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up_the_irons: nixbag: nice nick ;)
-: up_the_irons is playing around with Gentoo
nixbag: up_the_irons: ty :) stands for the two things i love most. *nix OS's and footbag.
up_the_irons: nixbag: LOL!
nixbag: makes sense!
nixbag: <--- pinkus
up_the_irons: nixbag: yeah i could tell from your IP ;)
nixbag: haha, you hacker.
up_the_irons: No installer in Gentoo; LOL, you have to get down and dirty. love it
nixbag: i just recently tried the arch install method. my first time having to chroot to get a system bootable.
i'm a ways from trying gentoo :)
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nixbag: freebsd is nice so far, but i'm still more familiar with linux right now.
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nixbag: i'm moving back to cali in a month or two.
up_the_irons: nixbag: nice!
nixbag: so you tried archlinux?
nixbag: up_the_irons: yeah that's what i have on my home desktop at the moment.
up_the_irons: SpaceDump: not sure if you noticed, but we're part of the NLNOG RING now :)
nixbag: oh nice, how do you like it? is pacman a good package manager?
nixbag: up_the_irons: pacman itself is nice, but i've run into a circular dependency problem on day 1.
up_the_irons: so it's maybe not quite as good as apt.
up_the_irons: it also lacks many packages, but things like abs (kinda like ports/portage) and AUR make up for it.
SpaceDump: up_the_irons: I saw the mail. Great! :D
up_the_irons: SpaceDump: :)
nixbag: ah cool
nixbag: up_the_irons: i still prefer apt and will probably go back to debian in a month.
up_the_irons: nixbag: apt is alright; somewhat messy but it is practical. i hardly ever have problems and updates take seconds.
nixbag: up_the_irons: have you ever used dwm or i3 window managers?
LT: the thing that bothered me about arch last time I tried it is none of the packages are signed
up_the_irons: nixbag: no, i've used: fvwm2, wmii, and (currently) xmonad
LT: no signed packages?? dang
nixbag: LT: yeah arch is bad at security.
up_the_irons: well, jeez
nixbag: i think arch is just a 'use at your own risk' distros with emphasis on minimalism for desktop use.
up_the_irons: how can i make a template for arch if I don't even know the files I'm getting are legit
nixbag: up_the_irons: i wanted to try xmonad, i have heard nothing but good things about it.
up_the_irons: nixbag: been using it for years now; it's the shiznitz
nixbag: i'll give it a try. it's gotta be more convenient to configure than dwm
but i am at work now and tomorrow, so i have to wait until saturday.
up_the_irons: have you gone to any concerts lately?
up_the_irons: nixbag: lol, actually configuring xmonad involves writing Haskell; so, "convenient" is relative
nixbag: no, been way too busy; i even missed Maiden in august, and that's like the first time in 8 years
nixbag: oh haha. with dwm you need to edit the config.h in the source, thenr ecompile.
up_the_irons: nixbag: what about u?
nixbag: then recompile*
up_the_irons: yeah, xmonad is a recompile too, but it's very quick
nixbag: last concert i was at was maiden when they were at the Forum.
which was a good many years ago.
up_the_irons: whoa
i was there too
too bad we didn't coordinate!
i was in the pit, where for the first time i saw many people just trying not to get killed
nixbag: haha wow
up_the_irons: the forum pit is brutal (way too big). the pit in irvine is way better (very small)
not enough people too push or trample you, lol
nixbag: yeah i'd hate to get trampled.
up_the_irons: have you heard of a company called Cerner?
up_the_irons: nixbag: no
nixbag: they do programming training, and i think they do a lot of medical programs.
there are a few of them in cali, and even one here in missouri.
might be the easiest way for me to get a foot into programming.
i've used the most popular medical programs that i think they work on.
up_the_irons: nixbag: oh that's a nice angle
nixbag: so i know the software from the user perspective.
maybe hospitals don't use linux because there is no linux equivalent software.
and if there isn't, that could be a huge opportunity.
up_the_irons: nixbag: you should talk to jpalmer, he manages IT equipment in hospitals
nixbag: hospital IT is definitely another interest for me :)
but i have to build up some experience first.
up_the_irons: yeah
nixbag: what does entry level entail nowadays?
network+ certification? or higher?
for hospitals, i would guess microsoft certification. havent seen any hospitals that don't use windows.
up_the_irons: nixbag: no idea
anyone know a good sFlow collector for Linux?
