#arpnetworks 2012-09-01,Sat

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***gcw has joined #arpnetworks [01:00]
up_the_ironsWebhostbudd: roger that, no problem. more servers left for me to play with... ;) [01:06]
i wouldn't mind doing a template install of a freebsd zfs box though
even if i never used it
although the directions are dead simple to follow
..... (idle for 22mn)
up_the_ironsWebhostbudd: i keep wanting to do that myself actually... what are the best directions now? i have an old link i think [01:29]
Webhostbuddpretty simple

that is my favorite one
up_the_ironsoh wow, even optimized for 4K drives [01:31]
Webhostbuddalways [01:32]
up_the_ironsnow, if you just have a "regular" drive, not 4K optimized, will the 4K alignment have any negative effect, or will it just not matter? [01:33]
it just means that the smallest filesize will be in 4k increments
so it could take up a little more space
setting up the zfs volume is tedious, but could easily be scripted
up_the_ironsyeah [01:38]
......... (idle for 40mn)
mercutioup_the_irons: you're meant to align to 1mb now days
up_the_irons: for partitioning. as some ssd's have bigger than 4k, and storage is a lot bigger than it was.
oh that was ages ago :)
up_the_ironsmercutio: ah ok. so that is why i see ubuntu 10.04 and debian 6 root fs starting at 1MB instead of 32kB [02:20]
mercutioyeh [02:20]
up_the_ironsthat screwed up my scripts for a bit until i figured it out... ;) [02:20]
mercutioit's a pita if you delet a partition table and recreate
but if you use the dos compatibility mode you can work around that
up_the_ironsyep, i learned that the hard way... ;) [02:20]
mercutioit took me at least an hour to figure it out i think
after tryin cfdisk, sfdisk etc etc
up_the_ironsfortunately, parted, instead of fdisk, makes it pretty easy to work with that [02:21]
mercutioyeh parted wants to handle resizing on it's own etc though i think
which reminds me i still haven't done anything with the extra space on my vps :)
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***sako has joined #arpnetworks [03:11]
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Ehtyar has joined #arpnetworks [04:16]
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up_the_ironsmercutio: parted can be used w/o its resizing feature; i don't use it. i prefer simply to modify the partition table manually and then run resize2fs [05:00]
......... (idle for 41mn)
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qbitholy [07:16]
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k3asd` has quit IRC (Ping timeout: 264 seconds) [08:12]
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sako has joined #arpnetworks [09:29]
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fink has quit IRC (Quit: fink) [10:06]
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hive-mind has joined #arpnetworks [12:01]
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Ehtyar has joined #arpnetworks [15:19]
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jbergstroemDoes anyone in here use pingdom on a arpnetworks site? Would be interesting to read/compare to my current provider [22:55]
.... (idle for 18mn)
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