#arpnetworks 2011-01-15,Sat

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***dxtr has quit IRC (Quit: Lost terminal) [00:33]
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ideas1thanks hubpub [01:15]
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does everything install from source in freebsd?
apache is taking forever
jlgaddisyou can install from packages
e.g. "pkg_add -r apache22"
but as a general rule, yes
is adding packages via pkg_add frowned upon?
jlgaddisno, but you just get it however it was compiled, which could be without certain options that you may need
from source is always the best option, imo
ideas1sounds like im going to be spending a ton of time reading lol [02:05]
jlgaddisbookmark: freebsd.org/doc/handbook/ =)
90% of what you need/want to know is there
ideas1thank you [02:06]
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jlgaddisalso, #freebsd =) [02:22]
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phluxAnyone else having rDNS problems? [09:05]
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jpalmerphlux: what kind of problems?
phlux: judging from the IP you joined with, it appears as though ARP is delegating your ip6-arpa to ns1 and ns2.dragonzkeep.com
upon further troubleshooting, I see: dig: couldn't get address for 'ns1.dragonzkeep.com': not found
it looks like your 2 NS's are having issues.
and upon further troubleshooting: dragonzkeep.com is expired. Expiration date: 14 Nov 2010 09:11:39
phluxI have my DNS delegated to my own NS servers [09:38]
jpalmeryou can either pay for the domain renewal, move the delegation to 2 NS's that work, or let ARP handle PTR [09:39]
phluxHowever, as far as I know, arp is still in charge of the rDNS
I don't even know what dragonzkeep.com is :P
but my ipv6 isn't what's in question
It my mail server
the IP is
jpalmerok, then I'm troubleshooting a problem you don't have. which IP specifically are you concerned with?
dragonzkeep.com are the NS's responsible for the rDNS for the IPv6 address you just joined with, btw.
phluxweird [09:40]
jpalmer$ dig -x +short
seems to be working. what issues are you seeing?
phluxWell, I keep getting e-mails kicked back because the rDNS/DNS is supposedly set up incorrectly [09:42]
jpalmer(just a headsup, I ave to leave soon to get fitted for a tux.) [09:42]
phluxFor instance, craigslist shoots the following:
<unknown[]>: Client host rejected:

xabd-4 (in reply to RCPT TO command)
If I do a DNS Report from a website, I get rDNS failures for mail.ewnix.net
jpalmerthe A and PTR records seem to match. is it just craigslist kicking an error? or others too? (it's possible the craigslist mailserver is having some DNS flakiness) [09:45]
phluxOthers...for example, my Dad has an AOL e-mail address (STILL...) and he can't receive e-mails from my domain.
My stuff gets kicked into spam for gmail/yahoo because of it
jpalmerok, which website are you doing the DNS report from, let me see what it says [09:45]
phluxIt's really becoming a nuisance
I've tried several, actually. dnscolos.com, thednsreport.com, intodns.com
jpalmeraccording to thednsreport.com, ns3 and ns4.ewnix.net are reporting lame delegations. (IE your NS doesn't know about that domain) but when queried directly, it does.
phlux: I have to run, and get fitted for my wedding. I'll be back in a couple hours if you haven't figured this out. the guys in #bind may be able to help in the meantime.
phluxaye, thanks. [09:54]
jpalmernp. if it helps, the problem appears to be on the ewnix.net side, not on the arp side. but when I get back, I can look into it further. [09:54]
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ideas1when i bring up the console i get a [no, customer is attached] any idea?
i think i may have "firewalled" my self out
it happend after i had locked my self out of by using pf from allow traffic from sms0 to em0
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jpalmerphlux: ping [13:56]
phluxhey, jpalmer [13:59]
jpalmerdid you get your DNS issue figured out? [14:03]
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phluxUnfortunately, I haven't been able to look farther into it yet. [14:07]
jpalmerok, well.. let me know. [14:13]
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mattx86 has joined #arpnetworks [19:05]
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htols has joined #arpnetworks [20:40]
htolsis anyone who handles abuse available? [20:40]
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RandalSchwartzI often handle abuse, but not for arp
is there something odd going on?
jlgaddisjlgaddis beats RandalSchwartz with the python book [21:00]
RandalSchwartzas long as you indent it properly. :) [21:01]
htolsit's related to abuse going on from arpnetworks network block [21:05]
what kind of absue?
htolsare you an employee of arpnetworks? [21:06]
RandalSchwartzand the proper channel to report that is email to support@arpnetworks.com [21:06]
htolsnot abuse@arpnetworks.com? [21:06]
RandalSchwartzmaybe that too
probably goes to the same place
what kind of abuse?
htolsthat's where I sent it
I can't say here
RandalSchwartzwhy not?
