#arpnetworks 2012-06-19,Tue

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***Ehtyar has quit IRC (Quit: IRC is just multiplayer notepad) [00:32]
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LT has joined #arpnetworks [01:17]
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HighJinx has joined #arpnetworks [09:50]
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up_the_ironsphlux: jpalmer : which Lenovo? and why not the Vaio? [13:11]
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phluxup_the_irons: Lenovo Thinkpad Edge 15. I didn't see a Vaio (I think I got this during a wootoff)
2.5 Ghz AMD Turion II (yeah, yeah, it's AMD, but it is 2.5 Ghz..) only 2GB of RAM, but I can expand it to 8 for $80 at crucial.com, and I plan on getting a solid state drive for it soon
up_the_ironsphlux: nice, let us know what you think of it after it has more miles [13:30]
phluxInstalling Arch Linux on this thing now. Didn't even boot into the Windows preinstall. [13:30]
up_the_ironshaha [13:30]
phluxup_the_irons: Will do. For an out-of-the-box first glance judgment, this thing is fantastic. It feels very solid, the keyboard is incredibly quiet, and despite only aving 2 GB of RAM, it is quite responsive.
And even though the one I got is solid black, it is actually very aesthetically(sp?) pleasing. I'll throw up some pictures a little later on.
up_the_ironsand I don't hate on AMD, I'm actually building an AMD-based VM hosting box to experiment with possibly replacing my Intel-based setup (on future servers). With AMD, the procs are cheaper, with more cores, and use less power. [13:32]
phluxExactly, up_the_irons.
I feel the same way.
up_the_ironsnice [13:32]
phluxI just get judged a lot for using AMD. [13:32]
Zetashow DARE you use AMD
Zetas judges phlux
up_the_ironsyeah, a buddy of mine that runs Syminet also said that a lot of customers didn't want to order AMD dedicated servers, so he had to go with Intel. strange stigma. [13:33]
phluxlol Zetas [13:35]
Zetas:P [13:35]
phluxIt is kind of crazy amongst the *nix community. I remember in the '90s, AMDs were all the rage amongst most *nix users. [13:35]
up_the_ironsyeah [13:35]
Zetashonestly i couldn't care less, i got used to buying intel's and im familiar with the relationship of performance to model so its easy [13:36]
up_the_ironsi can't get over this one MB (1TB of max RAM and up to 64 cores!!!): http://www.supermicro.com/Aplus/motherboard/Opteron6000/SR56x0/H8QG6-F.cfm [13:36]
phluxI'll have to look once I get X up and running, hehe [13:37]
and the pricing isn't all that bad; less than $900 for that MB, then pop in the RAM and procs (which, at that density, would be hella expensive, yes, but it is possible :)
phluxWho are you colocating through currently?
Our of curiosity
Out, too
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up_the_ironsphlux: we have our own cage at CoreSite (900 N. Alameda St, Los Angeles)
phlux: I like to think that we do the colocating, not the other way around ;)
toddfup_the_irons: is there a reason why there is no option to utilize the kvm monitor command 'system_reset' ? just 'not implemented yet' ? [15:12]
up_the_ironstoddf: what function does that one do? acpi graceful reboot? [15:13]
toddfit is the equivalent of hitting the reset button on a pc, the kvm process remains running, but the e.g. vnc connection would not be severed
to do the equivalent today, we have to 'poweroff' then 'poweron' .. which severs both vnc and serial connections in the process
arguably 'poweroff' + 'poweron' is required for reprovisioning new diskspace/mem/etc but 'system_reset' is a more graceful way to say 'guest os is wedged, lets reboot the hw'
up_the_ironstoddf: yup, you're right [15:17]
toddfjust a random question I've been pondering w/out asking for way too long. another useful button for when wanting to reset the system and boot the cdrom and not have the race between 'poseron' and 'tell vnc app to reconnect' [15:17]
up_the_ironsand the reason is, our version of libvirt doesn't expose that function
Connecting to uri: qemu:///system
error: Failed to reboot domain devil3
error: this function is not supported by the hypervisor: virDomainReboot
^^ see :)
toddf: i'm sure libvirt _now_ supports it, but it didn't back in the day
toddfheh. somehow I thought you were making raw tcp connections to the qemu monitor port via a maintenance vlan and could just add the command to the ssh menu and/or control panel's php code that does raw tcp connections .. obviously I'm guessing wrongly about how things are done under the hood ;-) [15:18]
up_the_ironsbut yeah, i don't like that race either (and I do it a lot, so i'm good at it ;) Once I get libvirt updated for self-managed ISO purposes, I'll implement that reboot support (and if I don't, remind me :) [15:19]
toddfand of course there is stability to think of so no expectation of upgrading anytime soon ;-) [15:19]
up_the_ironstoddf: way back when i first set up my architecture, i considered doing the raw tcp connections and basically managing everything with all home rolled scripts, but decided the cost / benefit wasn't there. libvirt simplified things a lot, gave a sense of future proofing (like if I changed or added a different VM technology), and was reasonably stable and easy to work with
that abstraction layer was worth it
toddfI'll trust your judgement, you have a rock solid hosting solution, will try to remember when the libvirt upgrade occurs ;-) [15:22]
up_the_irons:) [15:22]
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Yamazaki-kun has joined #arpnetworks [15:56]
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up_the_ironsman, the pricing on redis hosting is ridiculous
can't believe what they charge for "MB", MEGS!!!
i should offer a turn redis hosting solution...
phluxMan..I could not be happier with my laptop purchase. [17:43]
phluxI can't believe the wifi worked out of the box
some Realtek card
up_the_ironshaha [17:44]
phluxKDE runs flawlessly on it too. Surprising, since I only have 2GB of RAM in it at the moment
All animations are done without jumpiness and whatnot
up_the_ironssweet [17:44]
phluxHuge improvement from my Dell Inspiron 1521 [17:45]
up_the_irons: you guys offer colo services? [17:56]
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up_the_ironsphlux: yup
we're pretty low on space at the moment though
phluxroger that [18:16]
up_the_ironsphlux: basic pricing is $150 per 240W. i don't care about rackspace (U's) anymore, within reason. power is always the limiting factor these days. [18:25]
phluxRoger that, up_the_irons. Do you guys to dedicated servers, too, or just colo? [18:27]
jpalmerphlux: what OS? [18:29]
phluxjpalmer: Running Arch Linux locally
Might've made a mistake at only giving my "/" partition 7.5GB though, heh
jpalmerphlux: which model laptop? lenovo what? I'm considering a new laptop for CentOS [18:30]
phluxjpalmer: Lenovo ThinkPad Edge 15
Model #: 0302A22
jpalmerif you try centos 6, let me know if wifi works out of the box :P [18:31]
phluxHaha, roger that
I'm willing to bet it will. I can't believe this Realtek card worked like it did
up_the_ironsphlux: we are actually introducing a dedicated server line: http://irclogger.arpnetworks.com/irclogger_log/arpnetworks?date=2012-06-06,Wed&sel=19#l15
phlux: as soon as my hardware arrives...
(which could be a while cuz it is on special order)
mhoranEverything is a special order for up_the_irons ! [18:49]
up_the_ironslol [18:49]
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mhoranTotally missed that in the backlog, but that's awesome. [18:50]
up_the_ironsmhoran: :) [18:50]
mhoranNow if only I could get one of those in NYC. ;)
When I was at Livestream we were looking at http://seamicro.com/

