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mattx86 | what's the proper way to exit the serial console? or is it ok to just close the window? | [01:37] | |
pilgrimd | Just close the window, there's no explicit "logout" with VNC. | [01:38] | |
mattx86 | oh, sorry, I mean the ssh/serial console | [01:38] | |
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pilgrimd | Ctrl-E, c, . | [01:40] | |
DaCa | mattx86: ^Ec. to return to the menu, where you can choose q | [01:40] | |
pilgrimd | ^Ec? will give you a list of terminal server commands. | [01:40] | |
mattx86 | that's it. where did you guys find that, or did you remember it? :) | [01:41] | |
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pilgrimd | It's hinted from the menu.
After you enter your password, it says "[Enter `^Ec?' for help]" | [01:41] | |
mattx86 | ah yes, I see that
I recalled it telling me about it, but it had already scrolled off the top by this point anyway thanks guys | [01:43] | |
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mattx86 | hm.. anyone else have issues accessing 'copyrighted content' on youtube via ARP Networks' IPv6 network? | [01:58] | |
au | mattx86: I have that from my home connection
mattx86: Australia here | [02:02] | |
mattx86 | hm.. | [02:06] | |
LT | is the issue you can't access any copyrighted content or just some? might be the content is only available in countries x, y, z none of which is the US? | [02:06] | |
mattx86 | I'm in the US and it works over my home connection and ARP's IPv4, but not ARP's IPv6
LT: hadn't tested the all or some idea yet | [02:06] | |
LT | hmm. maybe it thinks ARPs IPv6 is somewhere else then | [02:08] | |
mattx86 | I might e-mail youtube about it, but for now I'm just going to change my DNS servers back so I don't get AAAA records for google/youtube
yeah, and what's weird is that sometimes ARP's IPv4 space is considered Australia I know geolocation isn't perfect though
^ works over ARP IPv4 but not ARP IPv6 (copyright issue) | [02:09] | |
au | mattx86: ipv6 address? | [02:14] | |
mattx86 | 'dig www.youtube.com AAAA @2001:470:20::2' returns: 2001:4860:b006::5b | [02:15] | |
au | what is yours? | [02:15] | |
mattx86 | oh, I'm coming from 2607:f2f8:a160::/48 | [02:16] | |
au | weird
Country: US | [02:16] | |
mattx86 | arin.net? | [02:17] | |
au | yes | [02:18] | |
mattx86 | besides that, IINM, 2607::/16 is for the US
that's probably not right, can't remember where I saw a list of native ipv6 prefixes | [02:19] | |
vapor | youtube probably hasn't updated their geographic location mechanism
for ipv6 ips lamers | [02:28] | |
mattx86 | yeah
at some point or another, I had decided to geolocation data to block access to certain countries through my VPS that's acting as a VPN I learned quickly that the data I had obtained (one of those sites you download it for free) was really inaccurate I was blocking popular websites and so forth, that it claimed was not in the US not what I wanted, to say the least | [02:30] | |
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mattx86 | I then decided I would get the data directly from the RIRs, but then I realized that companies/organizations would buy IP space from either from other RIRs or companies/organizations using IP space from another RIR
so, I ended up scrapping the whole idea geolocation is by all means, IMHO, unusable besides that, I realized that alot of the websites and services I visited or used were in several different countries, and my that my country-based whitelist was adding up | [02:35] | |
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LT | youtube geolocation does work for IPv6... if I hit the youtube page over v6 from the UK I get UK-specific shows listed. how good the geolocation data is may be another matter | [02:58] | |
mattx86 | yeah, the moment I switched my dns servers back to my ADSL provider's v4 dns servers, I could view youtube over ARP's IPv4
well, that one video anyway I do a 'split VPN' setup where DNS, Skype, games, etc go directly out the ADSL, while HTTP, etc go over ARP so I can control the download rate and avoid high latency in games and so forth | [03:00] | |
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mattx86 | works good :) | [03:03] | |
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wacker_ | Hi all, has anyone noticed the extreme nastyness over IPv6 via GBLX? It's apparent coming from Comcast? like 59% packet loss or worse.
