w00t, Reverse DNS Management has been deployed. link is still hidden, will give to anyone who wants to beta test. need sleep now... happy to beta test! well done, have a good sleep :) link me up_the_irons i will test it also up_the_irons, also wish to test out RDNS up_the_irons: I'll try it out as well up_the_irons: same. so when people have questions, I can have some semblance of knowledge hm.. can anyone recommend a online faxing service? an* even mattx86: i looked into it efax has a bad rep I would like to test the dns management too :> fink: really? I was about to signup when I realized it wasn't linux-compatible (although I do have XP installed in VMware Workstation) ended up telling the client to scan it or taking a photo with their iphone camera, because hey, it's 2010, and they did it and they're still using us, so… I'm considering myfax tho they're some other free services hylafax, for example, runs locally ah yes, hylafax :) but it's all too complicated, and faxing is obsolete yeah I still don't get why some people thing faxing is somehow different than an e-mailed scan I'm going to request my high school and college transcripts, so I'm figuring I'll probably need a fax service (use dryloop DSL at home) don't get me wrong though, I agree with you guys mattx86: they can probably email it nowadays or just mail you a copy true, but I don't want to wait even a few days for it to come in the mail ;) I figure I'll signup for a free trial and use that if necessary, otherwise hopefully they can do e-mail I hate to do that though. I might even do sfax, because they're extremely inexpensive -- $24/yr mattx86: sorry, i don't know ask your school to email it to you? do you have a landline? fink: I will. I do have a landline but it's dryloop DSL; no phone service :( friends or parents with fax at their work? simple solution nah, it's no big deal; I'll figure something out :) mattx86: call your local staples or kinkos. they can accept faxes, for a small fee. jpalmer: I think the local staples or kinkos is atleast an hours drive away :P mattx86: around here, several gas stations can do it too. ah, never heard of that I mean, worst case scenario, I'd have to drive to the high school (20-30 minute drive), and the college (about 1.5 hour drive) k7.net might be an option, seen a couple of people recommend it in the past but never used myself mattx86: the college probably has a fax2pdf service in which case, they can email it to you heh, in the time I'm sitting here debating what to do, I could have been out and back ;D i doubt they manually shuffle paper faxes nowadays fink: you may be surprised :) drop.io used to have inbound and outbound faxes. too bad they got bought out. :) I forgot to mention a third school in there, so that may be quite a bit of driving :) signed up for myfax, so we'll see how it goes ... http://www.k7.net/ they offer voicemail/faxmail to email for free washington-state number, but who cares. they actually make money on your incoming calls because they're a CLEC all in the wonderful complex world of US telephony I'm sure Google isn't crying over all of their incoming calls either. :) RandalSchwartz: how does that work, exactly? the local exchange gets a settlement when handling incoming calls, as part of the overall price of placing a call when they opened the local exchange up to people other than Ma Bell, the same settlement is available CLEC = competitive local exchange center(?) so instead of ma bell paying ma bell to terminate the call to a hardline us west pays k7 to terminate the call except k7 can terminate it as a virtual call this is because originally when you called from new york to los angeles, los angeles needed a bit of cash to pay for local lines so the money goes into three slots... new york, the LD carrier, and los angeles CLECs get that third slot of course, when it was all ma bell, it was just an accounting matter. but now, it's real cash the rates for CLEC fees are similar to what you pay for VOIP-to-hardline because that's essentially paying the CLEC so a penny a minute or so but that's enough to keep k7 in business. :) interesting had problems uploading to myfax on linux/firefox 3.6.15 (would give me their custom error page), but it worked on xp/firefox 3.6.15.. go figure seems to have gone through and everything, but time will tell may not work out; got a call from them a moment ago and they said it's giving a busy signal. they said they'll keep trying though and here I thought the online fax service would be smooth heh atleast they got it, but it doesn't quite help if I can't receive what I'm wanting how long does it take from ordering until you're provisioned? usually 24-48 hurs what's the "hur to hour" conversion rate again? :) lol hopefully its less dollars to pesos less than i just hope i get provisioned before spring break is over, otherwise i wont have time to screw around with it when is spring break over? you old! damn whippersnappers :P :) hum.. I called my myfax number and it picked up, but yet I still haven't received the fax from the school would someone mind sending a test fax to me? :) send yourself a test fax - http://faxzero.com/ spring break is over sunday :/ but yeah it's odd having spring break, havent had one in almost 12 years It sounds nice. RandalSchwartz: hey, thanks for that just call me the faxman. :) ln -s RandalSchwartz TheFaxman mv RandalSchwartz /dev/food ;) self eat: ((Restaurant nearestTo: self) favoriteFoodOf: self) oops. that doesn't make sense self eat: ((Restaurant nearestTo: self) prepare: self favoriteFood) the restaurant doens't have a favorite food. :) heh, go eat :) yeah, I must be groggy now still have to get gas for the car though I still remember the big sign about 30 minutes east of San Francisco towards Sacramento... in giant letters "EAT NOW. GET GAS." Lots of smalltalk in here today. gasoline burgers are tasty course, hopefully you'll wash your hands afterwards, but gas is a little difficult to wash off mike-burns: hola Howdy. in oregon, there's no gas on my hands thank gawd does anyone have the hidden link yet, for the rDNS self-help portal? that's good I don't know how the rest of the country (except jersey) puts up with it I never bothered to complain to the state or whoever about it. I thought it was like this everywhere oregon and new jersey prohibit self-service we pay the same rates for gas, but they pump for us rarely have to get out of the car! no kidding? why would I kid about that? :) I knew some places still did that, but I didn't realize it was 'prohibited' in some states that sounds wild hehe it's been prohibited here in Oregon since the 40s enforced by the Fire Marshall that's interesting I didn't pump gas until I turned 20, and that was a trip to California in fact, I had no idea how. :) wow so here I am, about 20 minutes north of San Francisco, and I get out, and wonder what to do the girl behind the 3-inch-thick glass wasn't about to help me either. :( even on trips to seattle, I could generally fill up in oregon, then not worry about it til I got back although I'd be running on fumes as I crossed the washington border into oregon :) thank gawd they have a gas station at the first exit. ok, the thought of food is sounding better and better. heh, that's something must go find food and wifi alrighty :) woot, college got back to me and all is well :) it's good stuff IMO Kids these days and their college. not if you're already a natural programmer (I was) I work with mostly college dropouts and non-CS majors. I think this is a generational thing (and I'm about half your age, RandalSchwartz); people entering college now know basically no programming. and therefore they should *not* learn programming in college I agree. I don't want anyone who wasn't tinkering in fifth grade with programming to BE a programmer now there's really NO point you don't "learn" programming. You *are* a programmer. But that's only based on my experience; maybe they'll actually be good, or at least better than myself. most of those kinds of "programmers" end up filling up thedailywtf.com shizlr: i'll get you your vps today mike-burns: I am going to be one of those people "those" people? entering university with no knowledge of programming but I want to do marketing in the i.t. sector or interactive media, so shouldn't affect me right. just don't try to be a programmer. :) marketing people don't need any domain knowledge. as proven time and time again :) I started out when I was around 9 or 10, opening up our 22MHz / 33MHz (turbo) computer get online around '96, when I was 10. I was on IRC around that time got* before long, we had bought a copy of "C for Dummies", and learned HTML online and tried it out on GeoCities and AngelFire picked up PHP around 2000, or 2001 I believe. I love to program :) I love Linux and open source too I was trying out RedHat 4.5 IIRC, and Slackware when I was 12 I guess you could actually buy a boxed set of RedHat Linux at Walmart back then good times a few years ago, I took the plunge to use Linux as my primary desktop OS. I keep XP and Wine around, but I do without them for the most part i still have a redhat 4ish something cd from years ago. dang, I was learning html in 3rd grade (2003)..i'm a bit behind came to the *nix scene a bit late I did the whole "linux desktop" thing for a while. and the "BSD desktop" then I came around full circle. I use windows 7 on my desktop. 15 year BSD admin, but I still feel "the best tool for the job" is the best motto. and for my needs, the best tool for the desktop (barring any absurd bias) is windows 7. heh, I remember spending summer after summer playing with windows-based IRC server (WSIRCSRV), Web Servers (Xitami, etc).. I even tried to setup BIND on Win9x once, because a guy on IRC told me I could use it to spoof my hostname/IP :P jpalmer: "the best tool for the job" is awesome when you can do it at work :-) jpalmer: I do/did agree. I guess part of why I decided to use Linux full-time is because I wanted immerse myself in it, and get much more used to it in that way rgouveia: indeed :) immersion learning *is* the best learning. jpalmer: I did the right thing then. whats the current kernel revision? I'd used linux on the desktop many times before, but always felt it wasn't ready. I thought surely it's ready by now, back in 2008. admittedly, it's not without it's faults, but that could be said about windows too I suppose a_j__c: I believe it's 2.6.38.x I try a new version of some OS about twice a year, but my personal take: I'm less efficient in the FOSS OS's than I am in windows. I always catch myself tinkering on my local configs, rather than doing whatever my goal is. a_j__c: yeah, 2.6.38 -- kernel.org jpalmer: yeah, that sounds about right for me too, actually jpalmer: well, it's not too bad. but yeah ty im not that far back on updates