#arpnetworks 2011-02-07,Mon

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HighJinx has joined #arpnetworks [10:19]
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nestahey all [10:36]
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nestahey BeBoo_ :D [11:25]
BeBoo_heya nesta [11:25]
Sheathhi [11:25]
BeBoo_how ya been [11:25]
nestadoing good
about to make my dinner
how you?
BeBoo_yum. whatcha havin [11:25]
Sheathdongs [11:26]
BeBoo_just sittin at work, workin on some php stuffs [11:26]
nestasteak, mash celeriac, grilled flat cap mushrooms and bearnaise sauce [11:26]
BeBoo_not sure what celeriac is but the rest sounds yummy [11:26]
nestahi coil
hidey cat
sounds like a delicious dinner
nestayes its gonna be amazing
can't wait
I might be looking forward to the wine even more tho
hard day at work
Sheathugh alcohol
yeah im currently recovering from a pretty bad hangover myself
up_the_ironsyum [11:28]
BeBoo_heya up_the_irons [11:28]
up_the_ironshey BeBoo_
BeBoo_how are ya, sir? [11:28]
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nestaup_the_irons: if I want to request a OpenBSD to be put in the disc drive is there a charge?
I don't need you to install it as I can just do it meself
BeBoo_nesta: yes, labor.. :-P [11:29]
nestahehe :P
trying to find how much he might charge for that task :)
anyway bbiab
tummy grumbling
Sheathnesta i think he'll do that for free
just gotta email support
and you might have to provide the iso url tho
jpalmernesta: we'll change the cd ISO. there is no charge. please send an email to support@ with your login name, your VPS UUID (available in your customer portal) and the link to the .iso file you want mounted. [11:32]
up_the_ironsBeBoo_: i'm good, yourself?
nesta: no charge
BeBoo_up_the_irons: i'm great, thanks =
up_the_ironsjpalmer: i've been reviewing your DNS tickets and I just wanted to say great job. You make my life easier :) [11:44]
jpalmerdanke. just doing what I can ;) [11:45]
up_the_irons:) [11:45]
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nestacool thanks [11:56]
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vcsahhhh the joy of PF
making my life so much easier
Sheathhehe [12:23]
vcsiptables could learn a thing or two from pf
understatement of the century
up_the_ironspf is nice
although iptables with *ferm* is actually pretty nice. ferm takes out all the frustration and duplication. I think newer ferm's actually support pf too
n/m, no pf support
jpalmerthe only problem I really have with iptables, is the horribly archaic syntax.
(rule syntax that is)
it's certainly flexible and capable. but man, trying to remember what the switches all mean after looking at a pf ruleset..
pf reads like an english sentence. iptables reads like.. a horribly translated tech manual into english.
up_the_ironshaha [12:32]
i mean i can read iptables and understand
but writing it is another story
also its much easier to make a cleaner pf ruleset
and alot easier to add new things to it
since you can use variables and such
being able to do stuf like tcp_services="{21,22,80,113,443}" is just awesome
and thats just the tip of the iceberg
up_the_ironsholy shit, we just hit 70 people in here. new record!
i wonder why it is growing now, when it stayed at about 55 for like a year
jpalmerup_the_irons: I mention it all the time on linkedin.
anytime anyone asks about a vps. or colo.
up_the_ironsjpalmer: whoa cool!! [12:43]
vcsive mentioned it to quite a few people
BSD + ipv6 usually instantly sells them
jpalmerindeed. [12:46]
up_the_ironsah [12:46]
jpalmerif I could ever bear the childish bullshit on ##FreeBSD again.. I'd probably mention it more often.. but frankly.. the channel has grown to disgust me. [12:47]
vcslol [12:47]
jpalmerI stepped down as a staffer after several years, because I couldn't deal with it anymore. it was bad enough that.. had I been the founder, I would have demoted almost all of the existing staff, and vigorously started kickbanning certain regulars who did nothing but berate and belittle newcomers. [12:48]
finkfink remembers being banned by teh jpalmer [12:49]
vcselitism and OSS
we all had to stard somewhere
jpalmerfor a community that thinks they are so open minded.. I found it to be exactly the opposite. you mention just about any other OS in there (even another BSD) and instantly.. it was debate central. [12:50]
up_the_ironsyep [12:51]
jpalmeranyway, enough knocking them. I tried to change things for 3 years before I stepped down. and realized, stepping down was the right move for me. I shouldn't badmouth them after-the-fact. [12:51]
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crazedwhere are the vps' located? [13:58]
Sheathlos angles, ca
if i could only spell...
crazedah alright
that would explain the extra latency compared to my linode in newark, nj :)
up_the_ironsyup :)
crazed: you should share a traceroute; worth seeing the path it takes

it never fully reaches my arpnetworks box, i have icmp blocked, i should allow it though
toddfblocking icmp never makes any sense and only causes more harm than good. [14:19]
finkyea i hate it when people do that [14:20]
up_the_ironscool, tnx
datapipe, interesting
crazedyeah i need to allow it
decided to block for whatever reason and don't want to kill my state table
my pf rules are sort of botched rigth now
also i'm at work, that's why it's coming from datapipe lol
Gup_the_irons: popularity reason? IPv6 & KVM are getting popular [14:33]
crazed<3 kvm [14:34]
Gexactly [14:34]
up_the_ironsG: yeah probably [14:34]
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Gup_the_irons: even for just IPv6 VPS, ARP is one of the most mentioned [14:41]
up_the_ironsG: o'rly? cool! [14:41]
that's the main reason i switched from linode personally
freebsd/zfs was a huge side bonus
also more resources for the same price
Gup_the_irons: for instance: http://hosting.4or6.com/tutorial?l=en
personally, my criteria, was: Not OpenVZ, Not VMware, Not Some Other Virt Tech that I've never heard of, and IPv6
up_the_ironsG: ah yeah, seen that.
