#arpnetworks 2010-11-23,Tue

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[FBI] starts logging #arpnetworks at Tue Nov 23 07:23:03 2010
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dxtrRandalSchwartz: Will I experience much performance loss if I have a 4GB and a 2GB memory stick in my macbook?
Both are DDR3 1066MHz ofcourse
Or doesn't it matter?
I could only afford one memory stick right now (Yes, I'm on a very tight budget :D)
I'm asking you because, well, you seem to know much :D
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dxtrIf any, ofcourse [07:44]
RandalSchwartzI just buy whatever works in my mac. :)
and I'd only be googling for an answer.
I'm not your googlebot :)
might depend on which macbook too
I remember early ones had problems with "imbalanced" memory
but I don't recall that for modern ones
dxtrI didn't ask you to google it, I just thought if you knew about any issues performance-wise on top of your head :) [07:56]
robotarm_upgrading to openbsd 4.8
without vnc i wouldn't have this option
and if openbsd didn't write itself so i could get the bsd.rd from 4.8 through the 4.7 install cd and boot it and install over ftp i wouldn't be able to do it.
im waiting for gary to attatch the 4.8 cd to my VM :)
robotarm_that is a good idea [08:15]
vcsi already loaded up 4.8 at the office
triple nic firewall/gateway with OpenVPN
its running great
robotarm_one of the reasons i run openbsd is that i went to school with a bunch of the maintainers - in Edmonton,AB - bob beck taught me c [08:28]
vcsI run OpenBSD because its free, functional, and secure :) [08:29]
robotarm_i like that they review the code very actively. [08:32]
vcsyes [08:32]
RandalSchwartzI run FreeBSD because it has ZFS on /, a huge ports collection, the PF firewall, and is *not* linux. :) [08:33]
fair enough
jpalmerI run the OS's I run, because they got the job done. ;) [08:33]
mike-burnsI run the OSes I run because I know them. [08:35]
robotarm_I run OSes i run because i would like to know them. [08:40]
finkI run OSes because it's good for my cardio. [08:53]
robotarm_lol [08:58]
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bharatakRandalSchwartz: does freebsd have the concept of boot-image like opensolaris does, so you can run a different snapshot of root on boot?
i've got a home server running opensolaris, but worry about the future
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dxtrShit damn it's cold [09:35]
And.. Wtf is up with the routing to arp today? :( [09:43]
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vcsdxtr its not just arp
my office also
seems to be all kind of routing problems today for me
finkbharatak: you can do this with osx, kind of ;) [09:51]
dxtrvcs: Weird
vcs: Where are you located?
vcshouston texas [09:53]
dxtrNorrköping, Sweden here. So can I safely blame the tates or should I blame North Korea?
vcsnorth korea
dxtrMkay [09:57]
vcsor china, sometimes their BGP servers get messed up [09:58]
dxtrLet's nuke the fuckers [09:58]
vcsand reroute alot of subnets through them
"messed up"
he he
This is unberable :(
vcsvcs is waiting for JDK 1.6 to build on OpenBSD [09:59]
dxtrUhm, my v4 routing to arpnetworks looks awesome
2 hops. Wtf?
how is that possible
dxtrSomething is weird. I blame my firewall :P
Anyway, v4 works much better
vcs: Apparently I don't even pass my ISPs gateway
Straight from my router to arp :D
6 to 4
dxtrA really long cable, because it's 184ms delay [10:02]
vcsi imagine hops are not shows when it is in 6 to 4
thats why its only 2 hops
dxtrIt isn't 6 to 4 [10:02]
vcsbetween you and arp?
i seriously doubt it does not go 6 to 4
dxtrI did a regular ipv4 traceroute [10:03]
vcsthere is not much native ipv6 routers
ipv4 2 hops also?