LT: inmon traffic sentinel but it's $$$
up_the_irons: i c
LT: though if you're only collecting from a few devices it might not be too bad, it's once you jump to the unlimited device license the cost rockets iirc
you could try qosient argus - sflow support in it is relatively new and I haven't tried it, but it works for other things
otherwise it's possible to use sflowtools to translate sflow to netflow and use various netflow frontends
up_the_irons: ah interesting
i just wanna play around with sflow on my foundry switch
never had a switch have hardware sflow that didn't require an expensive add-on card ;)
LT: didn't you get some extreme stuff as well? thought they all did hardware sflow
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up_the_irons: LT: i do have one extreme switch i got a while back. never looked into the sflow on it. perhaps you're right
i have the X350
LT: I know the X450 does, so would be surprised if the X350 didn't, but I couldn't say without looking it up. see if show sflow does anything
up_the_irons: success
s6.lax.1 # sh sflow
SFLOW Global Configuration
Global Status: disabled
LT: ^
dang, nice
mercutio: there's meant to be a sflow to netflow convertor
jlgaddis: i wrote some sflow -> mysql stuff when i was at the .edu, dunno if i still have copies of it or not
nixbag: up_the_irons: time to wrap up my shift then head home. i'll come by here more often :)
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kraigu: up_the_irons: if you do go with sflow -> netflow, I can't recommend nfdump and netflow-indexer enough
I use both of them daily, so nice.
https://github.com/JustinAzoff/netflow-indexer and http://nfdump.sourceforge.net/
you might find talk of flow-tools; it doesn't support ipv6 and its language is kind of nice but also kind of weird anyway.
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fink: freebsd is the king of nixes
segv: meh
I say netbsd on my gamecube was
but then again netbsd runs on pretty much anything
fink: segv: that sounds awesome
milki: gamecube -.-
segv: haha
fink: i have a gen1 xbox, what should i do with it?
segv: Install everything you can on it till it breaks
jdoe: throw it away?
fink: i want a practical purpose
jdoe: doorstop.
segv: cat annoyance device?
jdoe: fill it with lead and make a boat anchor.
segv: have a cd tray eject every Nth minutes
fink: jdoe: i like the concept of giving life to old electronics, rather than sending it to a landfill
milki: i have a gen1 xbox too, the dvd drive is broken -.-
segv: "damn
I had my desktop do that
milki: if you can install xbmc on it, you wont need the dvd drive
segv: had a webcam aimed at my desktop and watched my cats try to destroy it
milki: LOL
segv: I got one of those cool 2-way webcams
was like 80 bucks on newegg
milki: ugh
i hate that foscam model
segv: Why?
milki: the software was so kludgy
fink: segv: works with freebsd?
segv: milki: ah what did you replace it with?
milki: it has its own web interface for controls
we didnt
it was for a project
segv: ah
milki: so we just cried and used perl to access the api
segv: haha
Perl shouldn't make you cry.
milki: nope, but the api does
segv: haha
I have many API's that make me cringe.
Like googles Adwords SOAP api :(
RandalSchwartz: if the answer is SOAP you asked the wrong question :)
fink: hi RandalSchwartz
RandalSchwartz: hey
segv: haha
milki: soap was cool for a while
fink: RandalSchwartz: finally back, you are
RandalSchwartz: yeah, I keep forgetting to join this channel when I'm back from having left. :)
fink: could really have used your help a couple months ago, when my zfs on root upgrade hosed the boot blocks on my vps
or, you could update your blog…
milki: lol
so much demand for RandalSchwartz
segv: haha
what happens when you're RandalSchwartz
fink: i guess your life is like a constant gangnam style music video
RandalSchwartz: I update G+ now
and it flows to twitter and facebook
segv: yay
RandalSchwartz: I have about 19k followers on G_+
segv: I love that, get to update everything w/out having to update it everywhere on your own
RandalSchwartz: oh - only 18k
fink: pshaw, peanuts
i have 18K
segv: I have hmm
I barely use google plus
well I barely use social media in the first place
fink: segv: it's ok to be a recluse
segv: well, i'm not a recluse, just have nothing useful to say
I'm a systems engineer by day, lazy mofo by night haha
kraigu: fink: it's cheating if they're the pornbots
fink: segv: so, what are your friday night plans?
segv: Sleep.
fink: kraigu: SHHH
segv: tron marathon in the basement?
segv: But, being in san francisco
RandalSchwartz: ... https://plus.google.com/photos/114918475211209783081/albums/5790660769668722321/5790660771634129586
segv: I should go do something
fink: segv: SF? omg you could actually LARP tron!
segv: yes, yes I could.
I've seen hack the planet reenacted (the phonebooth scene) before.
That was ridiculous
Don't get a bunch of drunk infosec people together....
kraigu: they have to be drunk?
segv: not always
but its definitely funnier when they are
kraigu: nah
fink: kraigu: it's better when they are, or at least you are
kraigu: just YOU hav... yeah
a state of being I aspire to
segv: I am still hungover from last night x-x
kraigu: this week has been one of those months
fink: RandalSchwartz: i +1d you
not that you'd notice, with your legion of followers
segv: kraigu: Indeed it has
RandalSchwartz: yeay!
segv: sore throat fail, i haven't been able to kick this cold for a week and a half
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fink: segv: go running, then bundle up, take a shitload of nyquil, and sweat it out while you sleep
in the morning, you'll be drenched, but it will be gone
also, drink a lot of water
segv: i've been chugging water like i've been standing under a waterfall
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segv: What would you guys recommend over cacti, I have about 40 switches I need to monitor bandwidth on
jdoe: nagios?
