kbeezie: You get thousands of IPs for free with IPv6. :P true true but sometimes you jsut need another IPv4 since not everyone has an IPv6 tunnel (SSL certs and what not for browsers that don't have SNI compatibility) I can't move ISP, because this is the only ISP in Australia that has dual stack. So I'm getting raped price-wise by this ISP. I don't want a tunnel. lol Though with money the way it is, I may have to... I don't know any ISP here in michgian (US) that has dual stack other than for businesses but least at home I use the free IPv6 tunnel with he.net was eyeing arpnetwork due to KVM and cuz I want to run freebsd, I just signed up for bitcable's 256MB (8/month) kvm plan just to see how they are before I consider just using arpnetworks I'd run it myself, but can't do freebsd on openvz I'm just running Linux on mine. DDevine: have internode turned super expensive? DDevine: well if I wanted to run linux I'd just use my own VPS hosting I do :D G: yes. They raised prices and slashed download limits. At least on Naked. kbeezie: I needed full virtualisation, that's why I moved off OpenVZ. Though I don't need that anymore, I stay here because it is so hassle free. DDevine: ha, just looked at the pricing, Naked is more expensive than ADSL+Phone No it isn't. It's almost the same price though. 200GB $79.95 Naked, $79.90 Bundled, sure it's 5cents, but every cent counts :P Actually, you're right, but it depends what you're comparing. acutlly, those crafty buggers have updated the plans without emailing me. Devine: they put your price up without telling you? yes and no. Were probably going to be sharing with people again soon so price won't be as big of an issue. Devine: sharing? Devine: btw what were you needing full virtualization for in the past? wb Devine house Lol @ twitter. eh you having network problems devine ? kbeezie: I don't know why, but I am. curious what country of origin most of the arpnetwork staff are from whats' a typical turn around time after ordering (course taking into consideration it is sunday) kbeezie: usually one business day :P I'd thank the guest for their answer if they didn't scurry away :D :P nice, got an email saying it'll be ready in 5 mins :D kbeezie: that guest was me. ;) irc client wigged out and I didn't notice it when I answered you well least arp understand security the first host I had that doesnt allow root ssh login by default that's probably more a difference between linux and BSD. most linux distros allow root ssh by default. most BSD's don't true last time I used FreeBSD was when I had a dedicated server (and I missed FreeBSD when I had to cancel that) yesterday I signed up for Bitcable , course they didn't have freebsd iso so had to get it, no templates, you install yourself, etc got their 8/month 256MB one to try out, but course it was 10mbit uplink as well (they don't tell you on the site, just that their 'nodes' have 1 gbit) so figured, might as well try arp, so far they seem to be the better deal but it's nice to find a VPS host aside from rootBSD that actually understands BSD setups I think arp caters to BSD. though, linux is an option ;) my fustration started when I signed up with turnkey cuz they advertized FreeBSD 8.2 with the 75% off for life sale, only to find out their version of Xen-HVM is not compatible and that they never had anyone ask for FreeBSD before all my customers are linux :/ I provide openvz VPSes, (hence you can see the reason for no BSD) noticed they had 8.1 at arp, but I get a message that 8.2-Release is gona be end of life in 2 months :P time to be updatin :D you can ask ARP to mount any ISO image you want.. or you can freebsd-update / build world well right now I'm attempting to do a -r upgrade to 8.2-Release mainly letting it replace everything except for the hosts settings arp installed debating 9.0-RC3 though since it wont be long before they release. release :D but yea got that email, logged in, setup passwords, created a new user, deleted the other one, yada yada :D and it's fast... for a VPS, ARP seems to have some of the best disk IO I've seen. they're using raid-10 arent they? I'd suspect. but don't know for sure. :P guess the only thing better would be SSD and Raid10 :D meh. SSD.. nowhere near as reliable as magentic disks yet. I'll take the reliability over the speed any day ;) besides, if they used SSD.. your prices would skyrocket :P odd didn't consider SSD being less reliable (ie: solid state vs moveing/degratting platters) unless course certain SSDs can fail after so many 'flips' I wonder how many 'cores' I can utilize I know the boxes are said to be dual-quad ahh single core "hw.ncpu: 1" , QUEMU virtual "You may order additional CPU cores for $2.00 USD" seems like 2 would normally be a good starter... keep in mind, just because the vps only see's one, doesn't mean the underlying hypervisor can't allocate more as needed. we shall see :D just doing updates and portsnap fetching at the moment though normally nginx will take advatange of mroe than 1 core if it's present (ie: if I use 2 workers on 2 cores) jpalmer: ... I thought KVM dind't use a "hypervisor" s/hypervisor/platform/ I'm a vmware guy, myself. jpalmer: ... compiling ports is slow on 1 core... slower than the cheapie 2-core 256mb one over at bitcable I've noticed that some things are ususually slow for reasons I can't figure out. pip/virtualenv is sluggish.