mike-burnsEmail support@ and up_the_irons will take care of it ASAP. [21:07]
htolsif you're not an employee it doesn't concern you [21:07]
RandalSchwartzyes, it does indeed concern me [21:08]
htolsmike-burns: thanks [21:08]
RandalSchwartzI promote ARP to others
if ARP is a haven of bad guys, *I* need to know
htolsI hope it's not [21:08]
RandalSchwartzthen explain
so I know the scope
htolsif the ARP handles it there's no need to make it public [21:09]
RandalSchwartzuh, this isn't public
this is locals
htolsbad apples do get onto networks. it's companies that don't remove them that become havens [21:09]
the very people who are most interested
the people that are helping *others* here
RandalSchwartz hates dealing with 19-year-olds
eventually, they'll mellow out, but at 19, they're very "I have the world figured out"
mike-burnsHe's probably not 19 and just didn't want to argue with you about whether the subject at hand was abuse. [21:13]
RandalSchwartzI wasn't gonna argue whether it was
just wanted to know the realm
lots of IRC kiddies recently
wondered if it was that
and he's almost certainly 19
"htols is sloth @ college"
that's a 19-year-old handle trick
mike-burnsCould be 21. [21:14]
21 they get a cooler nick :)
mike-burnsHeh. [21:14]
htolsactually it's post graduate security research going on from this server
but not mine, just have a shell here
RandalSchwartzwhich doesn't yet disclose your age. :)
you could still be 19
nice play
mike-burnsI'm going to assume that htols is a very mature 19 year old and RandalSchwartz is a very immature 49 year old. [21:16]
RandalSchwartzI've never claimed maturity, so that's irrelevant
I'm just callin' em like I see 'em
and lack of denial from "htols" confirms my claims
an excitable 19-year-old
jlgaddisjlgaddis yawns [21:17]
RandalSchwartzprobably blowing a bunch of stuff out of proportion
some random IRC script kiddies who have been parking on ARP for a few weeks now
messing up my IP traffic
mike-burnsYeah I gotta go do something interesting. [21:18]
jlgaddisditto [21:18]
htolssorry but I'm dealing with multiple ISPs right now. No time to argue about my age with you right now [21:18]
jlgaddishtols: student or staff? [21:19]
jpalmerhtols: up_the_irons is the one who will handle your ticket, but from the logs you posted, it appears to be some kind of ftp transfer or similar. are you *sure* this wasn't legit traffic? [21:19]
htolsneither, just have a shell here [21:19]
RandalSchwartzjust ftp!?
RandalSchwartz sighs
RandalSchwartz grumbles "excitable 19-year-old"
htolsjpalmer: right, 100mb/s of FTP [21:19]
jpalmerRandalSchwartz: I don't know the full story, so I'd recommend not jumping to conclusions ;) [21:20]
htolsUDP FTP no less [21:20]
RandalSchwartzftp isn't over udp
RandalSchwartz consults the RFC
htolswow, you're the smart one [21:20]
jpalmerhence "or similar" it was all destined to a single port. [21:20]
htolsit wasn't [21:20]
jpalmermost DoS's, or DDoS's Ive seen, randomize. [21:20]
htolsrandom port, dest and size [21:20]
RandalSchwartzthere was that crappy "pseudo-ftp" thingy for a while, over udp [21:20]
htolssource port was the same [21:21]
RandalSchwartzbut I knew it was only for bad guys
fsp, that was it
"to make ftp work better"
yeah right
htolsjpalmer, are you staff for ARP? [21:21]
RandalSchwartzjpalmer is an insider, yes.
since you seem to want authority, instead of common sense.
jpalmerhtols: I see it now, I was reading the logs backwards. the destination port is randomized.
htols: I don't have the authority or the access to dig into this matter, that'll be up to Garry. I just wanted to verify that this was some misunderstood legit traffic.
RandalSchwartzs/was/wasn't/ [21:25]
jpalmerheh. amazing how 3 characters can change an entire meaning, eh? [21:26]
jlgaddisheh, one character is the difference between "Let's eat grandma" and "Let's eat, grandma"
"I helped my uncle, Jack, off a horse" vs ... well, you know.
ahhh, patch cluster is finally done installing.
jpalmerok, calling it a night. later guys [21:29]
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RandalSchwartzmy girl, bill
still betting on 19
seemed brash enough
phluxSomeome was hitting someone else at 100mb/s from an arp vps?
RandalSchwartzI've done that to my oversee.net desktop
but I'm only 4 hops 1.2ms from apr
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phluxI've never thought to see what I could push on myself [21:32]
RandalSchwartzI grabbed about 50GB of download in 30 minutes once :) [21:33]
phluxI'm 12 hops away :( [21:34]
RandalSchwartzoversee has dark fiber to one wilshire
which of course is one hop from wilshire annex
so my route is local lan -> fiber -> wilshire hop -> arp
all at a gigabit :)
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phluxnice [21:36]
RandalSchwartzand the dark fiber is to a cage that has gigabit to the internet backbones
so I have gigabit service to my desk :)
right to the "net"
oversee.net's ASN is quite high on most routing tables, apparently
jlgaddiswhat the hell does that mean? [21:38]
RandalSchwartzdunno - it just gets a lot of preferred routing
not a lot of hops to anywhere
oversee parks 2.5 million domain names
jlgaddis17 from here [21:40]
RandalSchwartzmany of which are owned directly, but many from customers [21:40]
jlgaddis"it just gets a lot of preferred routing" ... dunno what that means either [21:41]
RandalSchwartzwould "closer to the center of the net" make any more sense? [21:44]
jlgaddisit would [21:44]
RandalSchwartzok - that's what I was meaning :)
instead of being three hops out somewhere, it's peering with a lot of main backbones
jlgaddisexcept that they're only at CIIX
peering w/ uunet, ntt, level3, he, packetexchange, and xeex there, it seems
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