#arpnetworks 2012-06-26,Tue

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b1k3ryd3rhey all [05:35]
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rykup_the_irons: i know this doesn't pass your bullet test, but i think it comes pretty close.
in regards to the SAN/NAS we talked about a couple weeks back.
this is what i'm considering doing here: a supermicro twin, with no disks in it, using only one node, with an HBA to an external JBOD.
http://www.provantage.com/supermicro-sys-6027tr-d70rf~7SUP932P.htm + a jbod
HBA's in both.
if one node fails, just plug the jbod and bootable usb disk into the other node
BOOM "Medium Availability"
kraiguif I start getting marketing emails talking about "medium availability services", can I blame you? [12:54]
ryki'm going to design a robot arm that will detect a failure and move the cables over automatically and boot up the alt node
then it will be called "Almost High Availability"
toothI used a cdrom as an arm once. I had it turn on another machine at home.
machine1 basically just had to eject, and it would slide out and hit a button
rykdo you have pics of such apparatus? [12:56]
toothno. long time ago. although i should have taken pics [12:56]
kraiguI suggested an arm for our machine room
I had nice IP KVMs and such, but the only way to swap physical media was to trot upstairs
toothhook up a cd disc changer. :-)
(some assembly required)
kraiguhaha. easier to trot. [13:17]
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jdoekraigu: get less garbage-y machines that let you mount virtual media.
if the follow up is "BUT THIS WAS 15 YEARS AGO", I don't care, invent a time machine and see above.
it was
jdoetwo words: time machine. [14:37]
kraiguhush now
6 years ago
toothalready invented. this is as far back as I can go with my current time crystals [14:37]
kraigubut the machines themselves were yeah, 15 years old
tooth: invent better time crystals
jdoe: you've seen my former workplace :(
jdoetooth: bring more time crystals back with you in the time machine imo. [14:39]
tooth: use the time machine to go FORWARD, get better time crystals, then go BACK 15 years
er, 15 years relative to now
jdoe: now that I think of it, 15 years ago I was freshly-convocated and wondering wtf I was going to do with the rest of my life, given I'd already excluded a masters degree...
the idea of running back and forth swapping CDs in shitty hardware would have appealed
jdoe: screw you for bringing back sad memories :(
jdoetooth: Today I was trying to explain to a girl why Montreal is nice.
unfortunately my pitch is usually "MONTREAL WOMEN IN THE SUMMER."
"it has an NHL team"
jdoeso I totally drew a blank. [14:42]
toothjdoe, I was about to say that actually
ps. it's summer here.
kraigubut unless they know that already, then it's irrelevant info. [14:42]
jdoeps. I hate you.
pps. Not really, mostly just jealous.
toothwalking around with a permanent hardon, p'much [14:43]
kraiguppps. Not really, entirely just jealous. [14:43]
toothmy brother's comment on that matter, is that you never have to turn your head aroudn to get a better look. There;s another hottie within site! [14:43]
jdoenon, c'est juste une banane
haha, true.
kraigujdoe's bilingual everywhere it counts.
qu'est-ce que... mauvais tabernacle, ma banane est pourri
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qbit_CaZe: 471 is the # on my OEPharos [14:46]
tooth"tabarnac" [14:46]
kraiguoops [14:46]
CaZeWow, they've sold a lot. [14:46]
kraigumy real education in the french language was entirely spoken, and at the hands of Acadians [14:46]
toothi have near zero. [14:47]
CaZepoutine [14:47]
toothis all you need to know [14:47]
kraiguno, I think jdoe covered it
if you want poutine, just point to the menu :P
toothah. but which poutine [14:47]
point to somebody who's ordered the kind you want
also, it comes in different kinds?
yes, but pretty much anything other than the standard is blasphemy.
jdoe hates on pulled-pork poutine
kraiguI'm not fond of the whole idea in the first place [14:50]
jdoestuffing poutine is pretty tasty, apparently. [14:50]
kraiguwhat does the stuffing replace?
or is it just added on?
stuffing, cheese, gravy?
