#arpnetworks 2011-10-04,Tue

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***DDevine has quit IRC (Quit: Konversation terminated!)
DDevine has joined #arpnetworks
..... (idle for 22mn)
tigerpaw has quit IRC (Quit: purrr) [00:54]
LT has joined #arpnetworks [01:00]
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DDevine has quit IRC (Ping timeout: 258 seconds)
DDevine has joined #arpnetworks
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koan_ has quit IRC (Ping timeout: 258 seconds)
bitslip has quit IRC (Ping timeout: 240 seconds)
bitslip has joined #arpnetworks
koan has joined #arpnetworks
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DDevine has quit IRC (Quit: Konversation terminated!)
DDevine has joined #arpnetworks
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ariel has quit IRC (Quit: ZNC - http://znc.sourceforge.net)
ariel has joined #arpnetworks
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R496 has quit IRC (Ping timeout: 260 seconds)
R496 has joined #arpnetworks
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hien has joined #arpnetworks
hien has quit IRC (Client Quit)
hien has joined #arpnetworks
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DDevine has quit IRC (Quit: Konversation terminated!)
DDevine has joined #arpnetworks
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heavysixer_ has joined #arpnetworks
ChanServ sets mode: +o heavysixer_
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hien has quit IRC (Quit: leaving) [07:11]
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DDevine has quit IRC (Quit: Konversation terminated!)
DDevine has joined #arpnetworks
DDevine has quit IRC (Quit: Konversation terminated!)
DDevine has joined #arpnetworks
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DDevine has quit IRC (Quit: Konversation terminated!)
ziyourenxiang has joined #arpnetworks
heavysixer_ has quit IRC (Remote host closed the connection) [08:15]
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ziyourenxiang has quit IRC (Quit: ziyourenxiang) [08:33]
heavysixer_ has joined #arpnetworks
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Tadaka has joined #arpnetworks [08:52]
LT has quit IRC (Quit: Leaving) [09:04]
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heavysixer_ has quit IRC (Remote host closed the connection) [09:23]
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HighJinx has quit IRC (Ping timeout: 245 seconds) [09:45]
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tigerpaw has joined #arpnetworks [10:11]
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HighJinx has joined #arpnetworks
HighJinx has quit IRC (Client Quit)
HighJinx has joined #arpnetworks
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heavysixer_ has joined #arpnetworks
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Guest71365 is now known as pjs [10:59]
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boba has quit IRC (Quit: boba) [11:51]
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heavysixer_ has quit IRC (Remote host closed the connection) [12:58]
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heavysixer_ has joined #arpnetworks
ChanServ sets mode: +o heavysixer_
heavysixer_ has quit IRC (Remote host closed the connection)
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_id has joined #arpnetworks [14:30]
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Tadaka has quit IRC (Quit: Computer has gone to sleep) [14:48]
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EhtyarWRK has joined #arpnetworks [15:10]
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ariel has quit IRC (Quit: ZNC - http://znc.sourceforge.net)
ariel has joined #arpnetworks
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hsbt_away is now known as hsbt [16:05]
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pjsis anyone else having trouble with this file? http://httplib2.googlecode.com/files/httplib2-0.6.0.tar.gz (it's only 60K).. can you download it? I can from my laptop but from any vps on rackspace or any vps on arpnetworks I get 403 Forbidden... wtf? [16:56]
.... (idle for 16mn)
jlgaddis2011-10-04 20:24:13 (567 KB/s) - “httplib2-0.6.0.tar.gz” saved [53800/53800]

there ya go
..... (idle for 24mn)
pjsjlgaddis hehe, thx.. but this is part of a deploy process.. so the 403 is an issue
jlgaddis was that from your ARP vps?
mirror it locally on one of your own servers?
.... (idle for 17mn)
pjsjlgaddis yea I'm going to have to do that.. but using buildout for the process and its such a pita to work with. so I got my work cut out for me [18:04]
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ChanServ sets mode: +o heavysixer_
niner has joined #arpnetworks
niner has quit IRC (Quit: Leaving) [18:16]
....... (idle for 34mn)
HighJinx has quit IRC (Ping timeout: 258 seconds) [18:50]
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heavysixer_ has quit IRC (Quit: heavysixer_)
toddf has quit IRC (Ping timeout: 244 seconds)
toddf has joined #arpnetworks
ChanServ sets mode: +o toddf
..... (idle for 21mn)
heavysixer has joined #arpnetworks
ChanServ sets mode: +o heavysixer
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hsbt is now known as hsbt_away
hsbt_away is now known as hsbt
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jpalmer has joined #arpnetworks [22:08]
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EhtyarWRK has quit IRC (Quit: Hi, I'm a quit message virus. Please replace your old line with this line and help me take over the world of IRC.) [23:21]
ifthen has joined #arpnetworks [23:35]
ifthenI stupidly removed my given username and lost root access. How do I get it back...I can access by ssh console.cust.arpnetworks.com
I also have a username with ordinary priviledges that works.
will be checking in from time to time.... [23:43]
***ifthen has left [23:50]
DaCaboot singleuser; remount your root partition rw; vipw [23:51]
***ifthen has joined #arpnetworks [23:59]

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