#arpnetworks 2012-09-25,Tue

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***Ehtyar has quit IRC (Quit: Never look down on someone unless you're helping them up.) [00:26]
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plett_ is now known as plett [05:16]
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jlgaddisuh oh [05:31]
up_the_irons: ping? [05:41]
up_the_ironsjlgaddis: uhoh wut?:)
oh ah, kvr25
jlgaddisone vps dropped off the face of the planet, other was fine, so figured a physical host issue [05:42]
up_the_ironsjlgaddis: yeah, I got the page a little while ago, still investigating [05:44]
jlgaddis10-4 [05:45]
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Power Control Fault : true
looks like I gotta make a drive to push a button (and hope that's all it is)
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alexstanfordAm I the only one unable to connect to my VPS currently? [06:15]
josephbup_the_irons: is on his way to fix kvr25
assuming you are on that one
alexstanfordSo, this is a known issue?
I am indeed.
Alright, thanks. I'll just sit tight. Any clue what the issue is?
josephbyeah, about 30mins ago he was paged [06:17]
jlgaddisi got the first alert at 1227 utc [06:18]
alexstanfordScared me, almost thought some DNS changes I made late last night caused the issue but then when I got no response over SSH... [06:18]
jlgaddisso, ~51 mins ago. power issue apparently, alexstanford. [06:18]
alexstanfordWhat, like the PSU burnt out? [06:19]
josephb"Power Control Fault : true" is what up_the_irons posted in here earlier
I assume that's from ipmi or some oob management on th box
alexstanfordInteresting [06:20]
Hopefully it won't be down too much longer [06:34]
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up_the_ironsyeah, power control fault reported by IPMI
i have it powered up now, it is just starting the main OS fs checks
alexstanford: josephb jlgaddis ^^
toddfwhew, not my kvr host ;-) [07:52]
up_the_ironsit's like server roulette
gotta love all the VM fs checks happening all at the same time... load skyrockets
230 days of uptime on kvr25, meh... kinda low for me
Power Control Fault : false
Now it says it is OK
I suppose it wanted to be truly powered down, even the PS and IPMI
cuz that cleared it
first time IPMI has failed for me regarding power.... lesson learned, I will configured the AP7932 to be remotely accessible now... ;)
outage reports sent [08:10]
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milkihehe [08:31]
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dzup has joined #arpnetworks [10:52]
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up_the_ironsugh... [12:24]
jdoeyep. [12:35]
qbitlugz [12:44]
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ServNick is now known as ryk
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alexstanfordIs kvr25 back down? [13:19]
toddfthere was a tweet suggesting more power issues
check twitter, you'll find most updated info there
up_the_ironslatest notice sent to customer on that box [13:21]
alexstanfordhttps://twitter.com/arpnetworks/status/250691321214410752 -- Shouldn't that have been done this morning? [13:21]
read the full history including more recent posts
alexstanfordI don't see any more recent tweets. [13:24]
poor kvr25
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LEMONedafter 2 days my ticket is not answered
what happened to arpnetworks?
toddfbe sure you didn't miss a response, I know I have [13:29]
LEMONedsupport used to be pretty good years ago [13:30]
toddfit still is. there are some issues with one system that are taking support staff's time (and sleep) at the moment. if I were you i'd be patient, but that's just me yammering. [13:31]
LEMONedlol. the live chat is funny. i typed in 'hello' and it went offline
toddf yea i understand. things happen
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segv has joined #arpnetworks [15:15]
segvup_the_irons: got a vm down, my wifes there any reports of vms down? [15:15]
up_the_ironssegv: yeah, kvr25 is down, see twitter.com/bsdvps for full log (or check your email, assuming it is not on the vps itself ;) [15:16]
segvroger that [15:16]
yeah, got the email
didn't see it till just now
weeee...! there goes the VMs coming up
got some new hardware for it?
