I've got a server with two drives (different sizes, unfortunately). Would this be a good reference for toying with RAIDZ http://wiki.freebsd.org/RootOnZFS/GPTZFSBoot/RAIDZ1 hi cedwards: don't know about that reference... (no opinion) ... but in general you can safely raid the drives (to the capacity of the smaller) ... you might experience some (probably minimal) degradation of performance ... if the drives are of much different size, you might be able to use the excess space as non-raid ww: I've never RAIDed FreeBSD before, and I don't see a (clear) option in the installer. ww: is that generally something done manually outside of sysinstall? cedwards: there is no way via sysinstall to setup RAID. you have to do a manual install. (as in, not using the freebsd installer) cedwards: i've done zfs on root, but not raidz as well do either of you have a link/reference for that offhand? (other than a RTFH) the last time i made a bsd host with raid was before zfs (and was actually netbsd so even now no zfs i think) cedwards: i also used this: http://anonsvn.h3q.com/projects/freebsd-patches/browser/manageBE/create-zfsboot-gpt_livecd.sh not right off hand (I'm never messed with zfs yet) but I'm pretty familiar with gmirror, and geli. both require manual install. cedwards: i didn't see much of a difference between doing it manually and the scrpit that script sure made typing all those commands easier… I'd be interested in starting simple with gmirror before I get into RAIDZ with zfs can't you add disks to the pool post hoc/ ? probably. as I understand it, zfs is all powerful and will be the filesystem of SkyNet ;) (was that Terminator reference a stretch? ;) ) no, it was apt actually, on the topic of skynet... yesterday a co-worker and I were discussing the Oracle/Sun buyout. I determined that if any company had smart enough engineers to create sentient robots it would have been Sun.. and if any company was evil enough to destroy mankind it would be Oracle. Oracle now has the pieces needed to start skynet and destroy us all! is java on its way out? ww: it's from the terminator movies skytv probably shows terminator movies now and then... ww: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Skynet_%28Terminator%29 raidz rules you can build a nice raid box with cheap fast disks now and rely on raidz to catch the problems well I think I'll tinker with raidz then RandalSchwartz: i got a slave nameserver setup with ns1.he.net, so i pointed ns2.nullbnc.com to the ip of ns1.he.net and i still get no reverses :/ does ns1.he.net have the right SOA and data? it's just a slave yes. has it refreshed? it needs to have a copy of all of the data host -t soa $YOURDOMAIN ns1.he.net make sure it has that data there and the right soa the dnscheck would reveal that i just checked, it refreshed a few minutes ago :) ok - so, delegation is right, and the right data is in the DNS what happens when you try to do the reverse? is it dig @ns1.nullbnc.com 0.c.4.3.8.f.etc.ip6.arpa. nslookup -type=AAAA six.nullbnc.com returns an answer :D dig -x fb34:XXXX:XXXX::1 or whatever you have populated for example, "dig -x 2607:f2f8:3080:: that gets my reverse for red.stonehenge.com oops accidently dig'd yours lol was just checking :D hey I don't care. :) hmm says status: NXDOMAIN use +trace see where it stops . 506278 IN NS j.root-servers.net. ;; Received 272 bytes from in 0 ms . 86400 IN SOA a.root-servers.net. nstld.verisign-grs.com. 2010111000 1800 900 604800 86400 you're getting the right delegation so it must be you have a broken named.conf file or a broken domain file as in, that -x got to you, and then you said "NXDOMAIN" can you pastebin both? yea maybe you don't have the right number of's :) there should be 32 digits total, if I recall yeah... 32 x 4 = 128 haha that was it oddly enough, not enough 0's wtf i guess i owe ya one hehe didn't I mention yesterday (or the day before?) to pad the number of zero's in the PTR record? ;) yah but i wasn't counting because the $origin had extra four 0's ahh. gotcha. yep, having the right number is definately going to help ;) when he specified 32 digits i counted, and i was short :P thx jpalmer- you were of great help too i can't believe it works now, i knew it was something stupid i overlooked np, sorry I had to run away the other day. work called. glad you got it figured out though. speaking of work.. time for a conference call. i might should write a guide for debian on how to setup ipv6 and bind with ipv6 & reverse zone for the arp wiki so this is the third time I've suggested something, and that was it. :) nice I have my $ORIGIN to be exactly what the entire file is about in that sense, it's probably redundant. :) Oh wait... no, I'm defining stuff in a /64 so I have $ORIGIN to push enough 0's behind my 48 re hi, is there anyone from Arp networks here? seems rather a waste to describe bind with ipv6 and reverse zones and confine it to one os yea but the current openbsd ipv6 guide is way different than what i did PING 1289416958 433571 so i guess i could write what works in debian and should work in any linux distro guess not $line =~ m/^([^ ])+[ ]+([0-9]+) / guh, how many times did I stare at that before I realized the + was on the outside of the parenthesis? how many? :) too many ;-( or not enough, until you saw it. :) damn perl just makes your life hard. :) "it works but it only shows one char in $1, wtf?" yeah - that's the other odd thing... (...)