according to lsof -i -n -P I have establised one connection to ie But Chicken doesn't show me the panel. Does anyone here have access to the panel with osx? use Chicken of the VNC tunnel it over ssh what panel are you referring to? netea, plain chicken is better. not sure what you mean "Chicken" is an updated and documented version of cotvnc ah ok can you see the panel w/o ssh? I dunno what panel you are talking about thats what I sue use* do you have a link for the other one? yes I'll look it up and be right back. ty I can't copy and paste but you can find it from there. awesome thanks same screen QEMU you see when you ssh with cotvnc. I saw it a few times but now I can't get to it. so are you on osx? yes well it can be done but not by me. sorry I'm really not getting you.. do you want to connect to the serial console? I will have to go to it and see it's correct name. brb ok I remember it's the Out of Band facility. yes that refers to VNC access, generally.. Which osx do you run? erm :S what are you trying to do with your vps? I still have no idea trying to see what you see with cotvnc I can't see that url I see my boot screen if it has just rebooted or I see a terminal screen if its booted I don't think you are supposed to see anything on there.. yes I can't see those with chicken or cot but once I could. I'm not sure really I never get out of the chicken menu. you put the info in the VNC app with the port number and the password so many times I remember them is :S snow leopard? no its an IRC emoticon :P lol I'm so rusty. Well I fixed a fire alarm that woke me with 3 hours of sleep so maybe I'll take another rest on this :appropriate emoticon bye what's going on? I don't seem to be affected, though Ok cool. Just need to nudge UpTheIrons... Whew. wtf is wrong with ipv6 this is getting really annoying ^ up_the_irons: what's the deal? ah up_the_irons is here, I expect that's why it's now fiex. fixed* Thanks IPv6 DoS? That's the first I've seen... up_the_irons: Cool! I kinda suspected that, looks like I'm right. What time is there for you up_the_irons? up_the_irons: Yeah! Crazy. Interesting nullrouted, I assume? DDevine: about 8:30PM phlux: smashed packets on the floor I went to howl-o-scream the other night. some of the lines were 85+ minutes, and kids were dropping catsup packets ont he ground so people would step on them O: I guess they weren't planning on cleaning up :P