#arpnetworks 2010-12-05,Sun

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Gdarn guess that means I can't sell all these pills either....
whitefangyeah, that is pretty much Don't be Stupid(tm)
and compared to Blizzards EULAs its extremely light reading and I can't detect having to give up rights to my soul anywhere.
finki don't agree with the part where we don't get tshirts [00:04]
jpalmerwait, tshirts? I'm in!
jpalmer heads off to bed.
whitefangthere's no mention of t-shirts so I guess we don't get t-shirts
I would have to not agree about that as well
I also don't agree about the part of having to wait until the 7th to sign up :(
jpalmerwhitefang: you can do HE.net's IPv6 certification for a tshirt [00:09]
whitefangorly? [00:09]
jpalmerhttp://ipv6.he.net/certification, once you reach "Sage" level, you can request the shirt. [00:10]
GG hasn't got mine yet [00:10]
whitefangdoes it cost money? [00:10]
Gwhitefang: nope [00:11]
jpalmerfree [00:11]
whitefangoh I'm retarded
it says free right there
damn, a free t-shirt.
jpalmerok, bedtime. good luck! [00:11]
up_the_ironsg'night! [00:12]
Ggosh it's only midnight there? [00:13]
...... (idle for 26mn)
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up_the_ironsup_the_irons is almost done with the server [01:00]
went to a party for oversee.net tonight
at Beso
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jdoejpalmer: if you're outside the US it may not show up.
jpalmer: mine never did :(
in fairness, the shirt is just... just stunningly ugly.
Gjdoe: argh, guess I'll give up hope on getting one then
RandalSchwartz: hmmm domain name sellers eh?
maybe I should transfer a couple of my domains and try to sell them
jdoeG: well, never say never, but it's been months. Mine might have gotten lost, I suppose ;) [02:44]
GI will say one thing about the HE guys though
I'm forced to use their tunnels atm, both in NZ and my current VPS' (hopefully can reduce it to two tunnels if I like ARP :)), my LA tunnel to NZ broke quite badly, the /48 was un-routable etc, so I collected a heap of traceroutes etc, e-mailed them and it was fixed in 6 minutes, so they mightn't be able to work t-shirt distribution very well, but they know their networks :)
............ (idle for 57mn)
whitefangup_the_irons: is the server you're working on the one that's gonna host my VPS on Dec.7? [03:44]
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whitefangI want to move my minecraft server off of my home connection so I can start downloading stuff without my friends getting upset ^_^ [03:58]
Gwhitefang: always a good plan ;) [04:06]
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......... (idle for 41mn)
Gwhitefang: for all we know he could have gone to sleep, it is late over there, do what I just did and e-mail it in as a preorder :) [04:54]
whitefangyeah, I'm not sure me emails are reaching them :/
my MTA was reporting temporarily unavailable...
so I sent it from gmail, no bounceback but who knows
I may have spammed them like 5 times ^_^
Gto be fair, I didn't get an autoresponse [05:01]
whitefangI'm not too worried about an auto-response. [05:02]
Gthat said.... [05:02]
whitefangbut it just didn't look like my mail was even delivered, and since I can't check the MTA logs for my gmail account... [05:03]
GDec 6 01:54:30 whio postfix/smtp[24308]: 2F53B145CD: to=<preorder@arpnetworks.com>, relay=mail2.arpnetworks.com[]:25, delay=12, delays=0.21/0.02/11/0.03, dsn=4.0.0, status=deferred (host mail2.arpnetworks.com[] said: 451 Temporary failure, please try again later. (in reply to DATA command)) [05:03]
whitefangI have no idea if that got through too.
ohhhhh, I wonder if they're using greylisting.
dxtrYes I think they are [05:03]
whitefanglmfao, so yeah, I spammed them [05:04]
dxtrgreylisting <3 [05:05]
Gyeah, running my own mailserver is so much better than letting Google do it w/ postini
Postini caused so many false-positivies & false-negatives that I nearly used my Inbox as my spam folder, and Postini as my inbox
(well not quite, but you get the picture ;))
Postgrey+SpamAssassin has resulted in zero false positivies that I've noticed and very few spammy e-mails getting into my inbox
and they are normally borderline
dxtr: hmmm still a 451 after 10 minutes GreyListing is normally 5 minutes
dxtrWhy do you need spamassassin?
