htm
mercutioyeh some people do voip with g729
g729 sucks
gsm is even worse
g729 is used in some call centres
that's why the music sounds terrible
jdoeer [14:35]
RandalSchwartzg729 on *good* bandwidth sounds great
I'll just let you keep digging a hole for yourself though
jdoewhat he said. [14:36]
RandalSchwartzI've been to astricon. I've hung out on vuc.me a number of times.
I've even had "the asterisk voice lady" make a promo for me for FLOSS Weekly. :)
jdoeI haven't, but I do have vanity commits in Asterisk, for whatever that's worth ;)
RandalSchwartz: that's pretty cool.
mercutiog729 isn't bad
but you notice it on music
gsm is bad
but g711 is only like 80kbit with sip
RandalSchwartz... http://soundcloud.com/randal-l-schwartz/allison-smith-floss-weekly
there it is
jdoemercutio: and when you only run one channel of voice, that's wonderful. [14:42]
mercutiowell if you run lots of channels you can get a e1/t1 cheap anyway
i use voip over adsl with single channel for my normal claling
it does depend on the client a bit
it's pretty good with my linksys phone
RandalSchwartzjdoe - have you seen https://www.tropo.com/home.jsp ? [14:44]
mercutioas long as you don't upload you're sweet without evne having qos [14:44]
RandalSchwartzthey have a develop-for-free setup... I have a couple of demo apps :) [14:44]
jdoeRandalSchwartz: heard of it, I use twilio though.
unfortunately I don't really have a business use for it, I just somehow scored ~$80 in credit, so I use it for personal things.
RandalSchwartztropo is more flexible, I think [14:45]
jdoecould be... same idea though, looks like. Programmable voice/sms stuff? [14:46]
RandalSchwartzbasically, it binds together any of POTS, VOIP, SMS, and Jabber.
along with voice recognition and menu systems
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jdoeah. Jabber is neat, I don't think twilio does that.
though nothing prevents you from writing some glue between twilio and jabber, I guess.
what do you apps do?
RandalSchwartz... http://www.quora.com/What-if-anything-separates-Twilio-from-its-competitors [14:57]
jdoethat top answer makes me cringe [14:58]
RandalSchwartzwell, the third answer down or so is interesting
tropo seems to be more of a glue
skype and AIM and twitter I forgot about :)
jdoethe Colin one? yeah. [15:00]
Leftywow, that guy's name is almost the same as mine [15:00]
jdoeRandalSchwartz: yeah that's reasonable. I dunno, I think if that was something I was super concerned about I might just DIY the glue bit... You've got me thinking about gluing twilio to my jabber bot now :P [15:01]
... but right now, I just use it for stupid shit.
like I can text myself a number, and it calls a script which prods asterisk to find me, call the number, and bridge.
RandalSchwartzcall (424) 235-1666
that was one of the demos, but it's still cute
..... (idle for 20mn)
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Webhostbuddup_the_irons: any idea why your router might not "see" my node?
up_the_irons: my ipv6 config is the provided config
up_the_irons: so I'm not really sure what I'm doing wrong here
....... (idle for 32mn)
brycecWebhostbudd: just a thought - try using a different address? Also might help if you provided your network settings file (pastebin, or whatever). [16:05]
Webhostbuddi actually did above
but ill repost
brycecThanks (too much backlog to sift through) [16:06]
Webhostbuddhttp://sprunge.us/UUaW [16:08]
brycecWebhostbudd: /128? Pretty sure you were given a /64
ifconfig_em0_alias0="inet6 2607:f2f8:a8e4::2/128"
Webhostbuddyea, but aliases should be a single host
in bsd
unless ipv6 is different than ipv4
brycecheh tbh never setup aliases on bsd
(well that's not quite true... I've done it on OpenBSD. But this isn't OpenBSD)
Webhostbuddbut i mean [16:10]
brycecRight you are, it would be given a 128 [16:10]
Webhostbuddi can't even connect to the original IP
the one with /64
brycecYeah I would recommend trying a different IP, just to test
eg ::2
Webhostbuddi did that before
didn't work
im pretty stumped
what's weird is that i can use ipv6 on outbound connections, but no one can connect to me
i even tried disabling pf, nothing
brycecbrycec puzzles for a bit [16:12]
Webhostbuddit looks like there is a loop in routing to my ip for new connections
which makes no sense
im baffled
brycecI can ping ::0
64 bytes from 2607:f2f8:a8e4::: icmp_seq=0 ttl=59 time=26.9 ms
you are the only person who can
from an HE tunnel
Webhostbuddno way....