dxtrtraceroute6 shows the regular hops [10:03]
plettFrom here in the UK, traceroutes to arp on v4 and v6 both look fine [10:07]
dxtrplett: Well, I'm close to North Korea :P
plettAnything is possible then :) [10:08]
dxtrYeah [10:08]
bharatakfink: how can you do it with osx? it doesnt have real snapshots [10:08]
finkbharatak: zfs works on osx [10:17]
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bharatakfink: yeah - too bad apple killed it. I always thought apple/sun would be a nice combo [10:43]
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RandalSchwartzsun + apple = snapple :) [11:13]
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BarberRonnysounds like a fizzy soda drink :) [11:44]
fink100% geek refreshment [11:48]
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bharataksnapple has a nice ring to it [13:53]
RandalSchwartzsun + oracle = snorkle. :) [13:54]
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RandalSchwartzactually, sun + oracle = oracle :)
therefore, sun = 0. :)
bharatakah the proof [13:54]
finkRandalSchwartz: more like, snor-acle
RandalSchwartzsun + mysql = sun. therefore mysql = 0 :) [13:55]
bharatakwe're in trouble [13:55]
finkRandalSchwartz: or oracle = ∞
fink wins
wackerThere's always postgresql, and it supports IPv6. [13:56]
finkwacker: but not bz2… [13:56]
RandalSchwartzugh. I didn't read that utf8 properly
what was it?
or that one
finkRandalSchwartz: infinity [13:57]
RandalSchwartzahh [13:57]
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phluxAny staff around..?
I send support a ticket about my VPS being down around 2200 CST
yesterday, that is
Still no response :(
mhoranNope. support@ is your best resource.
Should get back within 48 hours.
phluxsent, rather
That's how I submitted the ticket
mhoranYou could use the support console to boot/reboot/VNC your VM. [17:13]
phluxI can't get into the control panel, because I don't know the user name and password (I've never had to use it) [17:13]
mhoranAh. [17:13]
phluxI can't reset the password because the e-mail on file is on the VPS that's dead [17:13]
mhoranHa! [17:13]
phluxBad situation feels bad :( [17:13]
mhoranSorry, can't help you there ... :/ [17:14]
RandalSchwartztold you to email from a gmail account [17:14]
phluxI did [17:14]
RandalSchwartzand hope you have enough ways to prove it's you [17:14]
phluxBut I haven't gotten any sort of response [17:14]
RandalSchwartzthat was only 18 hours ago, right? [17:14]
phluxRoughly [17:14]
RandalSchwartzyou're probably also getting slapped for not already being self-responsible
as in, why the heck didn't you have your console info?
phluxI never had to use it, as stated previously. [17:15]
RandalSchwartzno excuse [17:15]
finkphlux: :( [17:15]
RandalSchwartzthings break [17:15]
phluxSure it is. [17:15]
RandalSchwartzyou need to know [17:15]
mhoranI've minr [17:15]
RandalSchwartzit's a BAD excuse [17:16]
finkphlux: console is important, in case something bad happens [17:16]
phluxI assumed that if there was any type of maintenance/planned downtime, I'd have received some sort of e-mail discussing the matter. [17:16]
RandalSchwartzfor which you deserve to get at the back of the line [17:16]
mhorantattoo'd to my inner thigh. [17:16]
RandalSchwartzit's probably not a planned downtime
it's probably something broken with your VPS
as in, your side of the fault
phluxI doubt it. [17:16]
finkthere was downtime?