Well, greylisting doesn't return 451 either so :P
whitefangI was running SpamAssassin and it did the trick but it was a little overkill for a personal server... [05:10]
Gdxtr: I use spamassassin to catch the 120 or so e-amils I just trashed out of my Spam folder that have managed to get their triplet in my GreyList filter via luck etc [05:10]
whitefangand I'm limited on resources so I canned that.
I have RBL works pretty good.
dxtrG: I use some tight rules in Postfix [05:11]
Gdxtr: I just use it as a forked process out of procmail instead of the whole spamd 9 yards [05:11]
dxtrAlso running postgrey [05:11]
Gyeah Postgrey is what I'm running here too [05:11]
dxtrAnd I don't get any spam whatsoever
No sucky spamassassin :P
GI don't really care about running spamassassin
if it works etc then I'm not going to complain
anyway, 2 AM, sleep time :)
dxtr14:14 here P
Gdxtr: somewhere in Central-east Europe I take it? [05:17]
dxtrG: North actually
Goh Sweden [05:17]
dxtrI just woke up
And it's snowing... again
Gwhat a sleep-in! :) [05:18]
dxtrHOw much snow can there be? :P [05:18]
Git never snows here [05:18]
dxtrSomeone must be running out of snow soon [05:18]
wwpostgrey + tmda ftw [05:18]
Gthat said I don't want any.... An Actress/Model got arrested for possession of NZ$500,000 of drugs (Meth/P) that turned out to be fake snow from a $2 shop [05:19]
But this in fact real snow
I can provide pictures if you want P
Gdxtr: oh know, I've got plenty of social media updates of people from my last job that are located in UK/US moaning about the snow already ;)
*oh no
dxtrHaha [05:20]
wwup here in scotland... 2ft of snow... and they don't seem to have any snow plows...
i guess they just wait for spring...
Gww: didn't the same thing happen last year? [05:21]
dxtrThe only reason I'm complaining is because.. Well.. Taking the bike in -20 degC and 15-20cm of snow kind of sucks [05:21]
wwG: maybe a bit later in the year, and it melted quickly enough iirc [05:21]
dxtrOther than that I like the winters here [05:21]
GI distinctly remember the excuse that none of the UK team could arrive was "It's snowing and the council doesn't have any salt/etc to put on the road"
or ploughs etc
wwyeah, it's pretty funny (to a canadian expat) [05:23]
Gdxtr: personally, I'd kill to have a snowy winter ;) It's so boring here.... Summer = Hot, Sunny, Windy, a little bit of rain.... Winter = Lots of rain, a bit of Sun, very 'cool', and plenty of wind
dxtr:P [05:24]
GLiving in a valley also doesn't help w/ the Winter cool
taht said, I survived this winter pretty much in shorts + t-shirt + max 1 jersey
I somehow have adapted to living w/ & standing the cold
dxtrThat's awesome
HOw cold is "cold"?
wwcold is when your breath forms ice on the hairs of your upper lip (for the mustachioed ones anyways) [05:31]
..... (idle for 24mn)
whitefanghow many dedicated IPs do you get with an account? [05:55]
dxtrwhitefang: one, unless you order more
I think :O
whitefangthe "All VPS plans include:" list says "Dedicated IPs"
which makes it sound like more than one.
and the extas has $4 per /29 subnet...
so I'm wondering if a /29 is included with all packages
dxtrCould be
I honestly have no idea
I've got a /28 :P
whitefanghella vanity hosts ;)
mmmm, vanity hosts.
