any admins awake at this hour? this hour? RandalSchwartz: well... this hour was probably very early on the west coast of north america... ... or extremely late... what kind of admin assistance would you need? just curious RandalSchwartz: not assistance per se. is a quick data processing hack, but interesting to look at however since arp is in the states... on the off chance that someone comes 'round and complains... yes, what? don't keep me in suspense ... well so that they are vaguely aware... "they"? which they and might have a chance to warn me, have me move it elsewhere, etc... they == arp what does cablegate have to do with arp? that map is at arp oh! yeah, not unless you trigger a ddos I don't think anyone will care. :) and things like this are creepy... when doing a fresh install I can't access the net. I have configured my ip/subnet and specified the nameservers ( and say that again? the install is finished? no I can't get the file (install sets for openbsd) so I know my static ip/subnet for my vps. I put these in when asked during install. I put in the nameservers when ask. but after doing this I can't access the outside world dj_goku: can you ping the gateway? jpalmer: I am not sure what the gateway was. :( dj_goku: it'll be listed in your portal. but erm, if you don't know what your gateway is.. that'd probably be a prime suspect as to why you can't access the net. without a gateway, the net doesn't exist. well - I guess you could have explicit routing tables for all of the net. :) sure it does just not for _you_ ;) 1/8 -> gateway :) hrm, got it working thanks jpalmer 0/8 -> gateway :) oh wait... it has to be /1 128/1 -> gateway 0/1 -> gateway :) I had all the other information but the gateway, and that was the only question asked I didn't know. :D I hear marijuana is a gateway haha gateway to a good time!!! lol ACID compliance is a gateway to another dimension all I hear is that marijuana is a gateway to ordering a pizza. mmm pizza. ... brb. great the password I set at the console isn't working and booting into single user mode isn't working... dj_goku: are you new to unix by chance? haha no ssh tunnel + vnc is slow as molasses so when I type something out, there is a chance it adds extra keystrokes jpalmer: I have done tons of local installs fine. first time to install a fresh install at arp. I am thinking of doing a yaifo install instead of dealing with vnc + ssh yaifo? I'd wager it's your specific ssh tunnel. It's decent when I tunnel/vnc. yet another installer for openbsd? remote installer for openbsd yes sir. or yes tooth :D I prefer sir. :-) I type super slow for the root pass and still saying passwords don't match blah blah just use sa simple one for now Yeah. I do that usually. then change it later. haha I did I setup another user hopefully I can get into root or the user account :D doubling my chances of getting in!! jpalmer: I am feeling like a complete newb right now. :D yay!! I have root!! and now... so do I... the Mr Burns finger roll? my variant of it. :) Exxxxcellent. o/~ I'm lookin for the... man in the middle... I'm asking him to... change his ways... o/~ pseudoarp? fake arp so that I could MITM him btw, what DC is ARP Networks in? DC? datacenter? wilshire annex yeah, just noticed it ons the Colo Page silly me for not thinking of checking that before asking wow a nice looking building (although absolutely nothing to do w/ making a decision) RandalSchwartz: oh, I feel stupid. I didn't really read the scrollback so I didn't get the joke at first. Oops ;) just bought a pretty neat shirt for $4 from the mall - RandalSchwartz: have you used perlbrew much? none at all I've heard of it I think I know what it does but never used it pretty neat IMO if that's a problem you have, sure. :) I can see how cpantesters can use it for testing. cpantesters just fires up a new VM, I think haha or that. the problem is that there *are* modules that don't completely understand an install prefix they're rare, but they're out there I can and have compiled perl. But other than that and adding ~/perl/bin to your path is there anything else you need to do? you mean to maintain your own copy? yup I think that's all my build script does, pretty much CPAN installer pays attention to the current perl