+ - you can't get all the times that matched only the final one until Perl6, that is oh joy the match variable has an arrayref at that point which collapses to the last item in a scalar context, so it's like old behavior sneaky that means you can do things like ((...)+(..)+)+ and get all levels tree return somewhere in there ENOMEM heh you can say "don't capture" too like in Perl5 but more sane syntax no more (?: .. ) hey guys how can I resize freebsd root partition? grow or shrink? grow have you got unallocated disk space in your VPS? yes ok, you'll need to use the growfs command. there is a section in the freebsd handbook on doing this. let me see if I can find the url http://www.opusinteractive.com/blogs/Growing-the-Filesystem-in-a-FreeBSD-Server/637.html andrewnemeth: that looks like it'd work. make sure you have backups first. and keep in mind also.. you generally want your root FS to be as small as possible, so that after an improper shutdown, your machine can fsck / quickly, and boot. the root partition cannot do a background fsck.. the others can. that would be better to have the unallocated space to /usr? (meaning, the whole time it's doing the fsck on /, your machine is going to be "down" im absolutely beginner dev/ad0s1a 243M 208M 16M 93% / thats the only partition I have now usr is not mounted seperatelly generally speaking, my / partion is either 256 or 512m. *never* anything more. I see so usr is the biggest? well, the default arpnetworks freebsd vps has one / partition. but I would strongly encourage you to reinstall, and do a standardized partion scheme so should I allocate the free space to /usr? keeping in mind, I cannot tell you what partition sizes you need, because I don't know your plans.. but generally yes; /usr is the largest partion.. by far. and if I want to allocate the free space to it and mount /usr as seperate partition should I follow this hwto? or that can be done easier? if you're an absolute beginner, I'd follow the arpnetworks FAQ on reinstalling the OS. then choose the "default" partition scheme. it'll be a great start for the beginner. well I dont really want to reinstall :) I'd strongly recommend it. but, it's your VPS ;) do whatever you think is best for you. any howto to mount /usr and add free space to it? :) my freebsd root is on ZFS so I never have to worry about this. :) the same howto you just linked, give the essentials. just modify the commands for the appropriate partitions and sizes. hm well http://pastebin.com/Gy0nZ9dT this is the current state now I assume I need to remove partition 2,3,4 and create one big then mount /usr to it m I right? does anyone know where the arpnetwork admins are located? "where"? as in physical space? Sabrii: california ah ok thanks Sabrii - how is that important? :) it would explain when they will answer to e-mail if they are in another timezone, it will take a while no - it explains nothing :) support here is generally 24-48 hours I'm talking sales that is usually faster ;) ditto no - not necessarily since it's the same guys frequently 24 hour response, sometimes 48. but don't expect faster. interesting business model yes - keeping costs down by not giving you 15 minute responses you're expected to be a relatively knowledgable and slightly patient customer if you don't want to be that, there are other VPS offers I am knowledgable enough, trust me on that one I'll exchange fast support, with reasonable costs and rock solid performance any day. patient however... :) again, if you're not patient, you'll be happier elsewhere. seriously. there are not a lot of businesses that offer FreeBSD vps I'm all for ArpNetworks making money and I -hate- linux but they don't need impatient customers it's bad for everyone Sabrii: then I'd suggest patience ;) but I want it now now now now now now and a pony just kidding I was just informing guys I have time just curious on the expected timerange Sabrii: I'll tell you right now.. once the vps is up, you won't NEED support. it really is that solid. but if you are one of the "now" types, it's probably not the right fit for you. oh mine is up it's working great I just need some additional features by next week or so what kind of features? IP space and if possible, BGP IP is easy I don't think BGP is offered just but I want it a slightly different way than usual :) presuming you need only a /29 yeah how differently? I have a /22 and an AS number oh the /29 I need routed towards my VPS so I can stick it into a VPN so you can get a a /29 from ARP but that won't be part of your /22 that's exactly what I don't want, ARP. I would like to have it routed, if possible you get a public /29 it routes via the retail networks aah ok sorry let me explain by ARP, you mean ARP networks. I read "route via proxy arping" nope I didn't mean RFC826 :) heh that's what you get when you choose your company name after a protocol :) i'm going to start a rival to arpnetworks, called pingnetworks! but he didn't.. he just liked the name. rarpnetworks! RandalSchwartz: maybe ARP is an acronym? maybe fink is an acronym? :) fink: Address Resolution Protocol sounds fine fink: you will beat my pongnetworks !!! one-ping-only-networks Sean Connery as the CEO lol I prefer Clint Eastwood as the CEO woops fink: you will never beat my pongnetworks !!!