#arpnetworks 2010-11-20,Sat

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up_the_ironsinfrared: yes, that's my nagios [00:00]
........ (idle for 38mn)
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IPv6Freelywierd to see "mississauga" in an irc chat. you from there jdoe? [00:41]
toothwow. canadians up in hurrr
also, it's snowing up here. skateboarding is a lil'tricky in it
IPv6FreelyBarrie here. Well, originally. San Diego at the moment (until I can find a job in Barrie...)
or GTA area
I guess "GTA area" is redundant
much like PIN number
IPv6Freelyhah indeed
ATM machine

......... (idle for 40mn)
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amdprophetup_the_irons: hey, we finally finished migrating to the new server
4 months later... lol
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nakano_ is now known as nakano [05:42]
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jpalmerRandalSchwartz: just listened to your CentOS floss weekly. Like you, I'm mostly a FreeBSD guy. but I started working for a company in january that is 99% CentOS. while it's not my "cup of tea" personally, I still find it to be a pretty solid and robust distro. very impressive.
so, thanks for that interview/show. it was pretty informative, even for someone who actually uses it on a daily basis.
.... (idle for 17mn)
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bharatak has quit IRC (Remote host closed the connection) [08:10]
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heavysixer has quit IRC (Quit: BAMPF!) [10:33]
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yeah, I have to say being forced into using it has really improved my opinion of it. I thought it was hateful, things actually work pretty well...
I do wish we were on a single version though (or that there was a hope in hell of moving to 6... want xfs. want newer kernel.)
dxtrjdoe: Hmm? [11:52]
jpalmerjdoe: 6 should be out in 4-6 weeks.
though, I usually avoid "dot zero" releases of any software in production.
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dxtr6 what? [11:54]
jpalmerCentOS [11:55]
Unfortunately I've had to suffer centos :(
jpalmerI'm guessing you didn't scroll up and read my comments?
I'm a 15 year BSD admin. generally dispise linux. started a job about a year ago that is mostly centos for servers.. I'm slowly getting to the point where I actually don't mind it
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jpalmerstill prefer freebsd, of course. but.. I don't consider it to be "suffering with CentOS" anymore. [11:57]
mike-burnsLinux has come a long way. [12:00]
jpalmerindeed. we were just talking about tis the other day. I stopped uing linux around the time slackware announced the huge version jump in it's next release. something like 4.x to 7.x
so, late 90's
dxtrjpalmer: Actually I did read your comments
I just wanted to add my own :P
.................. (idle for 1h25mn)
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bsdguy has joined #arpnetworks [13:49]
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finkhttp://techcrunch.com/2010/11/20/whoa-google-thats-a-pretty-big-security-hole/ [14:23]
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amdprophet has quit IRC (Read error: Connection reset by peer) [18:49]
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DaCa has quit IRC (Ping timeout: 276 seconds) [20:35]
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Yamazaki-kun has joined #arpnetworks [21:45]
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