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traceroute from laptop to delta.com stops at gblx.net for example ***: ziyourenxiang has joined #arpnetworks
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been giving me hell all week at a couple of sites
(i.e., my connectivity output through them has sucked) ***: RandalSchwartz has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
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kornbluth.freenode.net sets mode: +oo up_the_irons toddf
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ww has joined #arpnetworks ww: up_the_irons: you work for arp, right and aren't just one of the clueful customers that hangs out in the channel? RandalSchwartz: it's true
he practically *is* arp. :) ww: up_the_irons: haaalp fink: RandalSchwartz: did you get an arp tshirt yet? RandalSchwartz: something we clueful people can help with?
fink - I don't think so fink: RandalSchwartz: me neither :( RandalSchwartz: haven't seen any recent packages ww: unfortunately not. RandalSchwartz: ww - then send email to support@
it'll get done as fast as it can get done then. :) ww: machine has become unstable, probably because of zfs and insufficient ram (and i recently added some things that eat an extra 400Nb of ram)
so need a ram upgrade... erm urgently... RandalSchwartz: then you should probably back that out until you get more ram ww: i sent an email... RandalSchwartz: "urgent add of ram" is not a service provided here
"adding ram in a day or two" is more likely
you could temporarily add more swap space ***: ivan-kanis has joined #arpnetworks RandalSchwartz: that'd at least give you the option of pushing stuff out to disk that's less active. ww: backing out would be hard, in this case... spinning up another host elsewhere more likely if it'll take a while, but i'd rather not RandalSchwartz: poor planning then. :( ww: swap... well... 4s-backend (see 4store.org) gets very unhappy if it gets swapped (which happens now from time to time and is painful) fink: damn, 400Nb! ww: RandalSchwartz: planning? well... RandalSchwartz: Nanobytes! fink: nebibyte? ww: fink: 400Mb out of 1024 is... well... significant fink: ww: out of curiosity, what did you add?
i switched from apache to cherokee, and saved a shload of ram ww: actually, added nothing substantial new in terms of software (some minor upgrades)
what i did add was a pile of data RandalSchwartz: ... Optimum price/performance can be got with clusters of machines with large amounts of RAM. 16+GB per node is typical currently.
you mean you didn't read that and go "heck, I need more ram">
that'd be my first clue ww: RandalSchwartz: depends on the quantity of data, actually RandalSchwartz: yeah - but anytime people say "this will need a lot of ram" what they mean is "I don't code very well" :) ww: with 16Gb of Ram you're talking ~100-150 million triples (rows, approximately)
i've only about 10 million RandalSchwartz: so why can't you just get rid of your data for now
roll it back, and wait for ram?
you didn't go live without testing did you? ww: because of a dog and pony show tomorrow fink: here we go… RandalSchwartz: again - poor planning. :( ww: what me plan? fink: ;) RandalSchwartz: remind me not to subcontract to you. :) fink: i DO have that tshirt ivan-kanis: :D ww: oh, not a paying customer dog and pony show
if it were a paying customer they would be paying for bigger hardware RandalSchwartz: you missed the point, but that's fine
everyone else here got it. :) ww: anyways, re: planning... plenty of time to spin up a machine elsewhere if this can't be sorted quickly RandalSchwartz: I don't know why you seem to think that answers or contradicts my claim fink: ww: what OS? ww: because... there is no problem that can be attributed to inadequate planning?
fink freebsd 8.1
and i'm *assuming* that Fatal trap 9: general protection fault while in kernel mode
is caused by ZFS WARNING: Recommended minimum kmem_size is 512MB; expect unstable behavior. fink: ww: i run fbsd 8.1 with zfs on root on a 768 vps, but i tweaked the zfs settings a bit, and i doubt i have your load
what processes / data are you running? ww: misc small things - it's the laboratory host
and, the metadata aggregator
which i would point you to, if the machine wasn't thrashing around again at the moment fink: ww: ok, what's your largest process group, maybe we can think of ways to make it leaner? ww: 4s-backend
not much to be done really. it alone occupies half the ram.