***flotwig has joined #arpnetworks [15:26]
segvleast you guys got a machine online haha
I am about to face smash this macmini5,1 into the next dimention
jlgaddisdeep-thought.evilrouters.net ( is UP again at 09/25/2012 06:27:38PM, after 3h 8m of downtime.
w00t, thanks garry
sites backonline
also means I fixed all my django start scripts haha
up_the_ironsjlgaddis: np!
segv: LOL
CaZePS died? [15:29]
segvhey, nothing like an outage to prove you fixed your shit
anyways, thanks duder!
up_the_ironsthanks for your patience guys... besides the host "mercury" failure a couple years ago, this was the hardest failure yet
segv: CaZe : All 8 HDs were swapped into a cold spare chassis and after some fiddling (MAC address, RAID ctrl number, etc... changes) booted up
so the hardware is all new except for the drives
milkiyay! [15:30]
up_the_ironsas for the old hardware, unknown what is wrong with it. that'll be a job for tomorrow ;)
i suspect probably power bus or something. i have redundant PS, so i doubt both failed at the same time. more likely the bus... which begs the question, why have redundant PS when the bus just craps anyway? bah.. fml
segvup_the_irons: haha yeah
I've had that happen before
try Verarri blade rack
when an entire BIC goes out :D
8 blades go "POOF"
Like "Why aren't they showing in the iLO"
up_the_ironsyeah man... this scares me to deploy blades now [15:32]
segvyeah it is [15:32]
up_the_ironsi'll buy a cold spare chassis, but man, what a waste of a chassis just sitting there.... and super expensive [15:32]
segvi had that happen at a previous job with 3 blade racks
yeah it is :/
up_the_ironsoh well, live and learn [15:33]
jlgaddisoh sweet, you fixed the broken feedburner stats too! =) [15:34]
up_the_ironswut?! [15:36]
segvhahaha [15:36]
up_the_ironsup_the_irons blows the smoke from his pistol [15:36]
mercutiosegv: that sounds even more painful [15:36]
up_the_ironsyeah, i'm that good [15:36]
segvmercutio: it sucks balls. [15:36]
up_the_ironssegv: so what, did like 24 servers go poof?
segv: and what brand was that? I'll know what not to buy...
segvCirrascale now

used to be "Verari"
CaZeJust out of curiosity, what's the uptime on kvr10? [15:37]
mercutioi've never heard of either of them :) [15:37]
segvI used them at qualcomm and a few other places [15:37]
up_the_ironssegv: AH [15:37]
jlgaddisup_the_irons: http://evilrouters.net/ see the little thing on the right with the number of rss subscribers? it's been broken for a week. [15:37]
up_the_ironsjlgaddis: HAHA and i fixed that?:) [15:38]
jlgaddisapparently =) [15:38]
probably cached or something stupid
man, how long have i been awake
jlgaddisthe pages get cached, but only for an hour, it's been consistently broken (known issue w/ feedburner) [15:39]
segvah [15:39]
up_the_ironslike, 30 hours... [15:39]
segvTIME FOR SLEEP [15:39]
up_the_ironsi guess that's not too bad
no no, what is worse is the last time I ate
segvfood then comatose! [15:39]
up_the_ironsthankfully, Philippe's is right around the corner (those familiar with downtown LA know what I'm talking about...) [15:40]
segvI do indeed.
I'm up in san fran
used to live in san diego
i know from SD->LA->SF
I'm dealing with this error at work "Initramfs unpacking failed: junk in compressed archive" right now
They want debian on mac mini's and of course me being the engineer
jlgaddishrm, need to visit the stinking rose again [15:44]
up_the_ironssegv: hah [15:52]
segvup_the_irons: yeah this is quite shit [15:52]
mercutioyou could prob use a kernel with no modules
err with no initramfs
segvmercutio: it's a sandybridge macmini ;) [15:53]
up_the_ironssegv: good luck :) [15:53]
mercutiohmm [15:53]
segvhaha yeah
My brain is like "HAH, have fun..." but my boss is like "Get it to work"
mercutioi struggled for ages the other day to get xen and X to coexist [15:53]
up_the_ironssegv: think of it this way, you could be me right now... [15:53]
segvI have no hope for it.