i didn't notice
phluxNothing was being done on the server when it fell. [17:17]
finkmine are up [17:17]
RandalSchwartzas are mine
some flappage yesterday
phluxIt has been running the same services/processes since the day I got it. [17:17]
RandalSchwartzbut in general, things are running
still no excuse for you not to know how to console in
finkphlux: vnc/console are for situations like this [17:17]
phluxStill no excuse for you blaming me. [17:17]
RandalSchwartzthat's the first thing to learn [17:17]
phluxBad day today, Schwartz? [17:18]
RandalSchwartzphlux - I'm not blaming you. I'm saying your behavior is ineffective and inconsistent with being reponsible here. [17:18]
phluxThat's correct, and I'm not arguing that point. [17:18]
RandalSchwartzso please fix your behavior [17:18]
phluxNot once did I say "No, it's ARP's fault that I don't know my console login information" [17:18]
RandalSchwartzyes - but ARP will likely put you at the back of the queue to fix [17:18]
phluxYou're absolutely correct that I should have that information handy. [17:18]
RandalSchwartzsince you're asking them for something that they already gave you [17:18]
phluxI also read that part. [17:19]
RandalSchwartztypical queue is 48 hours
easy requests less
your request, probably more. :)
mhoranHey now, we're all friends here! [17:19]
phluxHeh [17:19]
finkmhoran: just for the record, i've never like you. [17:19]
RandalSchwartzfriend ... or fink? :) [17:20]
mhoranup_the_irons is a busy guy but he'll get back to you ASAP. [17:20]
phluxAye, I'm sure he will. [17:20]
mhoranfink: Noted. ;) [17:20]
finkit's kind of stupid when you try to playfully insult people and you can't even spell the insult properly [17:20]
phluxI just hope no one takes Schwartz's attitude as a representation of the company's. [17:20]
RandalSchwartzwhich company? [17:21]
phluxI had also assumed that my login information was the same as the rest of my VPS providers - but I suppose I was incorrect. [17:21]
RandalSchwartzStonehenge? [17:21]
finkphlux: he's cerberus the gatekeeper
bark is worse than his bite, etc
phluxI'd imagine so.
bah, I have an e-mail with the sales receipt >_<
finkphlux: check your junk? [17:24]
amdprophetphlux: did your VPS ever start working? [17:24]
phluxamdprophet: It's been down since around 1800 yesterday
fink: yeah, and my deleted folders
you were on kvr10 right/
phluxTo be entirely honest, I'm not sure. [17:25]
amdprophetshould shown in your control panel [17:25]
phluxNever logged in to it, heh [17:26]
amdprophetyou could try restarting your VPS through it [17:26]
RandalSchwartzhe can't access his control panel [17:27]
amdprophetohhhh [17:27]
RandalSchwartzhe forgot to write down his credentials [17:27]
amdprophetgreat :P [17:27]
RandalSchwartzand now he needs garry to do extra work to fix that. [17:27]
finkamdprophet: yea, he's "that guy" ;) [17:27]
phluxYes [17:27]
RandalSchwartzhence - back of the line [17:27]
phluxPlease don't strain yourself clicking the "Reset Password," button. [17:27]
finkphlux: while you're waiting, we're going to tease you a bit [17:27]
amdprophetrofl [17:27]
phluxThat's fine. [17:27]
amdprophetwho was the guy I was talking to yesterday who was on kvr10? [17:28]
phluxSchwartz has some personal vendetta against me that I'm trying to figure out. [17:28]
RandalSchwartzNope. [17:28]
phluxI'm not even sure I've had the pleasure, if one can call it that, of meeting him before this encounter. [17:28]
RandalSchwartzit's not personal
it's your behavior
phluxIt's pretty personal. [17:28]
RandalSchwartzif another guy came in here tomorrow having done the same thing, I'd be ribbing them EXACTLY the same way
so it's not personal in the slightest
phluxBecause you have nothing better to do? [17:29]
finkphlux: i think he has something against the "ph" digraph [17:29]
RandalSchwartzno - because I'm hoping that people are *smarter* than that who use ARP's services
because when they aren't, *my* cost goes up
phluxAh, I see. [17:29]
RandalSchwartzso indirectly, people like you take money out of my pocket. [17:29]
phluxNevermind the fact that I have a career and a family to take care of - my ARP credentials should be my top priority.
I apologize.
RandalSchwartzso you see, it's very much not personal. [17:30]
phluxActually, if you're in the US, I take a lot of money out of your pocket. Your paycheck, to be clear. [17:30]
RandalSchwartzit's about not appreciating the behavior. [17:30]
finkphlux: how do you do that?? [17:30]
phluxI'm in the military. We all pay taxes, so essentially, I pay myself as well ;) [17:31]
RandalSchwartzI think he robs banks
Ahh, a jarhead, wishing to kill people for a living.
Figures. :)
finkRandalSchwartz: he'd forget his keys at home [17:31]
phluxYes, because I carry around weapons. [17:31]
RandalSchwartznow it *is* personal. :) [17:31]
amdprophetrofl [17:31]
phluxI'm in the Coast Guard, you goon.