It has been this way for over two weeks. So, my real question is: should I open a ticket with ARP, it's not really their problem, but maybe they can send it forward? | [10:48] | |
tooth | I've notice /some/ issue with ipv6 and freenode, but i didn't feel like investigating where it was. decided to use ipv4 since FN doesn't have a lot of ip6 servers anyway
so it could be attributed to that (i use my vps for irc as well) | [10:53] | |
wacker_ | Nothing to do with freenode here. I'm just running from my Comcast 6RD trial tunnel and am running into the problem just by pinging www.arpnetworks.com. | [10:56] | |
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jdoe | tooth: any connectivity issues lately, I'd blame freenode too. | [10:56] | |
tooth | I was just noting I was having issue with ip6 with my vps
jdoe, most likely. | [10:56] | |
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bharatak | hi, having trouble ssh'ing to the serial console - connection refused..
is this a known issue, or should i open a ticket | [12:50] | |
i put in a tick | [12:55] | ||
toddf | my serial console works great. you have a key and have used it before? | [12:59] | |
bharatak | yes
i'm on kvr12 | [12:59] | |
toddf | serial console doesn't matter what you're on its username@console.cust.arpnetworks.com
now if its the 'c' in the menu that says 'connection refused' then thats a different matter and if you've powered down and back up your vps you'll need to 'c' in the menu then control-e c o .. to force it to open a connection to your serial console after the vps is back up. | [12:59] | |
bharatak | I get a connection refused
I've done the control e dance before,but cant do it now. i get put right back into the menu | [13:01] | |
toddf | you need to be clear in the future it is when choosing 'c' in the menu.
'getting connection refused when connecting to the serial port' sounds as if you're unable to even ssh access the menu. | [13:02] | |
bharatak | ah - i see, my ticket was clearer ;) | [13:03] | |
toddf | its possible some conserver process isn't running for whatever reason. support@ will be your best bet unless up_the_irons shows up here. | [13:03] | |
up_the_irons | bharatak: try now | [13:03] | |
bharatak | i can do an l | [13:03] | |
up_the_irons | toddf: i need to put that darn conserver into runit; sometimes it does not stay up | [13:03] | |
bharatak | up_the_irons: works now | [13:05] | |
toddf | up_the_irons: who knew serial console access would be so popular that the process shows abuse and exits in retaliation! | [13:05] | |
bharatak | i think it's a great feature
also the vnc console | [13:05] | |
up_the_irons | toddf: LOL
bharatak: great | [13:05] | |
bharatak | brb, now I can reboot ;) | [13:05] | |
up_the_irons | :) | [13:06] | |
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bharatak | up_the_irons: thanks for the _great_ service | [13:09] | |
up_the_irons | bharatak: you're very welcome. thanks for the kind words!
wait 'til you guys see the reverse dns editor I'm coding up. Finally, self-managed PTR, CNAME, and NS records for your IP block(s) jpalmer will love me (he's been doing these by hand) | [13:10] | |
a_j__c | that is seriously awesome
im not gonna lie | [13:11] | |
up_the_irons | jpalmer is on his honeymoon; this will be a nice treat when he gets back | [13:11] | |
toddf | groovy. now I can edit it when i change ns IP's/names once every 5 years or so. | [13:11] | |
up_the_irons | a_j__c: so this is really in demand, no? Sometimes I think reverse DNS doesn't change enough for people to care
like toddf just noted ;) but I suppose self-service _anything_ is a big plus. who wants to open support tickets if they don't have to? | [13:12] | |
toddf | truly though, when I do change, I'm most pleased when its easily doable by something I do, rather than waiting on someone else.. ;-) | [13:13] | |
up_the_irons | toddf: yeah, I figured :) | [13:14] | |
a_j__c | up_the_irons: oh yeah if you add that i might switch my VPS over here | [13:14] | |
toddf | a_j__c: you're on this channel but you don't have your vps here? strange! | [13:15] | |
up_the_irons | a_j__c: oh yeah, you aren't a customer yet? :) | [13:15] | |
a_j__c | just been hanging here to see how the support is
so far it's really good | [13:16] | |
up_the_irons | cool
a_j__c: who are you with now? | [13:16] | |
a_j__c | EchoServers | [13:16] | |
up_the_irons | a_j__c: so they have a reverse dns manager? | [13:17] | |
a_j__c | nope
i manually do it (fail at it too) | [13:17] | |
au | meh
in my opinion | [13:17] | |
a_j__c | i've just been staying with them because of what I get for 7.99 a month | [13:18] | |
au | support which replies in 1 day or so is acceptable, as long as you can do things yourself such as rdns, resizing etc | [13:18] | |
up_the_irons | au: what do you get for 7.99?