... or mrtg, depending on what you mean by monitor bandwidth...
milki: why does sweating help?
segv: milki: it causes the body to expel the toxins in your system
andol: segv: I would say that you might want both mrtg/cacti as well as nagios.
segv: Already have nagios up and running not a big deal
guess i'll go the cacti route
just wondering if there was some new simpler tools out there, looking at bandwidthd right now
twobithacker: segv: Observium
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segv: ah
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Lefty: segv: also, collectd+graphite is so nice
up_the_irons: kraigu: ah, tnx for the netflow suggestions
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up_the_irons: RandalSchwartz: segv : is the G+ syndication to FB and Twitter built into G+ or a 3rd party app?
RandalSchwartz: 19k followers on G+?? I didn't know G+ even had that many members ;) OH SNAP..
milki: lol
i thought everyone with a google account has a g+ account
up_the_irons: segv: what do you want to monitor on those switches? Just bandwidth?
we use cacti over here..
but we don't have 40 switches (however, we do have hundreds of vlans)
segv: do you vlan off every machine?
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henderb: segv: I believe there is one vlan per customer
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segv: ah cool
pjs: Yea.. each client has all their instances on a private vlan.. which is pretty awesome
andol: Nice indeed!
segv: that's badass
had no clue, but that rocks
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jdoe: lol
(at sweating, toxins etc)
sweating doesn't help directly, raising your body's temperature helps to kill bacterial shit (see also: fever)
you can't sweat out a cold :P
RandalSchwartz: up_the_irons - my autoposter has many steps :)
first, I had to look up the google API... found one for "search public posts"
then I got a G+ API key
then I wrote a pipes.yahoo.com recipe to perform the search and provide an RSS feed.
then I feed that into twitterfeed.com, which knows how to post to twitter and facebook.
that last part I could have used ifttt.com instead
but I've used twitterfeed for far longer
up_the_irons: segv: indeed, the others speak the truth
segv: haha
well yeah, I manage my wifes vps with you guys :p love this setup
up_the_irons: RandalSchwartz: oh i c
segv: :)
RandalSchwartz: if only G+ had continued providing the RSS feed directly... :)
dr_jkl: mmm it's my birthday on monday :/
idk what to do
RandalSchwartz: get older!
segv: dr_jkl: sleep.
It helps with age.
up_the_irons: lol
segv: I am 27 and sleep feels like this all amazing thing i've been missing for a few years now
dr_jkl: i'll be 28. :p
ive contemplated whoring out my amazon wishlist, but i doubt anything would ever come of it
mike-burns: I went to a rave in a warehouse in Brooklyn for my 28th birthday. I recommend it.
There was a unicorn.
up_the_irons: lol
jdoe: http://fashionindie.lookbooks.netdna-cdn.com/wp-content/uploads/2010/04/exterface_unicorn_03.jpg <-- did it look like that?
mike-burns: I wish.
up_the_irons: oh no that's just wrong
dr_jkl: heh, i can't do stuff like that
mike-burns: http://goo.gl/eLSB8 - it looked like this.
dr_jkl: the wishlist or the unicorn?
oh the unicorn
that's a hore with a party hat!
horse lol
phlux: upgraded my laptop to 8gb of RAM today
pretty happy
i actually got this laptop in a bind when my old one went south..i wasn't planning on keeping this thing long, but i've kind of fallen in love with it, heh.
lenovo thinkpad edge
picked it up for like $300
(brand new)
jdoe: I just bumped mine to 8gb today too.
dr_jkl: lol,
the ssd in my laptop is worth more than the laptop
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phlux: dr_jkl: i'm thinking of doing that exact same thing
but at least the ssd can travel with you when you move laptops
my ram probably won't
i mean, it's ddr3 now, but by the time i get tired of this thing/it breaks, something else will be out
dr_jkl: is it socially acceptable, near one's birthday, to whore out a wishlist on social media and see what happens?
phlux: yes
someone will definitely see it and be like "thank god, i was wondering wtf i was going to get him"
been there many times
dr_jkl: eh most people who know me irl dont know i have a twitter or a facebook
phlux: that's the only reason i have a twitter/fb
dr_jkl: i'm probably going to get lots of angry birds. at work i have many angry birds, they call me the angry bird girl
mikeputnam: dr_jkl: what make/model of laptop? do you run OpenBSD on it?
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dr_jkl: uh
it's a cheap $300 lenovo running ubuntu
mikeputnam: <3 lenovo
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kraigu: up_the_irons: np. :D
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dr_jkl: arg
-: dr_jkl shakefist
mnathani: Anyone have any domain suggestions for a site covering a wide array of technical topics?
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dzup: mnathani, elaborate?
milki: o, mnathani wants a good name
isnt there a website that does that for you
it takes all the businessy web words and smashes them together
something like that -.-
mnathani: dzup: looking for a domain name I can register and pretty much what milki said
jlgaddis: i'll sell you mine for $25,000
milki: hehe
dzup: i paid 25k if your is facebook.com
dr_jkl: lol i pissed some people off a while ago
i own testdoma.in, tempdoma.in, and exampledoma.in
the only one i want to sell nobody has emailed about :(
jlgaddis: which one?
dr_jkl: justbetweensisters.com
jlgaddis: yeah, can't say i have a good use case for that one
unless it involved porn
dammit, you've got me looking at domains and the adwords tool again
dr_jkl: hah