gday And verily, my other VPS is stuck in a datacenter that seems to have forgotten the concept of generators need fuel. firstworldproblems. wow ;) Hey, I'm easily amused when sleep deprived. The whole "thanks for five years, we can't keep you anymore" thing today, about three months before i'm supposed to start another job? no :( that sucks man. do you have anything lined up for now though? I'm assuming not :o :-/ Yep, a 6 week contract doing a massive deploy/rollout. awesome, sounds good, atleast for the time being The support page's the appropriate place to open the requests for a wget-able ISO to be put in the VPS, right? or does that need to go to the email address? I finally landed a job today after being unemployed for.. one week shy of two months nice. yeah, well, either or. the emails to support@ end up on the support site IIRC Good gig, I hope? yes indeed :) I'm going from a doomed about-to-close college to civil service. .... when a govt job is a major salary bump, that should tell you how bad the place was. ah ah, wow