so I'm a complete ipv6 noob, but from what I can tell an ipv6 /48 is "65,536 LAN segments"
what does that mean as far as public addresses?
dxtr2^(128-48) addrss'
You'll get 65536 /64s
whitefangthose arn't all public addresses though are they? [06:07]
wwwhitefang: yup they are
you can have 1208925819614629174706176 ipv6 vanity hosts
whitefangipv6 reversis on IRC? any time I see someone on ipv6 it looks like its just showing their ipv6 address and not a hostname.
what on earth would I do with 1208925819614629174706176 vanity hosts.
wwwhitefang many people don't bother setting up their v6 reverse, but you can do it easily enough [06:14]
whitefanghuh [06:15]
wwyou need to have a zone set up for a.b.c.d.e....ip6.arpa and get arp to delegate your netblock's zone to you [06:16]
dxtrwhitefang: Well, if you don't need all of the IPs don't use all of them :p
It's that simple
whitefangdxtr: I don't like that answer.
I think a better solution is randomly generated vanity hosts ;)
dxtrokay [06:20]
whitefangohohoh, I know... [06:20]
wwwhitefang: remember you can spell things with hex digits :) [06:20]
whitefangI could make ascii pictures with hostnames so when if I joined a channel 10 times I could make a pretty picture [06:21]
dxtrdead babe beef cafe
whitefangand it would leave a pretty picture in the banlist too :P
ww: I'll just get do a replace on the english dictionary with a/4, e/3, i/1, l/7, ate/8, etc and random generate 60,000 hosts from there.
................... (idle for 1h30mn)
only two more dayyyyysssss. [07:53]
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RandalSchwartzow. post-company-party-recovery time. [09:18]
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dxtrGreat. Can't install tor [09:40]
nestawhy not? [09:41]
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dxtrI get an error message :P
Anyway, solved it
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RandalSchwartzerror messages. never wanted. :) [10:11]
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dxtrTrying to ssh over TOR :D
And it works
Even getting the awesome tor speed
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up_the_ironsRemoved Sold Out sign (2 days ahead of schedule!), we're ready to rock!
up_the_irons is tired and wanders off
Gup_the_irons: and ordered, thanks ;)
and hmmm should have whitelisted in advance too
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dxtrHow would I use a serial console if I've only got a serial port on one end? :P [13:38]
wwrs232 over esp? [13:38]
dxtrgoogle only gives me some expensive hardware
Is that it?
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Gdxtr: USB? [13:42]
dxtrIs there a serial-to-usb thing? [13:43]
Gdxtr: serial to USB converter, in NZ they are like $20 (and for comparison, a Starbucks coffee is about $5) [13:43]
dxtrIt's always awesome to have some comparisons [13:44]
wwesp is the great universal transport. from your mind right to the computer [13:44]
Ghmmm maybe 40 bucks now...

dxtr: http://pbtech.co.nz/index.php?item=ADPSTL12857 is a fairly compact one
dxtr: is for something like server to a laptop or something like that?
dxtrI'm considering buying an aALIX
.. but I've only got laptops, so no serial thingy :P
Gnot sure what an aALIX is, but yeah, sounds like the sorta thing you'd need [13:47]
jpalmerthe USB to serial converters work fine, and ALIX boards are great. [13:47]
Goh just ALIX [13:48]
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jpalmerG, ALIX is the modern version of the old PCEngines WRAP boards [13:48]
Gjpalmer: I tried a google, but aalix was fruitless, yeah I read up on those a while back [13:49]
jpalmerwe used a bunch of WRAPs years ago. ran a WISP.. at the base of each tower, I used a WRAP setup as a squid cache. [13:49]
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wwif i had money to burn on a new laptop, i'd get http://tinyurl.com/37nkde3
why am i telling you this? because it has a serial port
(and you can drop it without it breaking)
up_the_ironsww: Get a Keyspan USB to Serial converter. I use it on my T61 and MSI Wind and PowerBook G4 (The old days) with no problems
configured many Cisco devices and headless Atom boxes with OpenBSD output to com0, with it...
