wow I just had the guy I handoff to with work go apeshit on me for not finishing work that came in 30 minutes before my shift ended before I finish at 7am what a douche really though... whitefang: oh noes he might have to do his job? yeah like he genuinly is pissed about it if you care enough to read how the handoff went via text you're on rotating shifts? i work 2 days and 2 nights a week 8 hour shifts hmm, where I work, if a ticket comes in, you acknowledge it, make contact with the originator of the ticket, and provide an ETA for work start, and duration. our shift ends 30 minutes after the next shift starts, so there is appropriate handoff. any ticket that comes in before they arrive, is to be handled by our shift. after they arrive, is theres. if it can't be completed, as long as initial contact and expectations are set, it gets handed off. where I work, tickets that get completely processed in a time less than the duration of a shift are the exception :p we generally complete do stuff until completition avoiding escalations if at all possible. ours are about 50/50. half get handled within a shift, half don't unless its something we can't do we just do it (I'd say, 20% or so of our tickets, won't be completed within several weeks.) where I work, we don't need tickets! 3every place needs tickets. even 1 man shows. "if god had wanted man to fly, he would have given us tickets!" But he did give us tickets. He even gave us people to take care of the tickets for us. Their jobs sucks, so we all tip them very generously when we go get our tickets. what arch. do you guys tend to use: 32bit or 64bit? 64-bit