#arpnetworks 2010-11-11,Thu

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nestawhat about the rest of us?
toothso basically you get a better deal if you quit and come back? [00:23]
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LT has joined #arpnetworks [01:37]
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wwup_the_irons: /me would prefer double the disc to double the bandwidth :) [06:23]
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andrewnemethhi guys
anybody around?:)
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BarberRonny is now known as wazigevent
wazigevent is now known as BarberRonny
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Jason_Wood has joined #arpnetworks [09:10]
RandalSchwartznew fbsd security announce
local exploit
only if you use procfs etc
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i can only find info about a 10 year old jail escape exploit
BarberRonnyit was announced today
got it by email on the security list
RandalSchwartzwhat's a 10 year old doing in a jail? [09:25]
BarberRonnyoh probably a jail where i live
last months headlines in the paper : "5 year old rapist convicted"
lol.. big typo!

Announced: 2000-12-18
Topic: Several vulnerabilities in procfs [REVISED]
BarberRonnythere WAS a mailing going out today
about a fs vulnerability
maybe they email before putting it on the web?
better get subscribed toe the list :)
i dont run any freebsd boxes so
there are rarely vulns that affect my OpenBSD boxes :X
i spend most of my security efforts locking down linux boxes
another perk of OpenBSD ;)
BarberRonnyyeah fixing linux boxes is why i changed to freebsd
it serves pretty well
coobracan i get it cheaper if i buy 1year ? [09:35]
BarberRonnyi wonder how many people work for ARPnetworks... because im abroad often i have a backups server in europa which costs alot, i want to get rid of it... like some kind of safety in case of troubles. [09:37]
finkBarberRonny: go for it [09:37]
ziyourenxiangso... big OSX security patch... my office windows laptop rebooted itself earlier having been patched remotely by corporate guys, another freebsd patch... busy months for blackhats.
but freebsd-update fetch says nothing.
coobra:o [09:38]
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vcshaha [09:42]
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vcsvcs sleeps easy since most of his servers are OpenBSD
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up_the_ironsnesta: tooth : I was thinking of doing something like, pay a one-time "upgrade" fee (say $20), and you'll get the new plan for life
obviously canceling and coming back is more work on everyone's part ;)
toothor set up a new account and copy thi8ngs over
up_the_ironstooth: yeah, both ways, more work for everyone ;) [10:58]
jdoeRandalSchwartz: not profs, pseudofs
proc, even
(... though reading the advisory, procfs uses pseudofs. Oops)
RandalSchwartzI saw procfs in one of the reports
yeah, like that :)
jdoealso in the default config (at least on 8.1 amd64) it's 'just' a DoS
assuming you have one of those filesystems mounted.
... so that's not so bad either. Phew.
RandalSchwartzstill - I'm running 8.0 on two of my four VPS... time to upgrade [11:12]
jdoejust out of curiosity, what's security.bsd.map_at_zero for you?
(on 8.0)
RandalSchwartz... security.bsd.map_at_zero: 0 [11:13]
jdoeguess it's just a DoS for you too
wonder when they added that...
RandalSchwartzI also don't have any hostile local users [11:14]
jdoejust root ;)
hrm. freebsd-update doesn't seem to think I have anything to do yet.
oh wait, 8.1 isn't affected.
guess I need to learn to read.
... and neither are your 8.0 installs unless they're still running an RC
RandalSchwartzFreeBSD red.stonehenge.com 8.0-RELEASE-p3 FreeBSD 8.0-RELEASE-p3 #0: Tue May 25 20:54:11 UTC 2010 root@amd64-builder.daemonology.net:/usr/obj/usr/src/sys/GENERIC amd64
which has its own problems
I knew I was going to update to 8.1 "soon"
jdoegotcha. [11:17]
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anyone runs KVM?
qemu-kvm to helpme to configure tap0
RandalSchwartzyou mean kvm inside our vps? [11:40]
vcsthat simply wont work [11:40]
up_the_ironsSh4rma: maybe try #kvm ?
we run KVM, but we're not a support service for it
vcsi seriously doubt you can access the right registers
within a VPS
Sh4rmayes I try but nobody know how can help me
I've gentoo/kvm/qemu, and I've ovh machine and I like how works arpnetworks (I've two VPS)
vcsthis is not the channel for KVM support [11:42]
Sh4rmaI've two network iface eth0 with public IP and eth1 without config
I know, and I only ask if anyone can helpme to configure as arpnetwork
you're asking how to avoid using an arpnetwork VPS on an arpnetwork support channel
this seems ballsey
vcscheck the man pages and google [11:43]
Sh4rmanot, I'm ARPnetwork user and I like to get similar env
ok thanks
nestanp! [11:44]
RandalSchwartzthe word "not" in that sentence doesn't make sense
since you're exactly echoing what I said you *are* doing
evidenced by your word "similar" meaning "not the original, but something like it"
but, you're probably not watching this channel now. :)
nestapassive-aggressive [11:47]
RandalSchwartzIt's like walking into a Ford plant, and saying "hey, ford, I'd like to build a car very similar to what you make!"
you gotta expect some hostility
"can you tell me how you get that nice smooth ride?" :)
"can I look at some blueprints? make a copy maybe?"
up_the_ironsRandalSchwartz: My line is always: "If you want free help, ask Google. If you want my professional help, I charge $150 USD / hr. for consulting" [11:56]
vcs:P [11:56]
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....... (idle for 33mn)
what the hell
Th:14:43|<Sh4rma> I know, and I only ask if anyone can helpme to configure as arpnetwork
RandalSchwartzyeah - see my "Ford factory" analogy later [12:37]
up_the_ironswow, almost 60 people in here; it took a while to go from 40 -> 50, and now we're finally reaching 60 [12:40]
RandalSchwartzpeople or bots. :)
and for some of us, you can't exactly tell
up_the_ironsyup [12:41]
vcsless bots on freenode
than say, EFNet
nesta98% of efnet is bots
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dferrisarpnetworks is 2 x the vps as rootbsd for the same price, nice [12:51]
vcsalso the ipv6 /48 block is nice [12:52]
RandalSchwartzo/~ bots the way, uh huh uh huh... I like it... uh huh uh huh o/~ [12:52]
vcsas well as the endless OS choices [12:52]
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up_the_ironsdferris: and we've just doubled the bandwidth allocation for all plans [13:20]
vcsits a good time to be an arp networks customer :P [13:22]
mhoranYee-haw! [13:22]
up_the_ironsLOL [13:22]
RandalSchwartzhmm. arpnetworks.com is responding slowly (or not at all) [13:22]
mhoranmhoran wonders what he's going to do with all this bandwidth. [13:22]
RandalSchwartzo/~ whatcha gonna do with all those bytes... all those bytes inside your pipes... o/~ [13:22]
mhoranHaha. [13:23]
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mike-burnsHa. [13:40]
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[FBI] starts logging #arpnetworks at Thu Nov 11 15:41:29 2010
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awyeahsup. [17:03]
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Wow my connection to the VPS is slow
10 373 ms 554 ms 524 ms
that's where it's happening dernit
RandalSchwartzwhen I'm at work, the ping time to my VPS is 1.5 ms :)
from my laptop at my desk
fink~180ms here, from east coast [17:53]
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finkbut i think about 100ms of those 180ms is this 3G connection [17:53]
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nakano is now known as nakano_ [23:21]

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