* lol anyway, what's your actual question? "Go ahead, Ping my day" you want a /29, you can have it, generally bigger is harder nice quote RandalSchwartz lol so I would like a /29 routed towards my VPS, so not as part of a subnet with the .1 on their routers still didn't grok that ok you get a /29, and they steal the bottom address for the routeer yes, exactly what I don't want so you get 14 usable count again 13 yeay a /29 is 8 ips a /28 is 16 ips uh, what? ok - right :) so I have a /28 with 13 usable yes Sabrii: I suggest you cement the idea in your head (figure out exactly what you want to do) then find a very clear way to articulate that. because I'll be honest.. if you submit a support ticket stating what you've said so far.. I doubt they'll be able to figure out specifically what you need/want. and what's wrong with that? how many addresses do you need? jpalmer: anyone who understands networking (ie ccna level or higher) will understand it Sabrii - I've been doing IP traffic since before it was called IP and I don't get it ok ccna be damned then you will understand this: I understand networking fine. I'm still 100% unclear as to what it is you want. yeah, jpalmer is no slouch either ip route myvps does that help? :) and you need to have an outbound route and that's the first addr so from 16 total addresses you get 13 how hard is that to understand? *bangs head against wall* you don't understand IP, clearly so nevermind jpalmer - Sabrii doesn't know who I am, clearly :) I'll wait patiently for someone who does no I don't RandalSchwartz: you clearly don't understand networking. you need a ccna. duh ok let me try it again Sabrii - what is the OUTBOUND route on your VPS? where are you sending traffic *TO* the internet it has to be a valid IP the /30 that is inbetween right now so the .1 is taken I want to keep the /30 that there is right now so here is the deal my vps has if you ask for a /28, it will *include* your /30 my default gw is I know, we've already done this ok so that is there now RandalSchwartz: man, you just don't get IP is a router right? well - it's a virtual interface to a virtual router table entry, sure aah ok no that explains something I'm not very familiar with virtualization ignore me then Sabrii: what is it exactly that you want to do? pretend it's hardware I was just being pedantic fink: we're still trying to figure that out. fink: I want to route a /29 into an openvpn tunnel so you want to buy a /28 and route half of that into your tunnel if would be a cisco router that would be very simple makes sense no problem uhm, but then I would have to proxy arp for the /29 Sabrii: ok, why do you want to do that? proxy arp? the word is "routes" routes don't need no stinking proxy arp RandalSchwartz: exactly my point let's use 0-based so in your /28, .0 is net, .15 is mask, .1 is router you create .2 you route by hand .3, .4, up to .14 into your tunnel via NAT your tunnel endpoint on this end is .2 and you tell the other end to go to this end .2 seems straightforward to me hmm, I'm pretty speechless now I'm sorry to have bothered you guys but the real thing is, why is he vpn'ing his public IPs he should VPN private space RandalSchwartz: clearly, you don't know networking. but you fake it well. indeed lol enough to make him "speechless" :) Oh - I get it... he wants his public IP on this side to go to private machines on the other end of the tunnel yeah, that makes sense either he realized it, or he still didn't get it and felt he was wasting his time. either way.. he could have been a little less argumentative and dismissive, and a whole lot more clear on his goals. indeed as Garry has told me from time to time "those aren't the customers we need" :) he was just trying to get some help and he got it :) yea, poor guy heh heavy polution in the air here in LA. very orange sunset RandalSchwartz: you should charge for that, next time eeeeee RandalSchwartz there was an ISP a while back.. I want to say hawaii.. but they only accepted customers with a clue. if you called tech support, they asked for your account number. once you provided it, they didn't offer support. they cancelled your account. why do you want to say hawaii? is that like tourette's syndrom, but with states? sounds pretty lame I think they were based in hawaii Oh - that's why you wanted to say that. :) damned pedants :P 'hey, stop saying hawaii in there' "hawaii!" there. I said it. Changed pricing: all new orders now get double the bandwidth as before ooh la la