Hmmm... The virtualenv is taking a while to install. Quite strange. top says not much is happening. On my laptop the whole lot only takes 30 seconds to install. Forgetting your mysql root password really sucks. I know how to set a new one, but I don't wanna. Woah crap. What was going through my head when I set the mysql root password to my root password? Nowonder I couldn't figure out what it was. I blame the alcohol. has power problem, was down :( Ah I thought it was because mod_wsgi was screwing with me! I evne just restarted my VPS Are hosted by Linode by chance? Ah crap, yeah my LUGs channel said so an hour ago. Oh I have it the wrong way around, hosts Linode lol. all my domain has gone, login to found 0 domain they're fixing.. Yeah they're probably shitting their pants at the moment actually. lol...all their dns server is same dc Devine: you're using Linode? HE's DNS servers are still working fine as slave NSs for my domains yes, i have two account at, one got problem heidar: na, but is in the same DC (that lost power) lol from " is experiencing an issue at the moment. For those that are missing zones, we are in the process of recovering them at this time. " oof. My secondaries are there but at least my primary is here tonight is the night for issues and outages. mercury must be in retrograde. is having issues with DNS.. one of my datacenters in texas had HVAC issues due to a water main break.. one of our QA teams lost the hard drive in their ESXi server.. `:o on a positive note we just made 10 gallons of laundry detergent for less than $2 of supplies, if we were to buy the equivalent at the store it'd cost us $85 toddf: recipe? we spend a BOATLOAD on laundry detergent. we used an ivory bar instead of their fels naptha soap bar but it seems thats easily substitutable (the secret ingrediant is soap & washing powder) we've known about this recipie for months, just didn't realize the economic savings of it until we actually went for it does anyone know: for isc-dhcpd.. is there a reason to declare a 'subnet-mask' within a subnet when 'netmask' was already used when constructing the subnet?