wwup_the_irons: dxtr was the one who wanted a serial port... in my current life i don't have much need for one... [14:04]
up_the_ironsdxtr: ^^ :) [14:04]
ww... but a laptop that you can happily drop and that is toddler resistant is still a big selling point :) [14:04]
dxtrup_the_irons: Care to send me one? :D [14:04]
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vaporsup guys [14:05]
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wackerI think you can get a serial port on the Dell 6500 laptop if you use a port replicator. I used to be extremely dependent on serial ports because I use Speakup http://linux-speakup.org. Now it supports software speech synthesis, so it matters less to me now. [14:28]
Gup_the_irons: woohoo, thanks :) [14:31]
up_the_ironsG: no problem! [14:36]
Gnow to pick another native bird name for rDNS [14:39]
up_the_irons: I take it that you can delegate the rDNS for the IPv6 range correct? [14:44]
up_the_ironsG: yup [14:45]
.... (idle for 18mn)
jpalmerjpalmer perks his ears up. did I hear an rDNS delegation request?
G, mind if I /msg?
Gjpalmer: anytime [15:07]
wackerwacker wonders if it's possible to order a VPS with IPv6 only. A bit early to actually do it, but a fun thought nevertheless. [15:08]
jpalmerwacker: you can. just order a normal VPS, and remove the IPv4 settings. [15:09]
wackerOf course, but it a nice idea for the provider to not even have to allocate a block. As I said, a bit early for that. [15:12]
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Gouch, that support system leaves ugly ^M's everywhere in the replies :) [16:15]
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I guess I better start getting ready to do my server migration :)
Goodbye crappy OpenVZ... hello full virtualisation and IPv6.
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dxtrDDevine: Yeah openvz sucks bigtime
wacker: Btw, you use that stuff? How do you cope with busy IRC channels? :P
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dxtrI've always wondered that [16:38]
DDevinedxtr: OpenVZ is much better than shared hosting, but as soon as you want TUN/TAP or FUSE it is almost impossible to get the provider to tune your container. [16:39]
dxtrDDevine: Shared hosting and openvz sucks balls [16:39]
GDDevine: my view is that OpenVZ etc is about the same as shared hosting :P [16:39]
dxtrJust sayin'
It isn't even true virtualization. It's just.. meh
Gas bad as each other in my book [16:40]
RandalSchwartzand you're stuck with linux, right? :) [16:46]
GRandalSchwartz: and without a real kernel and without any privacy from the system overlords etc etc :) [16:48]
DDevineI try to like FreeBSD but I just haven't got it yet. Might try Debian/kFreeBSD sometime.
Would be nice to use Jails.
RandalSchwartzbetter than being in one :) [16:52]
DDevineI found it a bit funny that CentOS wasn't one of the default distros offered. [16:55]
jpalmereh, you can still request a CentOS image be mounted.
I reinstall the OS immediately anyway. I don't care what OS they officially offe ;)
GDDevine: install it thyself no need to worry about pre-installed muck etc :P [16:56]
DDevinejpalmer: Yeah I requested an ISO be mounted up for me. [16:56]
Gthat asid, I am going to play w/ FreeBSD before I request a different image, can't decide to stick w/ Debian and do a straight migration or to switch to CentOS6 when it comes out [16:57]
finkfreebsd rocks [16:58]
jpalmerI'm a longtime BSD admin. trying to give redhat/centos a fair try.