jdoewell, and fries. [14:51]
kraigu(feeling vaguely nauseous just thinking about it)
oh, so it's just added on
jdoeright. [14:51]
kraiguwell, you solved ONE problem for me. I no longer desire supper. [14:51]
jdoeright, you desire stuffing poutine. [14:51]
kraiguI think my feelings towards stuffing poutine can most accurately be described as do NOT want. [14:51]
toothmore for me! [14:52]
kraigujdoe: I have another pro for Montreal. not only purty ladies, but you can find Fin du Monde cheaper and more readily than most anywhere else in .ca. [14:52]
and in a corner store
kraiguso you can sit on the patio, enjoying the scenery, self-propelled, female [14:53]
toothwhich have walk in coolers in the back for cold beer [14:53]
jdoecalisse de chien sale anglo... [14:53]
kraiguwell, I can find Unibroue here readily enough, if I want to go shopping. but nowhere that has a patio has it. [14:53]
jdoekraigu: I can find fin du monde cheap here :P [14:53]
kraigujdoe: but not Montreal women. [14:54]
toothkraigu, plenty do, actually
i see it often
kraigutooth: nowhere HERE that has a patio has it. [14:54]
toothOh. "here"
jdoetooth: he's in a different here :P [14:54]
kraiguhaha [14:54]
jdoeontario = dildos. [14:54]
kraigusrs. :( [14:54]
toothi missed the different here
ugh. you're in onterrible?
kraiguI wouldn't say you "missed it" bra
born here, escaped, and stupidly returned.
I'm addicted to things like "regular paycheques" though.
jdoeyou actually managed to 'escape' a step down :P [14:55]
toothI have that here [14:55]
kraigujdoe: Alberta's a step down from Ontario? [14:55]
jdoeyou were in Alberta? I thought you went the other way. [14:55]
toothdepnds on which part of ontario [14:55]
kraiguON -> AB -> NS -> NB -> NS -> ON [14:55]
jdoeah. yeah you fucked up. [14:55]
kraigunot like I had much of a choice about the first version of NS, I was 10 [14:56]
toothwow [14:56]
kraiguI own everything after that though :(
tooth: well, I work in academia too, which I also like, so my options in QC would be somewhat limited. most smaller schools don't do what I'd want to be doing, so my only choice would likely be McGill.
when you apply that many constraints.. jobs hard to find.
toothah. yeah.
i can see that.
kraigualso I have a significant other of the female persuasion, and convincing her to move would be... difficult. [14:59]
toothespecially jdoe's selling point [14:59]
kraiguhaha. she doesn't mind if I LOOK. I just can't TOUCH. [14:59]
tooth"there's hot chicks there!..... wait. why are you packing your bags" [14:59]
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jdoekraigu: mcgill or concordia, I guess.
I dunno, not like UQAM, ETS, or the polytechnic are tiny either :P
kraiguthey aren't research institutions.
also, je ne suis pas francophone
jdoewho cares if they're research institutions? [15:31]
kraigunon-research institutions tend also not to have security groups :P
when they do, the sorts of things I like to do... seem to not be a priority.
I don't want to be the antivirus log-reading bitch.
jdoewhat, mail windows admins and tell them snort caught a virus?
woooo :P
kraigu>:[ [15:32]
jdoe(burn) [15:32]
kraigukraigu builds a pile of cardboard boxes
it would be really, really nice if what you say wasn't actually a chunk of my time.
jdoedon't worry, I won't tell you know who :P [15:38]
kraiguyou know who already knows :(
you actually prompted me to have a look at our incidents so far this year. now I'm depressed, screw you.
jdoelol [15:40]
kraiguthankfully I have beer in the fridge at home!
it's not fin du monde, but it will get the job done.
only half are malware though.
at least a couple of those were from AV logs or self-reported, not from Snort!
up_the_ironsryk: HBA ? [15:53]
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jpalmerup_the_irons: ping
up_the_irons: meant to tell you about this the other day, and got busy/sidetracked: http://www.openbsd.org/ftp.html#rsync
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gcw|mbpro has joined #arpnetworks [19:55]
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