au: yeah, resizing would be a whole other beast to tackle | [13:19] | |
a_j__c | me or au | [13:19] | |
au | up_the_irons: I don't know, I don't have a VPS at the moment, I used to use arpnetworks and it's quite nice | [13:19] | |
up_the_irons | au: whups, mean a_j__c
*meant | [13:19] | |
a_j__c | i get 5gb disk space, 256 ram, 100GB bandwidth and 2 ip's | [13:20] | |
up_the_irons | i c | [13:20] | |
a_j__c | i would host at my own home but I don't have a block or even static IP's | [13:20] | |
au | but you do suggest a really good point regarding RDNS changing too often, but at the end of the day, the more customers you can keep happy the better even though you disagree with them | [13:20] | |
up_the_irons | au: yeah, very true | [13:21] | |
au | a_j__c: I use dynamic dns @ afraid.org, cronjob :D | [13:21] | |
a_j__c | yeah i've been thinking about doing that
but even if that did work I don't have the networking gear to forward traffic accordingly | [13:21] | |
au | up_the_irons: haha, I see you've cut the IPS | [13:22] | |
a_j__c | ex. client from $location ssh's to myaddress.com which is really on the local network
i can't forward to properly | [13:22] | |
au | really | [13:23] | |
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au | no port forwarding on modem? | [13:23] | |
a_j__c | there is port forwarding
but if theres 20 other machines looking for packets on port 20 i don't know if I can properly route traffic | [13:23] | |
up_the_irons | au: yeah, I don't offer /28's anymore on new signups. I took that off once IPv4 exhaustion hit | [13:23] | |
au | oh yep | [13:23] | |
a_j__c | if I ssh from starbucks to mydomain.net
i need to go to the .net machine, not the .com or the .org | [13:24] | |
au | hmm, arpnetworks is very appealing haha | [13:24] | |
a_j__c | mhm | [13:24] | |
au | I used to use rackspace cloud, but it's quite expensive for what you get | [13:25] | |
a_j__c | yeah it is | [13:25] | |
au | starts at $11 for 256mb ram, 10gb disk | [13:25] | |
a_j__c | I tried AWS but that costs way too much money for what I have to spend | [13:25] | |
au | then you have to pay on top for network transfer | [13:25] | |
up_the_irons | yeah, i've found the big "cloud" solutions are expensive if you want to run them 24/7 | [13:27] | |
au | up_the_irons: yet look at http://www.slicehost.com
I find myself to blame the company rather than the cloud, but AWS is very expensive at the same time | [13:27] | |
up_the_irons | au: yeah, slicehost prices are expensive these days
however, when I get customers who want immediate 5 minute response times to support 24/7, I just refer them to slicehost ;) you *do* get a much larger support staff for that price of course, if you don't need support, why pay? | [13:28] | |
au | indeed | [13:29] | |
toddf | up_the_irons: I'm just glad you don't do the zero subnetting that some other providers do. at 1and1 for example, i have this monstrosity in hostname.vr0:
inet !route add -llinfo -iface -net -ifp $if | [13:32] | |
up_the_irons | proper subnetting will bite me in the butt when I run out of IPs, but w/e, I like to do things *right*, not just what maximizes profit | [13:33] | |
a_j__c | ^
tihs this* | [13:33] | |
up_the_irons | toddf: fugly :( | [13:34] | |
toddf | yup. the net effect is that they can sell every IP in their IP blocks to any customer, they just update their routing tables accordingly.
one IP at a time. | [13:35] | |
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toddf | I'm glad that is not the common case though. | [13:36] | |
up_the_irons | toddf: yeah, pretty sure slicehost does the same; but with them you get an IP out of a /24, and I think they just firewall off any traffic you shouldn't see | [13:36] | |
toddf | I'd be more than willing to take a gif(4) tunnel for v4 with nothing but native v6 on my vps, but that's probably way beyond simple for generic vps hosting. | [13:36] | |
up_the_irons | yeah | [13:37] | |
a_j__c | so what's used to route the traffic here? pf? | [13:37] | |
toddf | puffy rules 'da net.
