#arpnetworks 2010-12-08,Wed

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so I had Garry setup reverse dns for my domain, pointed my nameservers to ns1/ns2.arpnetworks.com but its not resolving :/
I'm not sure what I've done wrong, should I be pointing my NS entries somewhere else?
hmmm, it looks like reverse is working but standard is not
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toddfif Garry is doing reverse, someone needs to do forward, heh [10:09]
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whitefangyeah that's what I was thinking
but godaddy, in their infinite wisdom, doesn
doesn't list their nameservers
on their site
toddfif you use them for dns they `take care of it'
if you use yourself for dns, you `take care of it'
whitefangwell I'm going to have to use godaddy for my dns
I suspect their server is cns1/2/3.secureserver.net
toddfbecause you can't setup your own or ?
use their form, it's simple, if you can't do it yourself
whitefangI'd rather not have to run my own nameserver
I can do it myself with their stupid tools, the problem is they don't list what their nameservers are.
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cubelogic has joined #arpnetworks [11:06]
whitefangahh got it all working. [11:08]
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dxtrwhitefang: I regged a domain at godaddy, realized they suck and moved the domain ASAP :P [11:33]
I'm going to be moving it
dxtrNow I'v got namecheap after some tips from slashdot [11:34]
whitefangthey don't like me add a wildcard CNAME [11:34]
dxtrBut they suck too
So I'm gonna move my domains from that crap place when I feel like it :P
whitefangI just heard some good things about opensvs
dxtropensvc? [11:35]
whitefangopensrs [11:35]
dxtrWell, namecheap.com are resellers for some huge crap shit
Doesn't support ipv6 and stuff :/
..... (idle for 24mn)
***schmir has quit IRC (Read error: Connection reset by peer) [12:00]
wwi used to have styx.org at netsol, with ipv6 glue...
transferred out because they're generally evil...
lost ipv6 glue :(
(did't lose it immediately, but i was unable to change it in the gtld)
whitefangwhat do you mean by ipv6 glue? [12:16]
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jpalmerwhitefang: "glue" (as it relates to DNS) means that the gTLD servers have IN NS records for a nameserver that is within the same domain as the record it's pointing to. it eliminates a circular dependency. [12:28]
whitefangah ok. [12:29]
jpalmerfor instance.. if I own example.com, and want to use ns1.example.com and ns2.example.com to answer queries for example.com...
with glue, the gTLD servers would say.. "ns1 and ns2.exmaple.com are responsbile for answering these queries.. you can find them at and"
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I suspect my system is only using 1 cpu core
hw.ncpu: 1
dxtrwhitefang: I'd assume that's intended [12:42]
whitefangah ok
dedicated CPU resources
any way to check how much cpu speed I have dedicated?
ionise{43}% sysctl -a | egrep -i 'hw.machine|hw.model|hw.ncpu' [~]
hw.machine: amd64
hw.model: QEMU Virtual CPU version 0.9.1
hw.ncpu: 1
hw.machine_arch: amd64
ionise{44}% dmesg | grep -i cpu [~]
CPU: QEMU Virtual CPU version 0.9.1 (2666.65-MHz K8-class CPU)
cpu0: <ACPI CPU> on acpi0
sorry for spam
that RPROMPT really makes it worse huh
so does that mean I have 2.7GHz allocated to just me?
finkwhitefang: i'll share some if it w/you, if you don't want all of it [12:49]
its all mine?!
I'm pretty sure that doesn't mean that's dedicated to my VPS though
but I would like to know how much is
jdoemost providers don't disclose how many vpses there are per machine, beyond "not overloaded"
dunno if (but don't think) arp is any different.
whitefangDedicated resources
* RAM is not over subscribed
* Dedicated CPU resources
jdoeI suspect dedicated in that context means that your vm won't be starved. [12:58]
dxtrHow do you dedicate a specific amount of CPU to a VM?
bob___it can be done [12:59]
dxtrCan the program even control how many hertz it will allocate for this task? [12:59]
bob___you could budget a specific number of cycles/second
(to the VM, that is)
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kwewuwooo, ipv6 IRC ^_^ [13:27]
dxtrkwewu: Old news :P [13:27]
kwewunot for me :P [13:28]
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up_the_ironswhitefang: reverse dns does not require pointing name servers to ns1/ns2.arpnetworks.com [14:17]
whitefangyeah, I got it all working now, thanks. [14:17]
up_the_ironswhitefang: reverse dns does not require anything special on your part [14:17]
whitefangwell, it did in a way, because I was previously using rootbsds nameservers
so I had to switch to godaddys
up_the_ironsshould have read the whole scrollback. looks like whitefang got it working :) [14:18]
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whitefangI'm using arpnetworks ns server in my resolv.conf and host ionise.org isn't resolving
is it just a matter of propagtion?
