Okay. I'm hung over Ehtyar I saw your quit message. It is wrong. LSD was found in Switzerland by Albert Hofmann that's some rather silly hairsplitting... LSD was certainly popularlized by Leary, Leary was based at UC Berkeley. dxtr his quit message does not imply, nor does it explicitly state, that LSD was invented in Berkeley. it simply states a matter of fact. LSD has been produced in Berkeley. it has then exited Berkeley on the great American highway anything special one must do to add alias ips? ifconfig_em0_alias0="inet ip netmast 0xffffffff" should be sufficient but now caused my vps to die removing it and just adding the default renders the vps still dead adding broadcast broadcast ip same thing cpet: dead? cpet, does this help? http://www.cyberciti.biz/tips/freebsd-how-to-setup-2-ip-address-on-one-nic.html only real difference I can see that they specify the netmask in decimal notation, whereas you specified it in hexadecimal shouldn't matter, I wouldn't think.. so that is weird make sure your alias is using, not some other netmask. oh yeah, forgot about that. but yeah, he's specifying that in hex perhaps this could help: http://forums.freebsd.org/showthread.php?t=17740 jpalmer: tried that it doesn't really make sense to put a /32 on an ethernet interface... tried .240 .0.0 .255 added a broadcast of my ip as per portal i would normally do "ifconfig lo0 a.b.c.d netmask alias" nothing but that's probably not yoru problem well it is now cause I want to finish this bind setup now not in 24 hrs :P ifconfig lo0 netmask alias works fine for me... hrms rebooted same config that did no work now works fine