though he doesn't rule 'da bgp. | [13:37] | |
a_j__c | i need to look more into routing, sheesh | [13:38] | |
up_the_irons | a_j__c: traffic is routed with a traditional Cisco 4500 multilayer switch | [13:39] | |
a_j__c | and from there, vlans i assume? | [13:40] | |
up_the_irons | a_j__c: yup, one vlan per customer | [13:40] | |
a_j__c | oic | [13:40] | |
up_the_irons | segregates every nicely and naturally
*everything | [13:40] | |
a_j__c | I can't wait until I can afford some serious DC hardware | [13:41] | |
up_the_irons | also provides the ability for you to colocate hardware or rent a dedicated server and have it be on the same VLAN as your VPS (so no charges for inter-customer traffic) | [13:41] | |
jdoe | a_j__c: you'll likely be stuck in my boat. There's a massive gulf between "shitty datacenter offerings" and "great, but horrifyingly expensive" with very little in the middle. | [13:50] | |
up_the_irons | up_the_irons nods | [13:50] | |
a_j__c | i want to start my own eventually but that's a looooooong time away
i gotta get out of HS first | [13:51] | |
up_the_irons | jdoe: a_j__c : the thing is, there is not much money in colocation unless you do it BIG TIME. So, the bargain ones are usually shitty shops | [13:51] | |
jdoe | up_the_irons: no I mean as a user with a machine I colocate, etc.
the offerings for single-server colocation (even without access to the hardware) are generally awful, expensive, or both. | [13:55] | |
up_the_irons | jdoe: right, i'm just telling you why :) | [13:56] | |
twobithacker | having some IPv6 issues today? my traceroute drops off at core1.den1.he.net | [13:56] | |
up_the_irons | jdoe: i used to run a dedicated colocation shop years ago (http://corporatecolo.com) | [13:56] | |
jdoe | up_the_irons: even from established providers though. | [13:57] | |
a_j__c | eventually (and I shouldn't put this here) I want to have a service like arp | [13:57] | |
jdoe | up_the_irons: iweb and superb.net aren't tiny or anything. | [13:57] | |
up_the_irons | jdoe: I still do some colocation through ARP Networks, but not much any more
jdoe: ah OK a_j__c: no worries, I support you :) I was in the same boat 10 years ago | [13:57] | |
twobithacker | there it goes again | [13:58] | |
jdoe | ie iweb offers a whopping 1TB/mo for their single server colocation for the same price you'd get 10TB if you bought a dedicated server from them.
superb is (apparently) just oversold. | [13:58] | |
up_the_irons | carrier / bulk bandwidth is really cheap these days | [13:59] | |
a_j__c | how many machines are in the arp 'fleet'? | [14:01] | |
up_the_irons | a_j__c: the VPS hosting cluster? | [14:01] | |
a_j__c | yeah | [14:02] | |
up_the_irons | a_j__c: there are 18 right now, and i have parts to build the 19th sitting right next to me (will go in this week)
and then I'm going to order parts for the 20th one ;) | [14:02] | |
a_j__c | very nice | [14:02] | |
up_the_irons | i want to hit 40 by the end of the year; a lofty goal, but why not reach for the stars | [14:03] | |
a_j__c | is there really that high of a demand? | [14:03] | |
up_the_irons | a_j__c: had my highest sales month last month, and this month is starting off strong as well | [14:06] | |
toddf | a_j__c: its been my experience that as I run across people looking for a colo or are not happy with their current vps/colo provider, and I mention ARP is OpenBSD friendly, they kindof jaw drap and signup post haste... | [14:06] | |
up_the_irons | up_the_irons nods | [14:07] | |
toddf | I've honestly done some debugging and test kernels on my ARP vps because its easier to crashdump with 256mb mem and powercycle a vps than it is to fight with real hw I may not be sitting next to .. | [14:08] | |
a_j__c | this is true | [14:08] | |
up_the_irons | sweet | [14:11] | |
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jdoe | toddf: that's amusing, why not just run a local vm though? | [14:24] | |
up_the_irons | jdoe: i would guess it is proximity. maybe he's not at home? maybe he's at the office, or starbucks, etc... :) | [14:29] | |
jdoe | ah, and if it's not next to him, might as well be anywhere... | [14:29] | |
up_the_irons | yup | [14:29] | |
toddf | jdoe: between home, my office, a client office I frequent once a week for most of the day, various dr appts between wife and kid I show up to, my laptop is my control center and remote stuff needs serial console and power cycle capacity. I haven't found a power bar I liked (aka timing of funding int he business account and price plus functionality) so the office requires me to be there, and running OpenBSD on my laptop there's no speedup so ...
