#arpnetworks 2011-03-06,Sun

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***rykka55 has joined #arpnetworks
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............ (idle for 59mn)
Ripper^^ has quit IRC (Quit: Leaving) [01:52]
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RandalSchwartzRandalSchwartz waves from ATL [04:03]
GG waves back, with sympathy... afterall, the stories I've heard about ATL ;) [04:04]
RandalSchwartzwell - I'm safely cocooned in the airport :)
leaving here in a half hour
azmarcoRandalSchwartz: you're about 2 hours west of me [04:16]
RandalSchwartzby what mode of transportation?
jet? :)
azmarcoheh. jet. i'm in augusta. all kinds of traffic will be interesting in a few weeks [04:22]
RandalSchwartzthen it's not two hours [04:22]
azmarcoyea, sorry. i meant car
RandalSchwartztwo hours car, maybe
two hours jet, I can be in bermuda. :)
azmarcoi'm not even 2 cups of coffee into the morning
have you been to augusta before?
I've been only where my clients have taken me :)
azmarcoheh [04:23]
RandalSchwartzas a kid, my travels were Portland to the coast.
as an adult, I've been in 50-ish countries because my clients have paid me
but I haven't taken a vacation in years
azmarcoi'm guessing fll is for $client then eh? [04:24]
cruise #59
azmarcoit is nice there. i have an aunt an uncle right down the road in boynton beach [04:25]
RandalSchwartzI won't be there more than 4 hours :)
and another 4 hours at the end of the cruise
I've stayed 3 days there once
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mattx86 has quit IRC (Quit: Leaving) [05:26]
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rquisumbing has quit IRC (Quit: Page closed) [05:55]
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robotarmy has joined #arpnetworks [08:26]
coobrawhen i have added new port in pf.conf what can i do to reload it ?
pfctl -e ?
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azmarcopfctl -nf /etc/pf.conf to make sure it's good first
i just upgraded a 4.2-current firewall to 4.9-current, remotely. -n is your friend =)
coobraspanks [08:32]
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.... (idle for 16mn)
RandalSchwartzpfctl -v /etc/pf.conf; sleep 15; pfctl -d
that way, if it breaks your console, it'll disable itself
just hit ^C during the sleep
................. (idle for 1h22mn)
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mattx86 has joined #arpnetworks [11:21]
up_the_ironsaccording to seabios v0.4.1 changelog, "Enhance boot menu to support booting from any drive or any cdrom"

i wonder why i can't find that option though
..... (idle for 21mn)
Gup_the_irons: how are you testing it/what is your testcase?
up_the_irons: I might have a play in a few minutes if I can get my Blu-Ray drive working
up_the_ironsG: i just boot up a VM with a newer KVM and try to boot from the CD-ROM. I see no option with which to do so [11:49]
Gup_the_irons: via say, the console? [11:50]
up_the_ironsG: yes [11:50]
Gup_the_irons: okay, I'll see what I can see
(which as I'm blind as a bat and twice as ugly, is potentially very little) ;)
up_the_ironsG: lol [11:52]
Gright, my BR Drive works, so... KVM [11:53]
and libvirt is giving me grief [12:03]
up_the_ironshaha [12:03]
Gup_the_irons: by the way, have you seen http://www.linux-kvm.org/page/Change_cdrom [12:08]
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Gup_the_irons: no idea if this is your observations, but for a serial device, the first output I get is grub
up_the_irons: which makes me think the precompiled seabios'es for KVM etc are set to output to VNC(?) instead of say, both VNC if attached and /dev/ttyS0 if attached
which between you, me and anyone who reads/caches these logs, is blindsighted imo
up_the_irons: I'll take a bigger look when I'm booted in Linux next
...... (idle for 26mn)
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key- has quit IRC (Quit: & sleep) [13:25]
ix33 has joined #arpnetworks [13:31]
ix33ipv6 down or something? [13:31]
--- ipv6.l.google.com ping6 statistics ---
65 packets transmitted, 31 packets received, 52.3% packet loss
round-trip min/avg/max/std-dev = 32.140/157.335/1001.141/324.689 ms
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robotarmy has joined #arpnetworks [15:27]
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up_the_ironsup_the_irons drops a pin [22:51]
milkifree pin!? [22:56]
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........ (idle for 37mn)
up_the_ironslol [23:39]
pilgrimdpilgrimd hopes it was a ground pin, or we're going to get some serious signal corruption. [23:42]
up_the_ironshow's it going out there in the interwebz? [23:44]
pilgrimdSticky. Freakin' spiders everywhere. [23:45]
up_the_ironsyou are in AU ? [23:47]
pilgrimdThe US. Hiding in the Silicon Forest. [23:47]
whenever i hear of spiders, i think of AU
pilgrimdI've seen pictures. [23:49]
up_the_ironsBIG ONES [23:49]
pilgrimd"There exists not a man whom this spider can not reduce to a screaming schoolgirl." was a common caption. [23:49]
up_the_ironshaha [23:49]

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