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*** | pjs has quit IRC (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
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mnathani | Is it me, or is the pricing for adding another core to my VPS not on the website? | [15:08] | |
Webhostbudd | do you really only get one core? | [15:14] | |
fink | i thought it was a shared thing | [15:20] | |
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up_the_irons | mnathani: $2 per core | [16:13] | |
mnathani | thanks, up_the_irons | [16:23] | |
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up_the_irons | mnathani: np! | [16:45] | |
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arenlor has quit IRC (Ping timeout: 260 seconds) Arenlore has quit IRC (Ping timeout: 244 seconds) | [16:52] | |
mnathani | Just curious about the dedicated options, do any of them come with hardware RAID controllers? Also is the standard port 100mbit or gig | [17:03] | |
up_the_irons | mnathani: hardware raid is available for $30 additional (It would be a 3ware 9650SE-4LPML). Port is gig unless you opt for the 100 Mbps unmetered option, in which case the port is 100
jpalmer: FYI mnathani has CentOS 6.3 loaded up w/o troubles, in case you want to exchange notes... | [17:15] | |
mnathani | If I go with hardware raid, it would be transparent to the OS, is that right? | [17:19] | |
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jdoe | ... ish.
you see the array as a drive (or several drives, depending on how you carve it up), but you can still poke at it with tw_cli | [17:28] | |
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up_the_irons | mnathani: it's transparent, but you can manage it with tw_cli, like jdoe said
cd $food | [17:45] | |
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*** | phlux has quit IRC (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
mike-burns has quit IRC (Read error: Connection reset by peer) nestea has quit IRC (Read error: Connection reset by peer) twobithacker has quit IRC (Read error: Connection reset by peer) mike-burns has joined #arpnetworks ChanServ sets mode: +o mike-burns twobithacker has joined #arpnetworks nestea has joined #arpnetworks phlux has joined #arpnetworks | [18:35] | |
jpalmer | mnathani: ping | [18:38] | |
mnathani | hi there jpalmer | [18:40] | |
jpalmer | hola
so, you have centos 6.3 installed, and no issues? | [18:41] | |
mnathani | yup | [18:41] | |
jpalmer | did you have to do anything special for the install? I keep running into issues with a pretty vanilla install, where yum errors out/cores and I occasionally get glibc malloc errors with various random tasks | [18:42] | |
mnathani | I used what up_the_irons gave me via email as a boot / kernel parameter | [18:42] | |
jpalmer | the clock=pmtmr thing? | [18:42] | |
mnathani | pmtmr divider=10 | [18:43] | |
jpalmer | clock=pmtmr divider=10
(I also add "text" to that, but that shouldn't affect anything other than the initial install) | [18:43] | |
mnathani | Here is what I got in the email copy/paste:
If you have any trouble installing CentOS, try passing the kernelparams "pmtmr divider=10" to the installer Some have reported theyneeded this (but not all). | [18:44] | |
jpalmer | oh.. hmm.
I'll try that now. I've been adding "clock=pmtmr" so maybe that's where I'm goofing. | [18:44] | |
mnathani | While installing I went into options and added pmtmr divider=10 to whatever was in there with a space | [18:45] | |
jpalmer | and to be clear, from a fresh install, you can do a full "yum update" without errors? | [18:45] | |
mnathani | worked fine earlier, doing it now again, there are like 5 packages that are updating | [18:46] | |
jpalmer | ok, well.. I'll reinstall right now, and see what happens. (it'll be so much nicer if I can use ARP instead of EC2 for my puppetmaster!)
