oh wow this channel is bigger than i was expecting anyone with a rough idea how long a VPS would take to get setup tonight? just wondering if anyones around to actually do it suppose ill take my chances "tonight"? expect 24-72 hours for any request when did you submit? i didnt i was just wondering before i ordered, thats all ahh. this place is not for quick turnarounds on anything timely, but not quick thats fine, i can deal its a wonder to even get *any* service on a Saturday night and I find your nick offensive. if you intend that, just know it worked. whats wrong with the electronic rap ghost? if you have to ask... are you messing with me? I see "rape" "ghost" and you damn well know that i see rap eghost the electronic rap ghost yeah, and remember, it's the reciever of the communication who does the interpretation just telling you what *I* see and that's all that matters shrug, i'd probably ask that you not take IRC so seriously and I'd ask you to pick a less offensive nick there. problem solved. i googled for rapeghost ROBOT CHICKEN: Rape Ghost A bunch of kids are in for the scariest night of their lives in a haunted mansion. Well, some of them are. Yeah - looks like "rape ghost" to me :) same and there's things that come up for rape ghost :) I have no tolerance for people who are "in your face" offensive I will always call them on it i'm not really phased either way myself people are people at the end of the day, i'd rather people be themselves.. and if they want to see themselves as shocking then so be it and people who need to see themselves as shocking often need to find a different outlet for society's sake I'm thinking of the greater good when the medium outweighs the message, it's a bad sign. i dunno you can change yourself but you can't change the world you can set a good example, but you can't force someone to act how you want them to I can ask for what I want, nicely. And that's what I did. The difference is that I actually ask, and most people don't. he left anyway so more often than not, I get what I want. Yeah... he left because I asked him to change, and he refused. he'll think twice about coming back here when I'm here. yah think? And thus, my goal is achieved. Yeah - I think he only wanted to know how long provisioning took Nope - he was willing to be chatty after that his goal was probably to find that out then leave but I scared him away nobody does that here. :) people come in, and hang out nobody leaves until they must hmm i left for ages. well partially cos my irc wasn't running there ya go. :) i was actually hoping someone might know about the whole kvm thing err the openbsd/kvm thing with mpbios not me because apparently more recent kvm versions don't need it disabled I gave up on openbsd long ago oh real you using freebsd now? or gone to windows? freebsd yeah for last 18 months i got burned by freebsd once and switched to openbsd and never looked back mind you freebsd is probably fine if you use scsi but like i got disk corruption silently that was with ATA I'm using it only virtually so I have no idea what it really does dunno if sata has more protection how do you find it? find what? freebsd it has my three prereqs PF ZFS for / large kept-up ports fourth bonus: not linux :) ahh is zfs performance ok in freebsd? i've only used zfs with opensolaris it suffices