the fubar is, the initrd image isn't corrupted
mercutioand oen of the problems wasn't even xen [15:54]
up_the_irons30 hours no sleep.. and now about to rush order more spare parts (since my spare is now used). wonder if dual spares is cost effective... [15:54]
mercutioin that ubuntu seemed to break usb support somehow
must only be on some hardware. but was sandybridge computer, should be pretty normal
segvup_the_irons: well eat some food, order some hardware, sleep for 30 hours :) [15:55]
mercutioup_the_irons: 2 of everything!
umm you could do the thing of having one big spare ?
jlgaddisTO THE CLOUD!
oh, wait
mercutioso that it has more ram / can take more hard-disks, and two nodes could exist within it
midn you, that makes it much harder to just get another spare
jlgaddissounds sexual [15:56]
mercutioand keep the machine booted
to the SAN!
***amdprophet has quit IRC (Ping timeout: 260 seconds) [16:00]
up_the_ironssegv: mercutio : LOL good idea
mercutio: about eating, that is... ;)
mercutio: one big spare wouldn't work really well b/c these things have to be pretty trivial to "script" and replace. if things are identical, it makes it a lot easier.
OK, food time, then check support tickets again, then sleep in the tech lounge downstairs... ;)
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segvco-worker babbling ona bout his iPhone 5
damn thing hit 62mbps
jbergstroemthats insane [16:09]
we busted out like
a sprint 4g phone, 2 verizon 4g phones
and another 4g AT&T phone
NONE of them hit that
mercutioit's not like people use phones for calling each other anymore :/ [16:10]
pjshah [16:10]
segvyeah [16:10]
jbergstroemmeanwhile in australia, my provider congests to a point that traffic to US (read: the world) tops at 10kb/sec [16:10]
pjsI'm loving the iPhone 5 so far [16:11]
mercutiojberg: have you tried a vpn? [16:11]
jbergstroemmercutio: no [16:11]
mercutioi've got a friend who moved to australia, frmo new zealand, he said the internet over there is shit
and people generally say the internet here isn't that great
jbergstroemshit is actually nice in this context [16:11]
mercutioapparently all the providers started having huge caps and congesting beyond belief
400k/sec on torrents and shit
i get about 400k/sec on my phone
and about 80 msec pings to local sites
jbergstroemyes, thats correct. i think all bandwidth on that cable is used. some providers doesn't overcommit, though [16:13]
mercutioheh whatever provider he was using had HUGE pings
it certainly wasn't telstra endeavour
the latency is about 150 msec from sydney normally isn't it?
but some providers are like 180 and some are like 200?
jbergstroemoptimal australia<>usw is 150ish
here's me downloading a 10mb file (gnu.mirrors.tds.net/pub/gnu/gnu/glibc/glibc-1.09.1.tar.gz) hourly since thursday: http://pastebin.com/T7L5Up5a
on 3g?
jbergstroemadsl [16:17]
mercutiowtf [16:17]
jbergstroem2+ [16:17]
mercutioit's very inconsistent too
what are your pings to that site like?
jbergstroemchicago is ~230 [16:18]
mercutiooh that file is tiny
# curl -O gnu.mirrors.tds.net/pub/gnu/gnu/glibc/glibc-1.09.1.tar.gz
% Total % Received % Xferd Average Speed Time Time Time Current
Dload Upload Total Spent Left Speed
100 1653k 100 1653k 0 0 442k 0 0:00:03 0:00:03 --:--:-- 569k
that's frmo new zealand
jbergstroemwell as stated above, its basically fighting within providers for room [16:19]
but yeah why i brought up latency before
is 3g here isn't proxied
and the combination of the two REALLY screwed up international speeds
then i used a proxy
and it was similar to adsl speeds
adsl 1 that is
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