#arpnetworks 2011-07-24,Sun

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***Virca]AlmtEm has joined #arpnetworks [02:35]
Virca]AlmtEmHello? [02:35]
toddf"SSSH! Be vewy vewy quiet! It's Wabbit Season!" [02:37]
Virca]AlmtEmHelp my [02:37]
مرحبا شباب في حدا يحكي عربي [02:43]
toddfar you a customer or a bot? [02:43]
Virca]AlmtEmtoddf [02:43]
***Virca]AlmtEm was kicked by toddf (I think this is for the best.) [02:46]
.... (idle for 17mn)
DDevine has joined #arpnetworks [03:03]
nerdd_ has joined #arpnetworks
nerdd has quit IRC (Ping timeout: 252 seconds)
Gtoddf: ha, nice one :)
hmmmm never noticed that before... since Arabic is a RtL language, irssi reversed the order of the timestamp, which meant that the message was sent at '64:12'
toddfG: not sure how your irssi came out but I got a bunch of u 0 6 4 5 u 0 6 3 1 .. stuff. (added space to make sure some auto interpreted bits are not auto interpreted)
so I'm not sure what was said, but whatever it was, the nick was clearly not adding value nor acknowledging sentience
Gtoddf: it came out in Arabic for me, I remembered to teach putty to display UTF-8 ;)
Google Translate says it was 'Hello young people in the end tells the Arab'
toddfI'm here via tmux then xterm. lets see what 'less' on the log file reveals.
guess my irssi must translate to the unicode escape sequences, it's logged literal chars of then u then 0 then 6 then 4 then 5 ..
Gtoddf: interesting, sounds like irssi is realising something isn't UTF-8 ready, and not processing it
that or are you on *BSD and have built irssi w/o UTF-8 supporT?
toddfOpenBSD, of course. lets see what ports does..
hmm, nothing obvious disables utf-8, nothing obvious in configure to enable/disable it
Ghmmm odd then [03:36]
toddfrunning 'configure' gives no output stating 'utf' in any case. *shrug*
irssi-0.8.15 here. you?
Gtoddf: anything about unicode/uci
same here
actually I think it's icu
toddfhttp://todd.fries.net/pub/irssi.configure.log [03:39]
Ghmmmm no idea then
toddf: what about /set term_charset
toddf054453 term_charset = ASCII [03:42]
Gmine is set to UTF-8 [03:42]
toddfso I've set mine to utf-8. can you repaste that utf8 sequence (or a small bit of it) ? [03:43]
Gمرحبا شباب في حدا يحكي عربي [03:44]
toddfmuch different indeed [03:44]
GArabic script? [03:44]
toddfnot yet, but at least it logged the unicode sequences. probably need 'xterm -u8' etc [03:45]
Gahhh yeah [03:46]
toddfguess my fonts suck, once i got 'xterm -u8 -en UTF-8' started and cat'ed the logfile, I get dotted boxes instead of arabic script [03:48]
Gouch, or you don't have UTF-8 locales maybe [03:48]
toddfreminds me why i didn't start enabling utf-8 in the term as well, no 5x7 utf8 font that I've found yet [03:48]
Gnot sure how it's handled on the BSDs [03:49]
toddfOpenBSD is .. in progress .. implementing wide chars and such. seems like more progress is made every release, but its slow. 'good enough for xyz' seems to be all I register ..
un-fonts-core and un-fonts-extra seem like a good set of fonts to install
bah, those are korean fonts
farsifonts-ttf seems better
probably am still missing something, either OpenBSD is lacking or I am not doing something right, perhaps both
..... (idle for 21mn)
gamarcoG: u0646u0639u0645 =)
but not in unicode
toddfgamarco: that's irssi with the term_charset set to ascii [04:29]
gamarcotoddf: can you repaste? [04:32]
nestatoddf: /set term_charset utf-8
in your irssi
Gnesta: he'd already done that
gamarco: مرحبا شباب في حدا يحكي عربي
toddfso now at least the native charset binary goop will get logged instead of the ascii'ification of such, even if my term can't display it now, it should at some point in the future ;-) [04:40]
................ (idle for 1h15mn)
***whitefang has quit IRC (Read error: Connection reset by peer) [05:55]
gamarcoG: my charset is messed up. i think it's because i'm in windows for the time being [06:05]
Ggamarco: if you are using putty there is a quick fix [06:09]
gamarcowhat is it [06:10]
Ggamarco: http://anti.teamidiot.de/nei/2007/02/irssi_putty_screen_unicode_utf/ [06:11]
gamarcoنعم [06:12]
Ggamarco: that came through okay [06:15]
gamarcocool. showed up weird here [06:21]
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***DDevine has quit IRC (Ping timeout: 264 seconds) [08:02]
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Olipro has quit IRC (Remote host closed the connection)
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amdprophet has quit IRC (Ping timeout: 240 seconds) [12:43]
heavysixer has joined #arpnetworks
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crazed has joined #arpnetworks [13:26]
crazedanyone ever have issues with freebsd VPS randomly becoming unresponsive?
nothing in teh logs or on console
can't seem to figure out what causes it
no spikes in anything from my munin graphs
jpalmercrazed: everything is fine in all of my vps's. if it's a re-occuring issue, I'd send an email to support@ to investigate [13:39]
jpalmer: are your VMs using freebsd with zfs root?
jpalmerno. [13:40]
crazedi kinda wonder if that's my issue [13:40]
jpalmerI've never used zfs, so I don't have any hints for you. but I do know that randalshwartz is using zfs in all of his vps's. so you may want to talk to him when he's around. [13:41]
crazedhm thanks
i'll have to talk to him then
longest uptime i've gotten so far was about 200 days
jpalmer200 days? doesn't sound too much like a recurring issue [13:44]
crazedit's sporatic
sometimes it's within a week, sometimes i amonth
jpalmerand sometimes, nearly a year [13:44]
crazedyeah [13:44]
jpalmermy guess: if ti was something on the ARP side of things, several people would be experiencing it, and it'd probably be more frequent than 200 days [13:45]
crazedyeah i agree
i'm doing a full upgrade of my os/software now just to see if that helps
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***amdprophet has joined #arpnetworks [14:39]
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nuke` has quit IRC (Ping timeout: 264 seconds)
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Guest46373 is now known as phlux [15:22]
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tuv has quit IRC (Ping timeout: 250 seconds) [21:01]
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HighJinx has joined #arpnetworks [23:11]
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