G: hehe cool
crazedup_the_irons: i have no idea how you got such good disk i/o with bsd and kvm, but i'm impressed [14:44]
Goh and they had to actually talk about IPv6 on their site [14:44]
up_the_ironscrazed: :) [14:45]
Giirc the VMs are using virtio or somesuch right?
or is that only the Linux based ones
crazedlinux only has virtio
unless freebsd made drivers recently, but they would have to write them from scratch
up_the_ironsG: only linux supports virtio for disk
and also for network
crazedblock devices really [14:49]
Gup_the_irons: actually Windows supports virtio now [14:50]
up_the_ironsG: no shit? haha
maybe i should start offering Win VMs ;)
Gup_the_irons: Red Hat got the drivers for Windows certified mid-late-09 [14:51]
up_the_ironsi wonder how the licensing on that works
G: cool
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Gup_the_irons: Win VM+SPICE would be interesting, but not for me ;0 [14:52]
up_the_ironsG: i c [14:52]
G(instead of VNC that is) [14:52]
up_the_ironsG: ah, yes, definitely interesting [14:59]
Gup_the_irons: I have it on my home network for a couple of VMs, makes it nice when switching OS's it just works
(spice that is)
up_the_ironsG: nice [15:00]
jdoeup_the_irons: unpleasantly, I would think (re: windows licensing) [15:06]
Gand yeah, I agree [15:06]
up_the_ironsyeah [15:06]
Glike it'd need at least half a gig of RAM just for the OS, then prices I've seen for Windows VMs have been like $15+/mo more [15:08]
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up_the_ironsi c [15:12]
up_the_irons thanks for the vps stable, fast, and linux/emu rox ;)
up_the_ironsJareth: no problem, glad you like it! [15:14]
arp rox mt sox
Jarethup_the_irons, if later I need more ipv4 it's possible or I have the max of allowed ip? [15:16]
up_the_ironsJareth: how many do you have now? [15:17]
merkyi'm curious why people keep saying the disk performance is great, and i'm finding disk performance on the slower side?
is openbsd sucky with diskio on kvm
finkyes [15:17]
Jarethup_the_irons I have buy a /28 I think
yeh 13 ip /28
up_the_ironsJareth: then you are at the limit
I may stop offering /28's in the future, b/c of exhaustion, or up the price
merkyoh actually if i write 20 mb it's quicker
gah oh well i don't care that much
openbsd doesn't haev apt-get to chew through disk taking ages to install a small package
nestathere is always FreeBSD :D
merkyfreebsd was real messy last time i looked at it
i suppose i should check it out sometime
actualyl i think i did try to try it out sometime, and it didn't boot in virtualbox
nestaits amazing [15:23]
merkyhow do you add a package? [15:23]
nestaI like OpenBSD too though
I use ports, just like OpenBSD
merkyoh, i don't use ports in oepnbsd [15:23]
nestathere is alwaso packages though [15:23]
merkyi used to [15:23]
nestaalso* [15:24]
merkybut for things like iperf, mtr, zsh, vim etc
i don't really care about compiling my own version
nestawell there is packages too like in OpenBSD [15:24]
merkylast time i tried to use freebsd, people were saying to use cvsup and shit
and it was really complicated to get source
and to compile your own kernel etc
well actually it wasn't that bad
nestaugh [15:25]
merkybut it was still kind of unstable [15:25]
nestause 'csup' ints in base
no need to add anything
merkyi used freebsd in 2001 [15:25]
nestableh can't type [15:25]
merkyit corrupted my hard-disk
but that was back in IDE days
nestaahh [15:26]
merkyi think there was some problembecause i was using UDMA66
but it made me paranoid about it
and when it corrupted data i went to openbsd straight away
cos i first thought freebsd would be faster
and better for a desktop
and y'know what? openbsd was faster/easier as a desktop
at least back in 2001
xterms seemed to load up quicker
it was easier to set up X etc
surprised me, cos people were always saying that openbsd isn't really for desktops
but then, i suppose i'm not typical desktop user? i mostyl just use terminals, and ion, pidgin, a web browser, pdf viewer
RandalSchwartzmy desktop uses OSX :) [15:39]
Gmy desktop runs timber
with layers and layers of paper :)
RandalSchwartzare you merky of merky research? [15:43]
nestahaha G [15:50]
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crazedthis chanel needs to ignore joins/parts
mike-burnsYou can configure that in your IRC client, probably. [20:07]
crazedi did
/ignore #arpnetworks joins parts quits :)
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