I'm no "jarhead."
RandalSchwartzyou carry a gun. you defend the coast borders. [17:31]
phluxActually, I don't.
I'm a Pollution Investigator.
finkphlux: do boats have keys? i've always wondered this [17:31]
RandalSchwartzyou're trained to carry a gun. [17:32]
phluxMy rate is Marine Science Technician.
I am not.
I'm not qualified on the pistol or the shotgun.
I have no need to be.
Because again, I don't kill people.
finkphlux: harpoon? [17:32]
amdprophetStop there pollution! *BAM* [17:32]
RandalSchwartzthat's a horrible way to run a branch of the military [17:32]
phluxI respond to oil spills and chemical releases.
What am I going to need a gun for?
finkharpoon! [17:32]
phluxWe have other people in the CG trained for that. [17:32]
finka spear at least? [17:33]
RandalSchwartza pointy stick? [17:33]
phluxA pocket knife, perhaps. [17:33]
amdprophetI want a pointy stick :< [17:33]
finkmaybe phlux's expertise is in losing important emails ;) [17:33]
phluxthis ^ [17:33]
amdprophetLOL [17:34]
finkphlux: out of curiosity, what's on your vps?
phluxAn e-mail server, a web server, and a private IRCd. [17:34]
amdprophetMine is filled with lots of por.... websites [17:34]
RandalSchwartz"oh my gawd, it's full of stars!" [17:35]
phlux: OS?
jdoemine's turtles all the way down... [17:36]
amdprophetI'm running 5 VPS's all with Windows, being paid by Microsoft to boost their numbers :) [17:36]
RandalSchwartzmy VPS should be running VMWare Server. :)
then I can resell my machine to others. :)
a VM in a VM
RandalSchwartzopen up rarpnetworks.com :) [17:37]
amdprophetROFL [17:37]
RandalSchwartz"yes - we have reliable machines"
"just look at our provider's uptimes!"
finkamdprophet: now that is funny [17:38]
RandalSchwartzI'd set up my own VNC-within-VNC [17:38]
fink"we need to go deeper" [17:38]
RandalSchwartz"your area is the upper left corner of this other vnc" [17:38]
amdprophetInception, the server provider [17:38]
finkV I R T U A L I Z A T I O N [17:38]
RandalSchwartzarpception.com [17:38]
finknice [17:38]
amdprophetI like [17:38]
RandalSchwartz"everybody gets 256MB of memory"
"and 4G of disk"
"and half an IP"
finkhahha [17:39]
amdprophetfink: I think we've actually got 4 VPS right now, FreeBSD on 3 of them, Ubuntu on the other, we mainly run websites and the ubuntu box is running LDAP & Kerberos [17:39]
RandalSchwartz"we don't oversell our machines"
"(we're overselling our provider)" :)
finkamdprophet: interesting, why ubuntu for kerberos? [17:40]
amdprophetkerberos on freebsd is a scary thing atm
the ports are older than RandalSchwartz
finkdaaaaaamn [17:40]
RandalSchwartzwhy not just run the linux binaries on freebsd? [17:40]
but it was easy to set up with ubuntu
we had to set it up on a separate VM anyways due to lack of memory
http://www.aelatis.com is our main site
finkinteresting that kerberos hasn't been supplanted by something newer
amdprophet: cool site
amdprophetthanks [17:42]
I've been with a few server providers, ARP is the best for the money by a long shot
VPSLink blows
The Planet was great for a dedicated server but much too expensive for us
costs kept down because most people can manage their own console :)
amdprophethaha [17:48]
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vcsyeah ARP is great
the only thing they could improve are the ipv6 routes outside of their control :P
RandalSchwartzand that would be magical [17:51]
mmmm ive been building java all day on my OpenBSD vm