no one else can
im soooo confused
it just loops
and hits max hops
brycecWebhostbudd: do you have any services open? [16:15]
Webhostbuddsuch as? [16:15]
brycec80, 22, something I can try and open a connection to? [16:16]
brycecdoesn't connect :/ [16:16]
Webhostbuddit should [16:16]
brycecso I must not be hitting you, or your traffic isn't making the return journey [16:16]
i just changed the ip
need to update sshd
brycecssh: connect to host 2607:f2f8:a8e4:: port 22: Connection timed out [16:16]
it won't
brycecnp [16:17]
Webhostbuddnow [16:17]
brycecstill nada, timeout [16:17]
but you can ping it?
traceroute hits HE, coresite, then you
I can ping you from my ARP vps too
my packets get stuck at a higher up router
13 2607:f2f8:0:102::1 (2607:f2f8:0:102::1) 99.083 ms 102.662 ms 103.600 ms
that's the last hop that works
brycecI don't even have that hop... [16:22]
that's probably why yours works
brycecand based on address, that would be one of up_the_irons' boxes [16:23]
it gets to the gateway fine
what's weird
is that requests to the gateway ip
don't go through that box
does chrome seriously not work with ipv6
now it routes
brycecYes CHrome does ipv6 [16:24]
Webhostbuddbut i can't type in the url
it tries to search it
brycecipv6 urls need to be in []
brycecsince the browser can't tell what port you're trying. [16:25]
good call
just for fun, Webhostbudd... do you have a link-local address on that adapter? (it should be assigned one automatically, just checking)
what's odd
is that it now magically responds to pings
it's not looping at that router anymore
brycecheh definitely some weird routing going on [16:27]
hmmm yep everything checks out okay on my end. I get responses from pinging your address, but absolutely no response if I try and ssh.
I'm stumped.
Webhostbuddme too
brycecI dare say that maybe the routing holes earlier were a red herring, but can't say for certain. [16:35]
Webhostbuddyea, who knows [16:36]
brycecWebhostbudd: do you see any hits from me in your tcpdump? [16:36]
Webhostbuddlet me see [16:36]
brycec(I've got a ping running on vps3)
If you don't see it, then I'm not really hitting you, and that would explain routing anomalies (and who the hell's IP do you have anyways) :p
Webhostbuddgetting the pings [16:36]
brycecdamn. GOing to try ssh now
tbh was hoping you didn't see the pings... would've made life simpler, problems would've been upstream of you.
ping timed out. retrying...
seeing them?
next test I guess - try hitting vps3.cobryce.com
ping or ssh
WebhostbuddPING6(56=40+8+8 bytes) 2607:f2f8:a8e4:: --> 2607:f2f8:a650::3
16 bytes from 2607:f2f8:a650::3, icmp_seq=0 hlim=63 time=3.072 ms
16 bytes from 2607:f2f8:a650::3, icmp_seq=1 hlim=63 time=1.152 ms
16 bytes from 2607:f2f8:a650::3, icmp_seq=2 hlim=63 time=1.137 ms
brycecsee your pings [16:38]
Webhostbudd--- vps3.cobryce.com ping6 statistics ---
3 packets transmitted, 3 packets received, 0.0% packet loss
round-trip min/avg/max/std-dev = 1.137/1.787/3.072/0.909 ms
brycecnow ssh?
looks like you made it
Webhostbuddim baffled by this
i get no ssh packets
getting lots of http packets
brycecWebhostbudd: traceroute says ICMP reach you, but NO tcp traffic does. [16:40]
Webhostbuddhttp is hitting [16:41]
brycec2 * * *
if you say so - I'm not getting it back
but then that might just be traceroute
Webhostbuddyes, my firewall should be rejecting too [16:41]
brycec(it's traceroute...) [16:41]
Webhostbuddbut if the firewall dropped the packets
you would just get losses
"set block-policy return"
so i would hope it's actually properly rejecting
try hitting me with ssh traffic again?
not returning
Webhostbuddgetting no dumps [16:43]
brycecimma try port 80... [16:43]
Webhostbuddwait, now i got some
16:42:50.583604 IP6 vps3.cobryce.com.47136 > 2607:f2f8:a8e4::.ssh: Flags [S], seq 3526079872, win 5760, options [mss 1440,sackOK,TS val 177719508 ecr 0,nop,wscale 6], length 0
16:42:53.582536 IP6 vps3.cobryce.com.47136 > 2607:f2f8:a8e4::.ssh: Flags [S], seq 3526079872, win 5760, options [mss 1440,sackOK,TS val 177720258 ecr 0,nop,wscale 6], length 0
16:42:59.582439 IP6 vps3.cobryce.com.47136 > 2607:f2f8:a8e4::.ssh: Flags [S], seq 3526079872, win 5760, options [mss 1440,sackOK,TS val 177721758 ecr 0,nop,wscale 6], length 0
super late though
brycec(once I install curl)
trying port 80
Webhostbuddis tcpdump super delayed
or is this router just having trouble?
