up_the_irons alive [FBI]: off thanks re-enable it, and sorry again almost back in LA! I just made apple cobbler, and it looks incredible galador - one of the knights of the realm? I think there's two "galador"s in various literature. I think in Marvel comics universe, Galador is a planet of some sort. I'm not too familiar. I got the name from Tolkien. Info (wikipedia): Tolkien gives two differing accounts of the origin of Imrahil's line, both in Unfinished Tales. In the earlier account,[21] the line was founded, according to "the tradition of [the] house", by Imrazôr the Númenórean and the Elven-lady Mithrellas, one of Nimrodel's Silvan companions. Imrazôr lived in Belfalas around T.A. 2000 and had two children: a boy Galador and a girl Gilmith. Shortly thereafter Mithrellas is said to have vanished in the night. Galador, according to this tradition, became the first Lord of Dol Amroth.[22] https://fbcdn-sphotos-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak-ash4/254438_1929226023495_1027530257_31939844_1818645_n.jpg <- just got the cobbler out of the oven... I think I got too much streusel ahh tolkien never got past the hobbit started reading the more advanced stuff, and got bored quickly silmarillion ftw "what has it got in its pockets?" "my preeeeecious!" I was really angry near the end of the hobbit though, at the destruction of the magic door all this time, ready to open on a magical signal used once, then destroyed. :( although it's a bit like the second Lora Croft flim how could they know this thing recurs, when it hadn't recurred yet? you can't get a period of recurrence from a single event :) That only holds true if you don't have any external indications. IIRC, the LC film based the event on astronimical data. well, I remember sorting through everything for that film (not distracted enough by Angelina, apparently), and it was screaming "this doesn't make sense!" Well of course it didn't. The entire series (and the video games) violate the laws of physics. I granted that already Hmm... How would I secure my server if I've got some untrusted users? don't give them root? get rid of the users you don't trust. or put them in a jail or perhaps both the quickest way to penetrate a machine, is to get local access. if you've given that to them, they're already capable of compromising you pretty easily. yeah - just camp until the next "local escalation" :) So how do these shell providers do it? :P 22:50:39 < jpalmer> get rid of the users you don't trust. Like that. mkay