java is a pain on OpenBSD
RandalSchwartzs/ on OpenBSD// [17:53]
vcstrue :)
Im setting up some software where i can stream all of my music from my OpenBSD vm
hook that up to my droid
all my music available from one place
toddfvcs: did I miss the option where unlimited bandwidth was a checkbox? [17:56]
toddf: I have 200 gigs of transfer a month
and unlimited on verizon
toddfI'm pushing 9G of transfer a month with only serving dns [17:56]
vcsi only have 25 gigs of music [17:56]
toddfon my vps [17:56]
vcstoddf: my VM is more for personal stuff [17:56]
amdprophetup_the_irons: you should release an API so we can control our VMs from our phones :p [17:56]
vcsthan hard serving [17:57]
toddfamdprohet: haven't you heard? the API is called HTML [17:57]
amdprophetpssh [17:57]
toddfthe control panel is cleanly written, if it doesn't work on your phone I'd be surprised [17:57]
amdprophetHTML is a lot bulkier than a native app + JSON
not to be picky... ;)
vcsHTML runs on everything [17:58]
toddfare you sure you've looked at the control panel web page source vs a native app time + size? [17:58]
vcsi would rather have it run no matter what
than have it just here and there
amdprophetfrom experience, native apps are a lot faster
assuming the API isn't sending much data
vcsmay be true [17:59]
amdprophetthe phone has to render the page as well, takes time [17:59]
vcsbut then you gota pick favorites
do you support all 200 phone platforms
amdprophetif garry wrote an API then he wouldn't have to worry about writing the mobile apps, that would be up to us
I'd make one for iOS / Android, for sure
release it as OSS too
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vcsiOS development makes me cringe [18:01]
? *
vcsobjective C is ugly, i takes way to much code to do simple things
and development is too restricted
one time i was demoing an app to a potential customer
and my code signing certificate just expired
and it would not load up :X
amdprophetyea, the code signing is complete BS
I agree with you there
im not saying i like android or blackberry or winmo dev more
im just saying that it needs serious improvement
amdprophetbut as far as takes too much to do simple things, I find it easier to work with than java on Android, and that's saying a lot because I'm a big android fan [18:03]
vcsPalm has got it right [18:03]
amdprophetWebOS? [18:03]
vcsyes, android dev is nice in my opinion
especially since there is no code signing mumbo jumbo
amdprophetcan't stand the ADTs though
very buggy
vcshaha, yeah
would be nice to be able to develop in languages like python
would be really nice :)
amdprophetyou can [18:06]
vcsoh really? [18:06]
amdprophetyea they just released some python packaging system
for android
finkamdprophet: really??? [18:07]
think that's it
ahhh mobile pythong development would make me so happy
dammit! lol
amdprophet:p [18:10]
RandalSchwartzpython - that's another WTF.
right there with Java
vcsnah, python is great
i use it everyday at work[18:17] <vcs> maks my life so much easier
NASA and google use it
RandalSchwartztoo bad it was designed by someone who doesn't grok objects
or closures, apparently
or scoping. :)
vcspython is great for small projects
and data processesing
amdprophetI've been looking at playing with python a bit, I'm mainly a Ruby, ObjC, and Java guy atm [18:18]
RandalSchwartztoo bad python doesn't have anything like the CPAN
does it have native regex yet?