DDevine: what is your username? I'm not seeing a CentOS media change request
DDevineG: Yeah I was hoping to get CentOS 6 but that looks a ways off yet. 5.5 is pretty good though. [17:02]
jpalmererr, you can /msg me the info [17:02]
DDevinejpalmer: I just put it in the comments with my order that probably hasn't been processed yet [17:02]
.... (idle for 15mn)
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wackerdxtr: If I fall behind, I just open the logfile and catch up. [17:22]
dxtrwacker: What logfile? [17:24]
DDevinedxtr: Most IRC clients keep a log of each channel [17:25]
dxtrOh, shit, I thought we were something about something totally unrelated :P
DDevinedxtr: I didn't see the start of this conversation, so I may be incorrect. [17:26]
dxtrwacker: That's cool
No you're right
DDevine: Thing is I was speaking to someone about falling behind in my swedish course because I thought it started tomorrow when it in fact started last week
So I thought that's what he meant with "when I fall behind" :P
DDevineI should learn Swedish too. [17:27]
dxtrI'm kind of swedish so one could say that I know it
DDevine: Why do you wanna learn swedish, btw? :)
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dxtrOr, why "should" you? It isn't like it's really usable [17:32]
DDevinedxtr: I am interested in going to Sweden, possibly on an extended stay.
Second languages are also good in general
I also know a few Swedes and it would be nice to not be totally ignorant.
dxtrI meet may people on the internet who wants to go to Sweden
Why is that? :D
Not that I'm against it or anything. I'm just being curious
DDevineIts just... nice.
I like the whole Scandanavian area.
Also, the best metal comes from there :)
dxtrCold and snowy during the winter, a friggin' dessert during the summer :P
Metal.. eew :/
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DDevineWhere is the datacenter located? [17:51]
RandalSchwartzwilshire annex
los angeles
do you need lat/lon? :)
... http://goo.gl/maps/FlyI
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up_the_ironsG: I've complained about the ^M's; totally stupid. Apparently their smtp mailer is on a WinShit box [18:03]
Gup_the_irons: haha yeah, I noticed after the fact Mailer: aspNetEmail [18:05]
up_the_ironsyup [18:06]
GI guess w/ the unique froms, I should whitelist their MX's [18:06]
awyeahntime to reboot for updated kernel! [18:08]
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DDevineRandalSchwartz: Just the city was enough [18:10]
RandalSchwartz wanders off to dinner
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DDevineWow. It looks like around that place alone there is more rail and road infrastructure than in the whole of Australia put together. [18:16]
RandalSchwartzwell - that's union station
the big hub for the southern west coast
chicago trainyards are much bigger
DDevineWe are finally getting rid of Telstra, so at least our telecommunications infrastructure is going to improve. However our roads kinda suck and our public transport is in the hands of a crappy companies intent on providing the bare minimum. [18:34]
wackerDDevine: did the split of Telstra's wholesale and retail divisions go through? [18:37]
DDevinewacker: From what I gather, yes.
I haven't been paying too much attention.
wackerexcellent. BTW, if I lived in Australia, Internode would be my provider. They take IPv6 seriously! [18:38]
RandalSchwartzeveryone will, soon
where's that countdown clock... ipv6.he.net I think
blovettup_the_irons, do you have any ipv6 peers other than he.net? doesn't seem like it. [18:44]
RandalSchwartz87 days [18:45]
up_the_ironsblovett: yeah, i have like 10 [18:45]
anyone that peers with cogent or level3?
DDevinewacker: I am on internode. [18:45]
up_the_ironsblovett: HE gives a full routing table, as well as Trit Networks [18:45]
blovett'cause I can't reach a network announced by either of those.
2607:f2f8::/32 specifically
err, shit
wrong paste.
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wackerDdevine: are you on the ADSL IPv6 trial? [18:50]
jpalmer87 days? seems like it was a week ago, that it was 140 days. [18:50]
Gjpalmer: yeah, but 4 /8s were assigned [18:50]
jpalmersome lareish allocations must've happened
G ahh. where do you get that info?
not subscribed to the latter two, but as soon as i heard mumblings I jumped onto nznog and saw
jpalmerI see it on arin.net [18:51]
RandalSchwartz... https://www.arin.net/announcements/2010/20101130.html
there. blogged. :)
GRandalSchwartz: not official until Randal Blogs? :) [18:57]
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RandalSchwartzsome would say. :) [19:03]
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wackerNeat, I just saw kvr14 grab my DVD image. for some reason, it came in over IPv4. I wonder why. [19:30]
RandalSchwartzthe host machines are v4 [19:31]
wackerThat on has a AAAA record. Let's see if I can ping it.