and there's an obligatory 4s-httpd whose size depends on the complexity of queries
then there's nginx, and a harvesting daemon
most everything else has been turned off -: ww just spins up a new machine... ***: fink has quit IRC (Quit: fink)
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phreak has joined #arpnetworks reardencode: fink: mind sharing some of the tweaking you did to run ZFS on a 768VPS? I considered it but figured that it'd freak out due to lack of ARC space if I used ~650mb of that 768 for actual running processes -: ww is interested in that as well RandalSchwartz: ... http://wiki.freebsd.org/ZFSTuningGuide ww: for interest's sake, the service in question http://semantic.ckan.net/ (pretty pictures here, http://semantic.ckan.net/record/2ab28263-a1fe-4839-9409-fa7ef03e123e and here http://semantic.ckan.net/group/?group=http://ckan.net/group/lld) is noww back up and running smoothly
unfortunately, elsewhere (rackspace) ***: ivan-kanis has quit IRC (Remote host closed the connection) RandalSchwartz: elastichosts is a lot more flexible than rackspace
at least in my observation
we're using elastichosts for BCP behind ARP
with elastichosts, if you want more ram, you slide a slider, and reboot. :)
it's *that* fast
I'm building a 8.2 box on elastichosts right now ww: yes, i'm familiar with them, but there's already an account, etc. set up with rs... toddf: randalschwartz: elastichosts.com/could-hosting/pricing clearly shows that their smallest server is 1gb mem .. if you do a 'subscription' for 1gb mem 40gb disk 400gb xfer (same as arp's $30/mo system) you'd pay $107.92/mo there. huge difference in my world.
though as BCP plans go, it surely is good to make them RandalSchwartz: that doesn't make sense toddf: I also don't note IPv6 mentioned, perhaps you could answer if there is remote encrypted console access and/or serial console access RandalSchwartz: I was dialing in some plans at $70/mo
so the minimum can't be 107.92 toddf: randalschwartz: minimum isn't 107.92
its just that if you compare apples to apples their minimum mem is 1gb
finding the 1gb mem option at arpnetworks, I chose the values from arpnetworks and plugged it into their little slider pricing guide RandalSchwartz: ... https://sat-p.elastichosts.com/docs/pricing
yeah - it's a bit more expensive overall
nothing is as cheap as ARP :)
and yeah, no ipv6 yet
they say "just use a tunnel" :( toddf: "let he.net deal with IPv6 till we get our heads out of the sand" RandalSchwartz: indeed. anyone not dealing with ipv6 today has their heads firmly hidden :) toddf: I've seen some 4U plans for 100mbit links unmetered if I provided the server. so after it approaches $100 for finite resources i tend to gloss over and out
"plans" => for $100 up_the_irons: toddf: I'm ready for OpenBSD 4.9 BTW, so whenever you want to make those templates... toddf: ack RandalSchwartz: ahh - so you *can* use freebsd-update to go from 8.1 to 8.2 without recopying the boot blocks
unlike 8.0 to 8.1
for zfs-on-root
just verified this in a private vm up_the_irons: nice RandalSchwartz: so that means I can upgrade my 4 VPS with minimal steps
everything at the # prompt :) -: dferris <3 the Dell iDrac 6 jpalmer: up_the_irons: tell me how to make templates. I'll make you one for CentOS 5.6 (and 6.0 if they ever release it) and RHEL 5.6/6.0 ***: EhtyarWRK has joined #arpnetworks up_the_irons: jpalmer: can you do FreeBSD 8.2 as well? I can write-up the docs tonight jpalmer: up_the_irons: I'd love to.
I can likely do FreeBSD this week. are you interested in centos/rhel? RandalSchwartz: yeay freebsd :) jpalmer: and, can I get away from the single / partition? like, the sysinstall defaults? :) reardencode: jpalmer: I think that single partition on these relatively small VPSs is probably preferable? jpalmer: single partition is NEVER preferable.
(but, I'll do whatever garry wants) G: jpalmer: ummm strictly speaking, Red Hat likely wouldn't like the idea of a RHEL VM image if there is now VM/Cloud licensing
*no jpalmer: G good point. they'd want licensing. so CentOS only G: that said.... reardencode: jpalmer: due to the different access patterns on the different POSIX dirs, or something else I'm not thinking of? G: I guess you could label it as bring your own license, no updates otherwise jpalmer: reardencode: filling up you / is a lot more dangerous than filling up most other mountpoints.