amdprophetahhh you're a perl guy :p [18:19]
RandalSchwartzor are those still strings with a flag? [18:19]
vcsi can write a native parser
faster than a regex
regex is overrated
amdprophetregex + nodejs = very fast [18:19]
RandalSchwartzperl6 grammars will put regex to shame [18:20]
vcsperl6 is vaporware
RandalSchwartznot at all
go download rakudo
useable already
just doesn't have the CPAN yet
vcsi do like perl dont get me wrong
but i can code small things in python far faster
RandalSchwartzLuckily, Perl's CPAN makes things that would be bigger than small in Python just small in Perl. :) [18:21]
vcswell there are plenty of extensions for python
hunting thm down is not very hard
RandalSchwartznot as many as Perl though
and Perl's CPAN upload rate increases year over year
vcstrue, i have never not been able to find what i needd tho [18:22]
RandalSchwartzmore people are using Perl today than in 1999 [18:22]
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amdprophetwhat type of mobile phones do people carry here? [18:24]
mjpcarry? *scoff* mine clips very nicely on my belt [18:24]
amdprophet:p [18:25]
RandalSchwartzmine is in my scottevest pocket [18:27]
amdprophetoh man that's awesome
I need to buy me one of those now
RandalSchwartzI have about 15 items of scottevest
currently wearing a shirt, pants, and coat from SeV
sadly, the underware is out of stock :)
amdprophetgahhh so expensive [18:29]
RandalSchwartzexpense is relative
as a frequent traveller, SeV is unmatched
just like my tombihn.com bags
nothing comes close
amdprophetI've been unemployed for 2 years, I can barely afford the VPS atm :p [18:30]
RandalSchwartzwell - then, not for you [18:30]
amdprophetnot that I've been looking for a job... *cough*
trying to get my own business off the ground still
hah, that's a coincidence
an ad on a site that just happens to be for SeV
RandalSchwartzyeah, they're pimping heavy now
especially with the delta controversy
that's ridiculous
so pretty much, don't use Delta airlines
RandalSchwartzno, that's not what it's about
in fact, scott just tweeted he's flying for a week somewhere, using delta :)
but also using the new "carryon coat" that made delta mad at him :)
amdprophetthey won't let passengers wear SeV because it reduces baggage costs [18:35]
RandalSchwartzthat's balls :) [18:35]
amdprophetmy inbox is getting filled with fanmail
feels awesome
RandalSchwartzfans? [18:44]
finkfink wishes he had fans [18:45]
we released an iPhone app for halo players last week
hit 3,000 users today, pretty stoked
finkcongrats [18:45]
amdprophetI've been getting email after email saying, "Thanks for releasing this app! It's awesome! Can't believe it's free!"
RandalSchwartzhalo players have iphones and not windows phones? [18:46]
amdprophetthankfully :p
We've had requests for a windows phone version but more for an Android version
almost done the Android verison
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toddfwindows becoming irrelevent. I likes. [19:38]
amdprophetall but one of my buddies are using macs or linux boxen now
I've got windows on one box for gaming / android dev, my main machines are macs though
toddfwindows for android dev. what are you smoking?
or does google smoke windows to develop for android? seems rather ludicrous considering android is linux.
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finki can honestly say, i've never smoked a window [20:01]
I'm using windows because eclipse died on my mac
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amdprophetand my windows box is the beefiest machine I have
Xeon X3360 @ around 3.0 GHz, 8 GB of DDR2 1066, runs the Android emulator great :)
finkamdprophet: what happened to eclipse/ [20:17]
amdprophetit's just a gray screen when I open it up now
everything disappeared
finkstupid java [20:18]
amdprophetyea :p [20:18]
finkamdprophet: have you heard about a python OS? [20:18]
amdprophetI haven't, no [20:18]
mhoran... I remember the days when my VM was pulling the most traffic on ARP. :) [20:27]
amdprophetold time customer? [20:27]
mhoranIndeed. [20:28]
finkmhoran: how can we tell?
do you have a low uid?
amdprophethe's faking it, it's a conspiracy! [20:31]
mhoranI'm on kvr02. I'm also an op, from the days when all the ops in this channel were also the only arp subscribers. Hence why we're ops. [20:31]
finkmhoran: ah ok, so a low kvr # = seniority
what kvr am i on?
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mhoranWell, I think unused slots get reused. [20:33]
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Guest84908 is now known as robotarmy_
mhoranYou can find out on the customer portal. [20:34]
amdprophetwe've got a box that we're retiring on kvr04
er VM *
finkmhoran: cool, thanks
i guess my only claim to fame is that i got here before RandalSchwartz
mhorankvr02 is one of the oldest KVM hosts. up_the_irons used to host on Xen, but has migrated most, if not everything, to KVM, hence kvrNN.
I've been trying to finish that sentence since two T stops before getting home, thanks T-mobile, America's least reliable 3G network.
finkis tmobile going to merge w/att? [20:41]
mhoranHey now, let's not start any rumors. [20:41]
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schmir has joined #arpnetworks [22:17]
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robotarmy_ has quit IRC (Remote host closed the connection) [22:43]

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