#arpnetworks 2011-04-25,Mon

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***ivan-kanis has joined #arpnetworks [00:08]
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phreak has quit IRC (Quit: sleep) [02:08]
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joeDeuce has left "WeeChat 0.3.5-dev" [05:23]
atmark has quit IRC (Quit: ZNC - http://znc.sourceforge.net)
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ziyourenxiang has joined #arpnetworks [05:48]
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ziyourenxiang has joined #arpnetworks [07:34]
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HighJinx has quit IRC (Quit: Leaving) [09:26]
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cubelogic has joined #arpnetworks [09:51]
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J0hnnyHertz has quit IRC (Quit: listening through my eyelids...) [10:17]
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whitefangtuv: either can be used, I'm using 64bit
I think 64bit memory usage might be slightly more but only by a very very small amount
i think the difference in memory usage between 32bit and 64bit is about 5%
i can't remember exactly though, I do remember looking into it before I decided which arch I was going to run and it looked like there is really no reason not to run 64bit
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***J0hnnyHertz has joined #arpnetworks [11:06]
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chess has joined #arpnetworks
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chesshi do you have OpenBSD 4.8 template avail. now? will 4.9 be ready when it's released in a few days? thx. [11:57]
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J0hnnyHertz has joined #arpnetworks [12:15]
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tuvpilgrimd, whitefang: thanks
afaict, arpnetworks doesn't provide resource monitoring facilities (cpu usage, memory usage, bandwidth usage, network traffic, ... etc). am i right? and if so, how are you guys monitoring your systems?
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whitefangi think they'll setup some monitoring specifically for you if you request it
for bandwidth monitoring myself
i installed vnstat
bandwidth usage statistics and it records by month and stuff
DaCachess: I think most OpenBSD users in here are just running -current, it's damn easy to just boot bsd.rd from the serial console and upgrade to whatever release or snapshot you want to run [13:54]
toddfbandwidth is monitored via cacti if you request it, not everyone uses it, so why bother drawing graphs nobody looks at by default? [14:08]
twobithackerhuh, I don't remember requesting it, but I got a cacti login and can see my bandwidth usage [14:09]
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up_the_ironstoddf: twobithacker : cacti graphs are now created automatically (before it was manual, so I didn't do it until requested) [14:54]
toddfaah, will update pseudo auto regurgitation responses then. *grin*. [14:55]
up_the_ironslol [14:58]
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RandalSchwartzso I should be able to see my bandwidth too?
or do I still need to request from support?
toddfif you dont' see a link for cacti in each control panel you login to at arpnetworks, you should request via support@ to see it
if you want to see it that is ;-)
RandalSchwartzahh. so I still need to submit a request
sounded like it was automatic nw.
one of those. :)
toddfyou're an ancient customer, get over it, request for all the extras everybody gets for free now with the new signups! ;-)
you got serial console when you signed up by default, right? didn't used to even exist as an option ... I'm quite happy to have seen that improvement *grin*
RandalSchwartzecho "make me one with everything!" | mail support@arpnetworks.com [15:31]
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finkis there an arp ntp server? [17:00]
RandalSchwartzno real need... arp is pretty close to a lot of big ones [17:02]
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RandalSchwartzDarn it... hung my emacs process. :) [17:06]
***homosaur has joined #arpnetworks [17:11]
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fink has quit IRC (Quit: fink) [17:45]
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cubelogic has quit IRC (Ping timeout: 260 seconds) [18:18]
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DDevineRandalSchwartz: serves you right for using Emacs. [18:43]
azmarco'dems fightin' words [18:44]
RandalSchwartzheh [18:46]
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HighJinx has quit IRC (Ping timeout: 252 seconds)
jpalmeremacs would have offered to correct 'dems' so obviously, azmarco isn't an emacs user. [18:52]
azmarcoi value the little sanity i have left
azmarco runs for the hills
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chessDaCa: yeah, I figured that was probably the case. I run -current on my laptop but my home servers usually stick with release [19:34]
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whitefangi heard openbsd was developed in an igloo
RandalSchwartz: that's so tempting
i'm kinding wondering if cacti would show identical results as vnstat
***HighJinx has joined #arpnetworks [20:15]
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Zuul has joined #arpnetworks [20:56]
Yamazaki-kun has joined #arpnetworks [21:05]
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J0hnnyHertz has quit IRC (Quit: EOL) [22:01]
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baklava has quit IRC (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
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