brycecnope, never been retarded for me [16:44]
Webhostbuddbecause i get some packets
but they should up almost a minute late
and all sorts of weird shit
mercutiodo you get synack? [16:44]
Webhostbuddim getting nothing right now [16:45]
brycecso... traceroute6 -T on ARP got responses back from you Webhostbudd [16:46]
Webhostbuddnow it looks like it might be doing stuff [16:46]
mercutioi'll see if i can connect to your ssh port
can frmo arp
and can from another location
brycecgetting immediate connection refused now from Webhostbudd on 22 [16:48]
mercutioas well as a 3rd location, so i think it's working now?
oh maybe i'm connecting to wrong locaiton?
i was going to: 2607:f2f8:a650::3
Webhostbuddhmmm [16:48]
brycecmercutio: that's me
a8e4 is Webhostbudd
brycecsrsly though, both ARP and HE I get immediate refusals from Webhostbudd
mercutio: ::0
Webhostbuddnow it works
mercutio# telnet 2607:f2f8:a834:: 22
Trying 2607:f2f8:a834::...
like that?
it's not working
brycecmercutio: you typoed [16:50]
mercutioit's not even working from arp
oh e not 3
Webhostbuddoh my god [16:50]
mercutioSSH-2.0-OpenSSH_5.8p2_hpn13v11 FreeBSD-20110503 [16:50]
Webhostbuddi think i just found out whaty it was
brycecWebhostbudd: eh? [16:51]
mercutioworks from 3 locations [16:51]
Webhostbudd2607:f2f8:a9e4:: [16:51]
brycecWebhostbudd: another dead hooker clogging the Internet pipes? [16:51]
mercutiowhat was it webhost? [16:51]
Webhostbuddis what my dns records say
is correct
mercutiooh heh [16:51]
Webhostbuddholy [16:51]
mercutiowebhost typo'ed too
i think i misread between 3/e
Webhostbuddugggh ipv6 [16:51]
mercutiothe addresses aren't very memorable [16:51]
brycecThat doesn't make sense though... we're all haxing with addresses here. DNS shouldn't have played the slightest role in any of this. [16:52]
Webhostbuddoh god
all of my firewall rules are wrong too
they have the same ip
brycecoh well that could explain it some... though you said you'd tried disabling pf, so that should have ruled it out [16:52]
Webhostbuddyes, but i was using my domain name
to connect after disabling pf
and they were both wrong
C+P error
brycecmysterIES solved
/dcc Webhostbudd send beer
there there, it's okay
Webhostbuddhahah [16:53]
brycecup_the_irons: Webhostbudd's IPv6 woes solved. User error, typo.
up_the_irons: Bug report: IPv6 addresses are haaaard and easily goofed up.
and impossible to see
brycecI figure he'd appreciate knowing things are resolved... and how he could improve them. [16:54]
Webhostbuddwell, i wish non-existant hosts would not be available
but maybe a9e4 is something
at any rate, if that guy doesn't exist, then it should really give a unreachable error
that would have been a huge red flag
in pf
is there any way to do $prefix"2"
so it appends the string inside a rule
brycecbrycec doesn't know [16:58]
Webhostbudddarn [16:58]
..... (idle for 24mn)
jlgaddisheh, fyodor's girlfriend just gave me her phone number [17:22]
brycecI don't think it counts if it's written on the bathroom wall...
brycec couldn't resist... even though he has no idea who anyone involved is
"fyodor" is the pseudonym of the guy who wrote it
brycecheh I meant that I was talking smack about strangers, something I was raised to know better than to do.
regardless, lol
kraiguin the absence of those who raised brycec
kraigu smacks brycec
brycec:( [17:38]
kraiguhow about [17:39]
jlgaddisheh [17:39]
brycecMan... I want to name my kids "no middle initial" but I'd shorten it to just NMI... and nobody would understand [17:40]
kraiguor they would and hate the kid'd parents ;) [17:40]
brycecwell some people might... and I'd carry around cookies for those people. pretty stale I imagine. [17:41]
kraiguhaha [17:41]
jlgaddisjlgaddis masks your NMI [17:41]
kraiguhot [17:42]
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