jpalmerwhitefang: propogation should be instant. how are you trying to resolve it? [15:56]
whitefangwith host
host ionise.org [/usr/ports]
Host ionise.org not found: 2(SERVFAIL)
host ionise.org works though
jpalmerare you trying to confirm an A, AAAA, PTR or othr record? [15:58]
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jpalmerand which arpnetworks server are you using in your resolv.conf? ns1.arpnetworks.com and ns2.arpnetworks.com aren't configured to answer recursive queries. they are authoratative only
whitefang: ?
.... (idle for 19mn)
whitefang: I guess you went afk. FWIW I've verified that the host command returns the expected results on all servers I've tested against. at a guess, I would say your /etc/resolv.conf is using a non-recursive nameserver, and shouldn't be. [16:25]
.... (idle for 18mn)
whitefangthe nameserver I'm using is ns1/n2.arpnetworks.com [16:43]
jpalmerok, thats your problem.
those NS's are not set up for you to use them. they are authoratative only.
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jpalmerhttp://support.arpnetworks.com/faqs/main/dns-servers [16:45]
I guess I don't understand why those dns servers would work to resolve google.com but not ionise.org
jpalmerchances are, it was already cached on those NS's. [16:47]
whitefangso will those nameservers not eventually cache ionise.org? [16:48]
jpalmerI think you're confusing a couple different things.
ns1 and ns2.arpnetworks.com will not resolve queries for clients that aren't specifically authorized to use them.
you need to use the NS's that *are* configured to resolve queries. They are listed in the FAQ link I showed you.
those are ns1/ns2
jpalmeras for ns1 and ns2 eventually caching your domain, it doesn't matter if it does or not. no other clients are going to be using them to resolve your domain. [16:50]
whitefangso I am using the dns servers from those faqs = ns1, = ns2
jpalmerwhitefang: are you doing the host command from your VPS, or your loal machine? [16:53]
whitefangfrom my vps [16:53]
jpalmerwhat happens when you use dig +trace, instead of host? [16:56]
whitefangtoo much to paste ^_^ [16:57]
jpalmerright, read the output, and sum it up ;)
or, pastebin it
whitefanghttp://codepad.org/6zjKYOu8 [16:58]
jpalmerthat looks like I would expect. [16:59]
whitefangits weird that host is giving me a 2(SERVFAIL) [17:02]
jpalmerit didn't when you did a +trace. [17:04]
whitefangthat was a dig [17:04]
jpalmer.. I'm aware. [17:04]
whitefangwell yeah, it didn't for the trace. [17:05]
jpalmerwhen you traced it, everything returned successfully. [17:05]
whitefangyeah [17:05]
jpalmerI don't use the 'host' command, I use dig for everything DNS related. I'd find out what queries the host command is making, and duplicate those in dig +trace [17:07]
whitefanghost by default looks for A, AAAA, and MX [17:09]
jpalmerwell, duplicating that with dig, ;; WARNING: recursion requested but not available [17:12]
whitefangI'm not getting that warning
how did you get that warning?
jpalmerI used dig.
dig AAAA ionise.org @ns1.arpnetworks.com
whitefangI don't get that error
or warning rather
jpalmertry your host command again. I just flushed the cache on ns1 [17:17]
jpalmerit worked? [17:18]
whitefangyes! [17:18]
jpalmerinteresting. it must have cached an NXDOMAIN result or something.
FWIW I don't have access to ns2. so, I can't clear it's cache.
whitefangns1 is ahead of ns2 in my resolv.conf :)
will ns2 flush its cache automatically at some point?
jpalmeryes [17:20]
whitefangthat's all good then [17:20]
jpalmercan you do me a favor? submit a ticket regarding this. I'll document and close it. I don't want up_the_irons thinking I was just randomly clearing caches and messing with ns1 ;) [17:21]
whitefangsure [17:22]
jpalmerthanks. [17:22]
whitefangas long as I can include in my ticket "I asked jpalmer to randomly clear the cache on ns1 because I was bored and he was more than happy to oblige." [17:23]
jpalmerthat works too :P
jpalmer gets back to his super-awesome adduser script.
whitefangticket done [17:24]
jpalmerby super-awesome, I mean.. 2 for loops, and a couple mkdir's and wgets.
whitefangI'm upset that I had to answer a skilltesting question
you're welcome, I didn't really say much in it but yeah
I have to submit tickets all day at work so I'm kinda ticketed out :P
thanks a lot for your help, I was starting to think I was nuts or something.