I can ping it. No PTR record on v6.
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whitefangif I placed a pre-order do I also need to do a new order?
ah I just went ahead and placed an order
up_the_ironswhitefang: yup
wacker: nice catch, i forgot to add the ptr on v6
I'm kind of thinking maybe I should have ordered more memory because I want to play with ZFS
DDevinewacker: Na I'm not on IPv6. I'm going to have to use a tunnel service for testing my IPv6 stuff.
whitefang: Get memory if you can afford it :)
up_the_ironswhitefang: let me know if you want me to cancel the current order, and let you place another [20:50]
whitefangdo I have 15 minutes or so to decide? ^_^ [20:51]
up_the_ironsi'm provisioning another round of orders now
whitefang: pm me your email and i'll put it at the bottom of the list, so you can decide :)
whitefangup_the_irons: thanks :) [20:51]
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up_the_ironsOfficial announcement: VPS accounts on old bandwidth plans can upgrade to current advertised levels for one-time fee of $20 (per VM). Email support if interested. [21:00]
jpalmerup_the_irons: I'll be emailing you tomorrow to upgrade my work account to the new bandwidth plan. just have to get approval, and their CC. [21:00]
up_the_ironsjpalmer: roger [21:01]
whitefangso much bandwidth. I'm hard pressed to use much more than 2-3GB a month [21:01]
up_the_ironshehe [21:01]
whitefangwe'll see how much traffic a small minecraft server creates though
I can't imagine more than double that
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Gup_the_irons: re: Debian, I was planning on dabbling in BSD for a little longer, as far as the image goes, if you want, you can wipe it out and replace with the image as if it's a new account as long as I can also have the CD mounted as well ;) [21:02]
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Gup_the_irons: I'll reply to the ticket as such in a moment, replying to a ML atm though [21:08]
up_the_ironsok [21:09]
Gup_the_irons: sent & sorry again [21:19]
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whitefangoh snap
its already got the amd64 kernel isntalled
so is it the amd64 install iso in the drive right now too?
ruh roh [22:03]
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up_the_ironswhitefang: yup [22:10]
does the customer portal take a while to update with the vnc and ssh details for console access?
up_the_ironswhitefang: you received an error due to a new bug, I just fixed it [22:20]
whitefangthanks. :) I only needed that because I was a moron and got myself locked out of my VPS within 2 minutes of first logging in [22:25]
up_the_ironshaha [22:26]
whitefangany reason not to choose canada for country selection on a free install?
fresh install
up_the_ironswhitefang: no reason [22:35]
whitefangdidn't think so [22:38]
cdrom boot failure? ^_^ [22:45]
wackerDDevine: If you're on ADSL and have somthing that will do PPP6 and DHCP6 you can do it. [22:46]
DDevinewacker: I'll have a look, I was just going to get it to my desktop though. [22:46]
whitefangweird, don't know what that was about but a full reboot fixed it [22:47]
up_the_ironswhitefang: i've seen that before from time to time [22:48]
wackerDDevine: If you get stuck, I should be able to talk you through it. I can be reached on 07 3018 7505. Faktortel is not working for outgoing, but incoming should work. [22:50]
up_the_ironsup_the_irons is coding up an SSH key self-management system (for console.cust.arpnetworks.com) [22:58]
Gwacker: internode? [23:00]
finkup_the_irons: in haskell? [23:01]
up_the_ironsfink: ruby [23:01]
Gfink: oh come on, gotta be ASM :) [23:01]
finkup_the_irons: haaaaaaa
up_the_irons: just don't tell RandalSchwartz you're not using PERL
up_the_ironsmy billing scripts are still in Perl ;)
Much of the code is unchanged from 1999, when I created them, believe it or not
finkthat was last century
no one was alive back then
up_the_ironshaha [23:07]
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DDevineHey I was born in the 1990s! [23:12]
GRuby ain't bad, but I'm a Python man myself [23:12]
DDevineRuby is a mess. Python less so :) [23:13]
GDDevine: there are some horrible aspects of Python too though [23:14]
DDevinePfft. I can put up with the faults in Python. [23:15]
whitefangcan I assume my gateway will be the first IP in my block?