... testing things like hitting afs as a webserver or adding v6 support to opensmtpd just don't fly in a vm on a roaming laptop as easily as a real vps that has a real function 'afs as a webserver' -> 'afs as a webserver backing store' | [14:35] | |
jdoe | gotcha. | [14:42] | |
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raptelan | up_the_irons: does a vps have 1 ip or a /29 by default/ | [16:00] | |
up_the_irons | raptelan: 1 IP, /30 by default | [16:01] | |
raptelan | waah
ok my work has a crappy firewall so I need to ssh via port 80 *and* run a web server :/ | [16:01] | |
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wickedSA_ | 443 | [16:06] | |
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up_the_irons | yo wickedSA | [16:17] | |
wickedSA | word | [16:17] | |
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raptelan | up_the_irons: do you do any dedicated servers or just colo? | [16:29] | |
up_the_irons | raptelan: just colo; thought about getting into dedicated servers, but seems labor intensive and you don't get much per server | [16:30] | |
raptelan | I want two of these in a HA cluster: http://cgi.ebay.com/Sun-Fire-X4240-2x-2-3ghz-AMD-Quad-Core-32GB-DVD-B14-/270717807328?pt=COMP_EN_Servers&hash=item3f0809eae0 | [16:34] | |
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up_the_irons | fancy | [16:43] | |
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shmget | raptelan: have you tried high port numbers? my work I can get out on port 8080 | [17:09] | |
G | raptelan: meh, I'd prefer two lots of two x3850 X5's joined together to make 2 x3950 X5 for an HA cluster | [17:11] | |
go crazy, 64 cores w/ 3TB RAM per super node :)
or if IBM still allows 4 x3850's to become a x3950, then double that again :P those machines are beasts | [17:17] | ||
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Escable | Hello. | [17:41] | |
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prael | up_the_irons: ping? | [17:48] | |
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heavysixer | mike-burns: ping
any database encoding nerds in here want to make a quick buck (or several of them)? I need help with an encoding issue. | [18:55] | |
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cubelogic has quit IRC (Ping timeout: 276 seconds) | [19:00] | |
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Escable | how long does it take to get setup? | [21:35] | |
coobra | Escable: i take time but you will get your vps :D | [21:37] | |
Escable | Sure. I understand. do you have service with arp networks?
If you do, how has it been? | [21:40] | |
coobra | yes
and its rocksolid i use freebsd | [21:43] | |
Escable | how often would you say do you experience downtime? | [21:47] | |
G | Escable: I haven't since I signed up
18:53:12 up 85 days, 4:40, 4 users, load average: 0.01, 0.01, 0.00 | [21:52] | |
coobra | 9:54PM up 58 days, 19:20, 1 user, load averages: 0.00, 0.00, 0.00
upp since i gotit | [21:53] | |
G | once I got it how I wanted to, I haven't had to reboot since | [21:54] | |
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dxtr | 7:21AM up 156 days, 15:21, 1 user, load averages: 0.02, 0.01, 0.00 :) | [22:21] | |
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up_the_irons | someone forwarded me like 459 days of uptime
one of mine: ]$ w 22:43:08 up 349 days, 21:16, 3 users, load average: 0.00, 0.00, 0.00 | [22:42] | |
Escable | Wow
Nice uptime. Do you have any problems with me running a voice server? (teamspeak) We currently have a $70 dedicated server and I am looking for a cheaper option. | [22:54] | |
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up_the_irons | Escable: voice server is no problem at all
Escable: what do you serve over teamspeak? radio, games, ... ? (just curious) | [23:08] | |
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Nobody | Star Trek Online fleet
www.12th-fleet.com | [23:15] | |
*** | Nobody is now known as Escable | [23:17] | |
up_the_irons | Escable: ah cool
Escable: we could definitely host this for you, including teamspeak, for a lot less than $70; we've proven to be very reliable Escable: I'm doing a round of orders tonight, so if you put yours in within the next hour or so, you'll get it before I go to bed (in a few hours) | [23:18] | |
Escable | Nice. | [23:21] | |
Do you have a discount for pre-paying for a year? | [23:27] | ||
up_the_irons | Escable: yes: http://support.arpnetworks.com/kb/billing/is-there-a-discount-for-paying-in-advance | [23:40] |
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