The vps is also my irc host. so, I'll be back shortly. | [18:47] | |
mnathani | I am in screen and dont know how to scroll up so here is the bottom part of the update http://pastebin.com/M1MjTqyJ
Good luck! | [18:48] | |
jpalmer | cntrl+a ]
hanks for the info. I must have misunderstood garry while working through this. I'll let you know in a few if I was successful. | [18:48] | |
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jpalmerz has joined #arpnetworks | [19:13] | ||
jpalmerz | mnathani: still around? | [19:13] | |
mnathani | I am | [19:13] | |
jpalmerz | reinstalled twice. both times, I edited the boot option and added " pmtmr divider=10" to the end of the boot paramaters.
same error, both times. mnathani: are you using 32 or 64bit? and is your vps setup as an 'Ubuntu VPS" in your portal details? | [19:14] | |
mnathani | 64 bit
Should be Ubuntu under the portal as well | [19:15] | |
jpalmerz | all I can figure, is something *has* to be different for me. either I'm goofing up, or the vps is provisioned slightly differently, or I'm on a host with a newer/older kvm that my OS doesn't like, or something.
would you be interested in watching me install via something like showmypc, and see if I'm doing anything insane compared to you? | [19:16] | |
mnathani | sure, just give me 15 min | [19:17] | |
jpalmerz | ok. btw, I appreciate this. I've been trying to get CentOS 6 to work, since the day 6.0 was released to GA
do you happen to know which KVR host you are provisioned on? | [19:18] | |
mnathani | VNC Server: kvr02.arpnetworks.com
not sure if that means if I am on 02 though | [19:19] | |
jpalmerz | it does :) | [19:19] | |
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fink | is 02 where all the cool kids are hosted? | [19:27] | |
jpalmerz | must be, I'm on 13 :P | [19:28] | |
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up_the_irons | jpalmerz: mnathani : fyi, all hosts have same kvm/qemu version
i try to keep things as close to identical as possible | [19:55] | |
jpalmerz: pm me the vps uuid you're trying this on and i'll compare the VM config to mnathani's | [20:01] | ||
mercutio | i'm on kvr15
you must have had yours longer than me :) i got a network timeout the other day :( i think my network driver is still dodgy | [20:01] | |
jpalmerz | up_the_irons: give me a moment, he's watching the install. just had an oddity I'll /msg you about | [20:02] | |
mercutio | em0: watchdog timeout -- resetting | [20:03] | |
up_the_irons | mercutio: that happens from time to time | [20:06] | |
mercutio | up_the_irons: it's not regular
it's happened once | [20:06] | |
up_the_irons | mercutio: then you're fine :) | [20:06] | |
mercutio | but i thought i'd stopped it happening at all
once since the ram upgrade | [20:06] | |
up_the_irons | i haven't noticed it stop. it's not a ram thing, it just happens on openbsd for some reason | [20:07] | |
mercutio | still it's disconcerting
it happened more frequently before that's one of the reasons i tried upgrading kernel etc | [20:07] | |
up_the_irons | it tends to happen more with more network traffic | [20:08] | |
mercutio | yeh
that was my feeling and there's probably more random traffic now 15:08:43.029042 > 53371+ [1au] TXT? fasecodestresser.co.cc. (51) like that 15:08:43.029254 > icmp: udp port 53 unreachable actually that would have been there before anyway omg they keep trying that address again and again i'm advertising a /24 through you and yet i get more traffic to my vps ip tryng to do dns lookup when it's returning unreachable | [20:08] | |
up_the_irons | ah | [20:11] | |
mercutio | # cat txt-lookups | grep 15:11:13 | wc -l
28 it's not that bad i suppsoe # cat txt-lookups | grep 15:11:12 | wc -l 45 it's all the same address and i don't have opendns at least i don't thikn i have open dns :) yeh does't seem open Choopa, LLC CHOOPA-NETBLK05 (NET-68-232-160-0-1) - GameServers NET-68-232-169-0-24 (NET-68-232-169-0-1) - i think choopa is who hosted some of thoe file sharing sites | [20:11] | |
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jpalmerz has quit IRC (Quit: Page closed) | [20:44] | ||
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jpalmerz has joined #arpnetworks | [23:49] |
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