#arpnetworks 2012-08-15,Wed

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mercutioup_the_irons: centos's fastestmirror is kind of unreliable
i think it tries lots in parallel
both of those other chosen ones are pretty close
even better than accessing BIOS over serial -> Playing tetris before boot! http://www.coreboot.org/File:Coreboot_libpayload_tint.png
mercutiodoes coreboot work on kvm? [00:32]
up_the_ironsi imagine it should be able to
it works with qemu
it should work then
i was really interested in the idea of coreboot in it's previous name
but never had a suitable motherboard..
dell poweredge 1850 is wip hmm
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mercutionot that i'd want to run one of those at home
but if drac works with coreboot..
wow google is doing sandybridge in coreboot
up_the_ironsyeah [00:38]
mercutioFortunately Google is going with Coreboot as opposed to dealing with the crippling UEFI situation on Linux.
that's wonderful news
i'd rather coreboot progress than uefi
that said uefi isn't a terrible step
what i hate about recent computers, is ahci still takes ages to scan hard-drives
in linux often the parallel scanning gets disabled
i'd rather an option to enable it
but if it just does that scan once it's not nearly as bad.
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up_the_ironsfinally got the fucking new box to pass traffic to VMs.. shiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiit
this is me:
# We want VLAN tagged packets to be passed to interfaces of a bridge
# The default appears to be 1 on Jaunty, but 0 on Lucid
net.bridge.bridge-nf-filter-vlan-tagged = 1
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every time i migrate a VM to a new host, I am still amazed
it's like transplanting a brain into a whole new person
this is old, but i'm finding it quite interesting: http://serverfault.com/questions/27397/sync-lvm-snapshots-to-backup-server

anyone have experience with ddsnap or lvmsync ?
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toothI dislike ubuntu for that. defaults constantly changing
and no, but I wish I had. I've only needed LVM snapshots
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jpalmerup_the_irons: I regularly see arpnetworks for all 3, base, updates, extras.
up_the_irons: as for the move to kvr02.. I don't fault you or ARP in any way. if you verified the configs are the same, same kvm/libvirt and such, and others were able to install successfully, I would see no reason to assume it's something specific to a host.
with that said, I'd be interested in seeing if you created a new centos6.3 guest on kvr13.. if it'd actually work or if it was somehow isolated to my vps/account/$other
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arenlorAnyone know of a good place to test up and down speeds along with general latency? [13:53]
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finkarenlor: speakeasy speedtest? [14:13]
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arenlorfink: Cool thanks. Should help some. [14:37]
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up_the_ironsjpalmer: yeah, once i get the templates ready i will try it on kvr13 :) [16:37]
milkiup_the_irons: wiki link in topic should be removed ya? [16:37]
up_the_ironsmilki: i'm gonna put it back up
milkioo [16:41]
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up_the_ironshot off the press, some coupon codes for August: http://www.webhostingtalk.com/showthread.php?t=1183050 [19:37]
whoa, looks like they took it down, wth [19:43]
jdoeSTOP SPAMMING [19:50]
up_the_ironsOK, maybe this one will last: http://www.webhostingtalk.com/showthread.php?t=1183053 [19:50]
jdoeam I missing something, or is "special #1" just the stock plan ;) [19:52]
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mercutioof course most of us prob already have accounts :) [19:57]
jpalmerjpalmer tries to use a coupon for next months service [20:03]
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mercutiooh you can do that?
i just want a higher gig cap, not that i go over it
but for peace of mind and all
jpalmerno, you can't do that :P [20:09]
mercutiomm, adobe are doing an open source font
open source fonts tend to suck
jpalmeradobe products suck more.
jpalmer goes to bed
mercutiowell a font either works or doesn't work [20:14]
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kraigutoo late to add WHTBONUS20? ;) [20:20]
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milkiwhat coupon?
scrolled up
i need an account?
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jpalmerkraigu: I don't see any disclaimer about it being for new customers only! I want WHTBONUS20 too! :P [20:47]
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jpalmerwhat I really want, is to hit the florida powerball tonight. if I get the 320million, I'm buying my own server at ARP :P [20:48]
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finkjpalmer: can you get me one too [20:53]
jpalmerfink: sure, why not. I'll just pay Garry to quit his job, and work for ARP fulltime. automate some things.. and get everyone in here a dedicated server :P [20:54]
finkwoo! [20:54]
jpalmerlol [20:54]
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jpalmerfink: let me warn you, I spent a whole $2, to try for the 360m, so.. I wouldn't get my hopes up TOO high. ;) [20:54]
finkhaha [20:54]
jpalmerI honestly don't think I'd go nuts if I won big money. I enjoy my job, so I wouldn't quit.. (I might buy the company though!) I wouldn't buy some insane car or house..
I'd probably build a new barn though.. that'd be about $40,000. and maybe get my existing house painted.
milkio, limit 1 coupon -.- [20:56]
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finkjpalmer: i have sooo many investments opportunities for you, when you hit the jackpot [20:58]
kraigujpalmer: it's a deal! [20:59]
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finkhow do you get dovecot2 to listen on a particular interface?
keep getting: doveconf: Fatal: Error in configuration file /usr/local/etc/dovecot/local.conf line 57: Unknown setting: listen
so it's not "listen"…apparently
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mnathaniup_the_irons, would it be possible to add WHTBONUS20 to my existing VPS or would I have to order a whole new VPS? [21:51]
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up_the_ironsjdoe: it is a long running special now, so it may seem stock at this point :)
jpalmer: it is not just for new customers (hence no disclamer), but it is for new orders
jpalmer: oh and for the record, i *am* working on this fulltime; quit my job about 45 days ago :) Now we have updated templates (FreeBSD/ OpenBSD) and I've been doing quite a bit of work on the new dedicated server line (sold two through word of mouth)
im guessing you dea with standard supermicro hardware?
up_the_ironsmnathani: the coupons apply to new orders only [23:59]
mnathanican I cancel my current VPS and order with the new coupon? [23:59]
up_the_ironsi'm not made of hardware, guys... ;) [23:59]
Webhostbuddhahaha [23:59]

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