They are pretty awesome.
Trying to get a Pivotal client to invest in that for our CI. Tough to justify the $200k price tag!
Though, the time sunk into running the test suite could justify it.
It takes about 6 hours to run all the specs in the app. The cukes take even longer.
up_the_ironswow, ,WOW
that's a lot of tests :)
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mhoranYeah the specs are like, 21k or something. [18:52]
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HighJinx has joined #arpnetworks [19:10]
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phluxjpalmer: Not sure how much this matters to you, but the webcam on this laptop works out-of-the-box as well. I didn't have to do anything to configure it. [21:04]
phlux: I'm considering the lenovo edge series, so it does matter
phluxjpalmer: Aye, I have had 0 issues with anything so far. Two finger scroll works, the middle mouse button works (there's one built into the touchpad buttons) [21:06]
jpalmer*nod* but, Arch is a bit more modern than Cent ;) [21:06]
phluxjpalmer: Very true. I wonder what kernel you'd be running with CentOS? [21:06]
jpalmer2.6.32-220.4.1.el6.x86_64 [21:07]
3.4.3 here
jpalmerI'll have to make sure I order from some place with an awesome return policy. ;) [21:08]
phluxLenovo themselves have a good return policy, I believe.
Good thing I didn't have to return - I hear woot is terrible with that sort of thing.
Oh, and the "Windows 7," sticker that was on the chassis was removed with ease, and no residue :P
jpalmerlol [21:09]
phluxIt honestly looks like an iPhone
It's black with a grey binding going around it
jdoephlux: and I'm sure you can list the many many improvements between those two kernel versions...
ah, that's what I get for being a dick, in the specific case of (non-server) hardware support, it actually does matter
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***Ehtyar has joined #arpnetworks [22:09]

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