reardencode: but that aside, a small / is preferable, because all of the other paritions can be background fsck'd. / has to be done at boot. in the case of an unclean mount, a 20g / takes longer to fsck than a 512m / reardencode: jpalmer: both valid points -- I guess you'd probably have to do at least two different templates, one for 5G vps and another for any other size, in order to leave even a reasonable amount of space for /usr on the 5G RandalSchwartz: a single ZFS partition is fine
because I can rehack it at will jpalmer: personally, I'm ok with whatever garry wants for a template. I can always resize on my own. reardencode: really as ZFS matures, the many filesystem roots in a single pool of storage will win
RandalSchwartz: yep. RandalSchwartz: so if you could also offer /-as-ZFS as a template, that'd be great jpalmer: I doubt most people will want to run ZFS on a vps due to the limited RAM resources. RandalSchwartz: and yet, I have four of them
and it's all working fine jpalmer: also, to this day, I've never messed with ZFS (I don't have a need for it) so, I don't think I'd be the right guy to build a ZFS-as-root template fink: RandalSchwartz: guess we're not most people RandalSchwartz: apparently
we don't run in jpalmer's circles :) jpalmer: heh
my circles are small, I chase my own tail a lot. RandalSchwartz: I chase tail a lot too.
oh - "my own" no reardencode: RandalSchwartz: how much RAM do you use for programs of your 768MiB with ZFS? RandalSchwartz: I have to think which one of the boxes are like that.
probably mabel. lemme look
says 278MB free
that box is just email and DNS pilgrimd: What do you have arc and kmem tuned to? RandalSchwartz: the recommedations on ZFSTuningGuide
arc = 40M
kmem = 330M
search for 768 in http://wiki.freebsd.org/ZFSTuningGuide
I'm using those
haven't had a problem in 10 months or so
even with a fair amount of spam
running postfix with postgrey and amavisd ***: jazz57 has joined #arpnetworks fink: amavisd is such a memory hog!
i have two vpses with the same setup as RandalSchwartzDoppleGanger ***: jazz57 has left jaja: up_the_irons here? RandalSchwartz: jaja - why? jaja: I dont see the payment on my CC, I want to know if there's a problm. fink: jaja: it can take a couple days G: up_the_irons: second VPS requires the /29 subnet right? fink: jaja: wait…payment or charge?
is this a soviet russia joke?
arp pays you? G: jaja: I don't think the billing cycle has happened yet jaja: charge sorry
I am french my english isn't perfect, and I am abit tired tonight G: fink: payment is fine imo, because he's making a payment to arp RandalSchwartz: you won't get your service disabled until he calls you
nothing to worry about
so if there's a problem with payment, it won't matter until he gets around to turning it off :) G: just wait for the thugs in the black suits to appear :) RandalSchwartz: and the helicopters!
don't forget the helicopters! G: RandalSchwartz: I thought he replaced the helicopters w/ drones fink: with the silent blades jaja: I prefer fellow my billing, I am here since 6 month and generally charge is done 1th day of each month, sorry ! RandalSchwartz: whooop whooop whooop G: all of the sudden they dart out of nowhere and pin you to the nearest brick wall :) up_the_irons: G: yes
jpalmer: OK, I'll write up the docs tonight. I don't have any templates for centos/rhel, so i can't give you a description of what is needed; you'd have to "figure it out" based on the Debian / Ubuntu template creation docs I have, and b/c the network is different, you might not want to go down that road ***: cubelogic has quit IRC (Ping timeout: 248 seconds) G: up_the_irons: jpalmer: if help is needed regarding CentOS let me know
that said, I'm running Ubuntu on my VPS atm :) ***: HighJinx has quit IRC (Ping timeout: 240 seconds) jpalmer: up_the_irons: nice. I'm setting up a pretty large bacula environment over the next 2-3 days. but, after that.. fbsd 8.2 template! up_the_irons: jpalmer: sweet! ***: EhtyarWRK has quit IRC (Remote host closed the connection)
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EhtyarWRK has joined #arpnetworks G: up_the_irons: actually, if I only needed IPv6 on my second VPS, would you be able to do that w/o a /29? up_the_irons: G: yes, i would in fact
G: and yeah, support ticket for 2nd vps G: up_the_irons: okay, sent up_the_irons: roger G: up_the_irons: I only need IPv4 very occassionally, so if I can just use a private IP, and route the occasional packet via VPN or over the private network, then it save the pool and everything
I noticed the other day that American IP's a worth more than Asian IPs
*are up_the_irons: lol G: up_the_irons: APNIC have a crazy formula for working out the costs of IP address assignment,s but I did the math and yeah, for big assignments APNIC look cheaper, kinda crazy in a way I guess up_the_irons: i c RandalSchwartz: so IP addresses do in fact have a real dollar value now?
of course, they're not marketable
since you can't reassign without the NICs getting involed G: RandalSchwartz: well, there is the membership fees etc
RandalSchwartz: ARIN look to charge by the size of the assignment on a broadbasis, APNIC charge essentially on a per-ip basis
I actually had to remember how to do log's with the APNIC pricing ***: fink has quit IRC (Quit: fink)
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