does anybody know the function that allows me to directly read and write to the nic memory? I have used raw sockets in the best and I am trying to get more low level into the command/function that actually is responsible for reading and writing to nic's dma memory. And which function is directly responsible for sending a packet at the lowest level. Apart from make my own driver program.... I am on linux. curious if any body knows for sure... I have been looking thru the linux source and I am going in circles trying to find it best --> pas basically what is the function that takes care of the outb , outw ,...port writes to the command registers/control registers motherbrain: I think you misunderstand the purpose of the channel ;) we're a support channel for the customers of ARP Networks.. sorry no worries. you may want to try one of the mailing lists for the networking development on one of the linux distros do you know of a mailing list or site where I can get a hold of who might know how to answer this