jpalmeras long as I can point at it and say "thats why, stop beating me!" it's good ;) [17:26]
whitefangso is it mostly just the two of you doing support tickets? [17:29]
jpalmerI currently only do DNS requests. Garry does everything else.
so you were just lucky that you had the one problem I could actually help with.
jpalmer: s/it's/its ;)
oh I'm a douchebag.
man, the latency to this vps is great
its almost like an ssh session to something on my lan
jpalmerbe nice with the grammar nazi thing, or I'll put the old cache back :P
its bad, because my grammar and spelling is terrible
finkwhitefang: it's [17:37]
whitefangbut I can't help point out things like its and it's and your and you're cause I'm a douche :P
jpalmerfink: touche! [17:38]
whitefangSEEEE [17:38]
finkjpalmer: touché
touche rhymes with douche
good thing i don't have any cache problems
jpalmerfink: I dunno the right way to make that e. (which is sad, cuz I work for a compane with that style of "e" in the name.
company, rather.
finkjpalmer: you're on freebsd? [17:39]
jpalmerfink: OSX now, CentOS at work. [17:39]
finkjpalmer: ok, then it's easy
opt+e, then e
oh, handy.
finkjpalmer: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Acute_accent [17:40]
jpalmerI work for Voalté [17:40]
finkcool, you guys have an iphone app
i imagine that must be freaking awesome in a hospital
star trek here we come
jpalmerfor communications in hospitals, yes [17:40]
whitefangmmmm, time to upgrade perl...and then I think I'll be getting close to having all my stuff migrated from my old VPS [17:42]
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whitefangok, if everyone on kv14 would kindly stop doing cpu intensive stuff so my builds would go faster that would be great...kthxbye. [17:43]
jpalmeryou're the one raping my cycles?! [17:44]
whitefangyes, yes I am. [17:45]
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RandalSchwartzRandalSchwartz waves from LAX [18:41]
DDevineLAX has nothing on Hobart airport.
If being small is a good thing.
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........ (idle for 35mn)
Gwhitefang: I'm not stealing your cycles
G starts a make -j 512
RandalSchwartz"IM IN UR BOX TAKIN UR CYCLES" [19:37]
finklol u guys are so funy [19:43]
DDevineOi. Don't be stealin my cycles. [19:44]
RandalSchwartzyou need bicycle chains then [19:46]
DDevineThey already have a chain on them why do I need two? [19:49]
RandalSchwartzyou can steal a bike if it has an odd number of chains. :)
if you have 0 or 2, no problem.
finkis this a comp sci joke coming up? [19:50]
RandalSchwartzis it?
RandalSchwartz was never a comp sci
finkok, i don't get it [19:51]
RandalSchwartzyou can steal a bike with 1 chain ( DDevine's observation)
but not with 2 (adding a chain to tie it to the wall)
or with 0 (removing the drive chain)
by extrapolation, all odd number of chains are dangerous :)
jpalmerRandalSchwartz: do you live in/around LA? or are you there on bizniss [19:56]
RandalSchwartzworking for oversee.net
officially still an oregonian
jpalmeryou should go to a restaurant called 'the happy ending' and order the sliders. Take up_the_irons with you.
they is delicious.
RandalSchwartzwhere is that? [19:58]
jpalmerI wanna say hollywood and vine, but I could be wrong. it's been a few months since I was there last. [19:58]
RandalSchwartzahh found it
... http://maps.google.com/?q=%22the+happy+ending%22+near:+90071&ie=UTF8&hq=%22the+happy+ending%22&hnear=Los+Angeles,+California+90071&z=12

darn it - google isn't shortening links there any ore
... http://bit.ly/f1gAM5
jpalmersunset and sycamore, yea.. thats it. [20:00]
RandalSchwartzright next to H&R block [20:00]
jpalmerpricy, but those sliders are worth it. the sauce they serve it with.. deliciousness.
it's like a flavor explosion in your mouth
jpalmer goes back to making a decent sudoers template for about 300 machines.
mike-burnsBe sure to give me NOPASSWD sudo access. kthx [20:04]
RandalSchwartzRandalSchwartz starts packing up to head to the departure gate
and once again, no grope or grok.
finkyo RandalSchwartz
RandalSchwartz: do you go through the cancer scanner?
.... (idle for 16mn)
DDevineProbably. Though the likelyhood of TSA grabbin yo junk is much higher than getting cancer.... [20:31]
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whitefangjpalmer: unlike mike-burns I'll be happy with password authenticated sudoers access
geeze, some people are so lazy

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