#arpnetworks 2011-09-24,Sat

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***ifthen has joined #arpnetworks [01:22]
ifthenJust worked through the example in the FreeBSD handbook on ports, adding lsof. It failed with this error:"Configure failed unexpectedly" "no kernel sources in /usr/source/sys OR /sys.
What does it mean? I'll check back later.
jlgaddisperhaps you don't have the kernel sources installed? [01:29]
ifthenok what are they?
good seeing you again.
jlgaddisthe source code for the kernel [01:30]
ifthenuh wouldn't they have to be there for bsd to run? [01:30]
jlgaddisnot the source code, no [01:30]
ifthenoh it's compiled only? [01:30]
jlgaddisyeah, look at the upgrading freebsd chapter in the handbook
it should walk you through how to install the sources
ifthenam I missing some parts here? [01:32]
jlgaddis04:40 < jlgaddis> the source code for the kernel [01:32]
ifthenso bsd can run without them? [01:33]
jlgaddisdo windows machines need the source code in order to run windows? [01:33]
ifthenlive and learn.
they don't need the source to add programs.
well I'll take your kind advice and read more in the man.
jlgaddisyou can install a pre-compiled binary version of lsof (if one exists) without the need for the source code
"man pkgadd"
ifthenI guess the handbook on ports assumes source is there. [01:36]
jlgaddisactually, here's an example specifically for lsof, straight from the handbook: http://www.freebsd.org/doc/handbook/packages-using.html [01:36]
ifthenyes I've been reading it but I wanted to try the ports example..I don't need the program. [01:37]
jlgaddisyou might want to hang around in #freebsd. there's some freebsd users here but the channel is primarily for arp. [01:38]
ifthenyes, well I got my ass kicked over on #freebsd so I thought I'd see if this problem is peculiar to the arp bsd installation.
and I appreciate your comments thanks
jlgaddisif you just want to see how the process works, try installing something like wakeonlan [01:41]
ifthen"I want what your're smoking" is what I heard over there. [01:41]
jlgaddissimple, quick, and little or no requirements
ifthenOn something I know to be fact.
re wakeonlan maybe I'll give it a try. do you use it?
I'll check back tomorrow in case anyone else has a comment.
nite jlgaddis
jlgaddisno, but if you just want to see how ports are built, that's a good one to use
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nesteaifyes you need kernel sources to build lsof
its funny because I ran into this just the other day myself
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heavysixer has quit IRC (Quit: heavysixer) [09:58]
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ifthen has joined #arpnetworks [11:28]
ifthenHey Nestea thanks for the corroboration. I'm worried about other ports when I can't get the textbook example to run. What did u do about it? [11:33]
b1k3ryd3rjust csup'ed src [11:36]
ifthenthanks b1k... [11:37]
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b1k3ryd3rnp [11:39]
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ifthenb1k* were you having problems with ports? [11:40]
b1k3ryd3rthis is nestea :)
nah I just had the same lsof issue the other day
ifthenoops [11:42]
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ifthenis nestea about tea? [11:43]
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everyone asks that t hough :P
ifthenwell give me a clue [11:44]
nesteaits just a play on my old nick 'nesta' [11:45]
ifthenmy interal grep is boken on nesta too [11:46]
nesteano worries [11:46]
ifthenwell I guess I'll read up on csup and try that.
On my username change problem it looks like the best route is to add a newuser with my preferred nick and delete the assigned one later.
nesteawhats your 'username change problem' ? [11:49]
ifthenwant to change from assigned username to personal choice username. [11:50]
nesteaadd a user ? [11:50]
ifthenyes that seems to be the best way
useradd or user add or add user in pw
nesteayou can just cp over any data in your current users directory and chown ir to your new user :)
adduser is probably the easiest
ifthenI like the command line when it works [11:52]
nesteawell then
man pw
I prefer using pw myself
pw useradd ... etc
pw usermod ... etc
ifthenI thought I could use usermod to swap pw's but that was a fantasy.
well off to try things again. see you later.
nesteaenjoy [11:57]
toddfusermod -p works on OpenBSD but I suspect thats not what you're using [11:59]
ifthentoddf I'm using freebsd here 8.1?
I notice it doesn't have vip
vi password command
toddfvipw ? [12:00]
but i did try vipw i think as i had the man in front of me
whatever it is
well back to that ever unfolding bsd man
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tigerpaw has joined #arpnetworks [14:04]
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