mac os x is awesome a_j__c: you compile it? i can compile pretty much anything i can in freebsd and the gui is very efficient for me fink: i thought you would prefer apt-get ;-) yes rgouveia jpalmer: when I was visiting my brother in Japan last year, I found myself wanting to use a *nix console to rename some photos, so I install cygwin on my win7 netbook while I was there :P installed* rgouveia: i can't stand fink so the nytimes is trying some dumb paywall again i dont know how theyre going to verify 15-20 pageviews/month tho probably some dumb cookie thing that you can just delete fink: I actually wanted a mac book instead of my win7 netbook, but I couldn't get the financing I wanted fink: I've had mac fever recently, and actually themed my linux desktop to be mac-ish ;) mattx86: financing is a rip; if you can't afford a new one, get a used one the hardware lasts for years fink: yeah, I think I'd heard of someone's mac book lasting for like 6 years I should have done that only 6 years? my mom uses my old 12" g4 pb, just had to get a new battery; it's from 2003 pilgrimd: you'd be amazed at what more ram and an ssd can do! a_j__c: well, could have lasted longer except the guy had accidentally dropped it on concrete at school, and said it worked another year or two hooked up to an external monitor I already maxed the RAM. Waiting for SSDs to get better and cheaper. pilgrimd: you use macports? fink: I doubt it, since I have no idea what that is. :) my workstation is essentially just a dumb terminal to a bunch of unix machines using ssh. I don't really care about it's performance or specs. fink: wow @ g4 i love my T41 thinkpad pilgrimd: it's a nix software package manager for os x Ah. similar to freebsd ports mattx86: g4 & g5 were great chips Then I do, but I don't. I ported FreeBSD's ports system to it myself. as a computing society, we've pretty much lost the need for faster specs for quotidian tasks pilgrimd: cool, how? fink: pretty easy. the ports tree is actually stock except for Mk, which was heavily modified. pilgrimd: that's awesome pilgrimd: but also, way to reinvent the wheel ;) Well, I hate pretty much every other package manager out there. They all do some insanely stupid things or are just plain broken. Ports I like, mostly because it's easy to modify. fink: maybe, but I can portsnap on my macbook and get an updated tree. :) jpalmer: btw, do you use any of those tabbed SSH clients/wrappers for windows? pilgrimd: macports is nearly the same macports can portsnap/csup from freebsd's tree? jpalmer: I do like that I can use a combination of gnome-terminal's tabs and tmux windows of course, tmux may be available through cygwin pilgrimd: no, it uses its own tree; i meant it has a similar update mechanism I think I'll launch the Reverse DNS Manager now (with a beta notice) done up_the_irons: looks nice G: thanks! up_the_irons: can I make a suggestion? up_the_irons: if I edit say x.x.x.x.x.x.x.x.x.x.x.x.ip6.arpa, wouldn't it be better to just have a textarea of all NS records for that delegation, and split by line into actual DB records? G: i don't get it ;) I guess it doesn't really matter, and would likely require more work from the backend side but just wondering reach record gets a row *each tweet'd up_the_irons: yeah, but for mass editing of one delegation, it could be a crazy amounts of edits to change, (in my case 6) for the NS delegations, it'd be nice if it could be one edit, to edit all 6 rows G: yeah that's true either for a UI, one textarea one record per line, split again at the backend, or like most places, one per DB row up_the_irons: but otherwise, looks good thanks for the suggestions up_the_irons: around? jpalmer: yup found an issue with the new PTR stuff when I click on reverse DNS, it shows me (most of) the existing records. However, it doesn't show the existing NS records for my IPv4 subnet. only the CNAMES. not sure if it was a faulty import, or a frontend/display issue. jpalmer: yes, that's by design b/c I didn't finish the RFC 2317 validation code. So it won't show records like "x-y.a.b.c.in-addr.arpa" the "-" is what confuses it ahh, ok so, for right now if I want to change my RFC2317 delegation, thats not possible? jpalmer: yeah, it appears not possible yet ok up_the_irons: what's your twitter? bsdvps thanks! ix33: and @arpnetworks @bsdvps announces VPS related stuff, @arpnetworks is more for the overall business (like, i tweet peering relationships) up_the_irons, with your vps node, it's safe if I upgrade lenny to squizze? jaja: yes up_the_irons: do your VPS images support Xenix? ix33: its real hardware (via kvm). it's more of a question .. does xenix support the simulated hardware devices. yeah ohgod Xenix.... >< xenix... I remember booting that from floppies i keed i keed i always thought a MS Unix sounded fun Unix with a BSOD! who are all of these people with scores of 1,500 on the hurricane electric ipv6 cert? is part of the cert writing a perl script that will automatically submit ping, whois, and traceroute output for 100 straight days? I stopped at precisely 1024 because I knew to get to 1500, I'd have to write scripts. :) I already have my t-shirt at 1024 :) yay my order went through hey fuckers wut :) up_the_irons: do you have discounts for yearly? up_the_irons: nevermind, found it on wiki ;) It's the only logical explanation for something as grind-happy as "submit 100 daily ping outputs". haha brb :)