up_the_ironswhitefang: all IP settings are listed in the Portal (and, yes, you can) [23:22]
whitefangoh thanks, didn'
didn't see that there
up_the_ironsnp [23:23]
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wackerG: yes. I was on the phone with my friend in Melbourne right after the trial was announced about a year ago. We hacked at his Cisco 837 router until we got it working. [23:33]
Gwhen I was in Australia Internode didn't have any equipment in my exchange [23:34]
wackerMy friend used Telstra DSLAMS to get to Internode until about four months ago. [23:35]
Gwacker: out of interest, are they using PPPoE or PPPoA? [23:35]
wackerPPPOA. [23:35]
Gooooh nice
wacker: thanks, that'll be handy for a bit I'm blogging about IPv6 in NZ
wacker: I'd assumed that they would be PPPoE like TPG (and so would everyone else)
wackerCool. Contact me if I can be of any more help. wacker@octothorp.org. [23:36]
GI was starting to think that ISPs mightn't be able to do IPv6 over PPPoA for some reason
wackerStand by. I'll call Jason to make sure.
Jason says that you can use either. He uses PPPOA.
Gwacker: nice, thanks a lot for that
I've just become much more hopeful of NZ ISPs offering IPv6 soon ;)
wackerDo any offer it yet? [23:40]
Gnot yet
although the ISP I'm with now are been very cloak and dagger, but if the way I'm interpreting their tweets lately it's likely it'll be 'soon'
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merky has joined #arpnetworks
merkyaww i saw people talking about ipv6, but i suppose that was ages ago [23:53]
Gmerky: we were just talking about IPv6 in Australia & NZ if thats what you are refering to? [23:54]
merkyG: yeah :)
g: i tried to get ipv6 in nz
but i'm "residential" so i can't
i'm using he.net
Gditto [23:55]
merkyit's kind of cool
i have like 3 /48s
i don't know how many addresses it is
Gtoo many ;) [23:55]
merkybut my current solution is that i have a static tunnel that connects my two nz connections
cos otherwise it's like 300 msec latency while it goes to the US and back
what NZ isp is doing ipv6 soon?
Gmerky: I've got a feeling Orcon is about to [23:56]
merkyi heard orcon were doing it to dedicated servers
oh hmm
i'm doing he.net across orcon
and snap
snap can do tunnels for commercial customers
i have snap at home
they also said it costs a lot of money to move to a commercial connection
Gmerky: I asked them via Twitter if they were going to Native IPv6/Tunnels to res customers, got a kinda answer that referred to http://www.3news.co.nz/Internet-running-out-of-room/tabid/412/articleID/189439/Default.aspx [23:57]
merkydidn't say how much [23:57]
Gmerky: which kinda reads to me that Orcon look to be acting on it [23:58]
it doesn't mean anthing to me :)
a tunnel would be fine by me
Gwell it's pretty bad Journalism imo, but yeah [23:58]
merkyi might just try and get a tunnel off tem [23:58]
Gmerky: SiXXS have an NZ tunnel server too [23:58]
merkyand split it up
it's in wellington though
i'm in christchurch
it routes through auckland first
i have box in auckland too though
but yeah routing via wellington kind of sucks
i haven't tried it yet htough
i signed up at same time as he.net, and he.net give you multiple tunnels
and they never responded to me asking if they can do multiple tunnels
tbh, i find he.net performance not taht bad

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