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CMz: Hello, my Internet cut out last night because I forgot to pay the bill. I paid the bill and got it turned back on. Now, I'm at my school, on my laptop and when I use the wireless Internet here, and try to open Internet Explorer and visit google.com, a page from my ISP pops up saying my service has ben disconnected because of bill pay
My question is... I'm not on my ISP connection, I'm at school on their wireless connection. How do I get IE to stop forwarding me to a "your service has been disconnected" page hosted by my ISP?
I've erased my history, etc, rebooted.. it still comes up
RandalSchwartz: stop using IE, perhaps :)
mike-burns: CMz: This is a support forum for the arpnetworks.com VPS host.
CMz: I know, i figured someone here might now
mike-burns: Ah. Well in that case: stop using IE.
CMz: well, I'm just curious what my ISP put on my computer that makes it forward to their website
This is a fairly new computer, nothing installed on it
mike-burns: Check your /etc/resolv.conf for anything suspicious there.
And netstat -rn
kraigu: or they've installed some kind of pseudo-malware BHO
I'm no expert at finding those though, so no advice to offer. :P
CMz: hehe i wouldnt doubt it
kraigu: I'd go with ye olde "use a different browser" as mike-burns suggested
CMz: im using Firefox also, i just wanted to get whatever off there, that is on there, if it is some sort of spyware or something
can my ISP really install software on my computer, without my permission? just by being on their cable network?
kraigu: sure, same way malware authors do it
although it's pretty dirty
FF works ok though?
if so, sounds like a BHO rather than them jiggering with DNS
I know my own ISP does or has catch DNS queries in flight
but if I'm not on their network, that obviously doesn't work
CMz: hrm
kraigu: they used it to redirect NXDOMAIN to their own custom Yahoo search page, drove me bonkers because then my browswer thought the domain actually existed, and kept it in history
CMz: ya i dont like then contorlling my dns records
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jpalmer: I *hate* when places hijack NXDOMAIN responses.
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kraigu: jpalmer: thankfully, they seem to have stopped
jpalmer: I liked and used opendns until they started doing it.
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CaZe: Maybe they just set your homepage.
kraigu: he's gone now ;)
phlux: woot charged me twice last night
and now paypal has a hold on the refund -_-
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jpalmer: phlux: did you orer the vaio?
phlux: nope - Lenovo
jpalmer: oh, right.
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qbit_: oh hai lteo
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lteo: qbit_: hello :)
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