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cpet: how long does it normally take to responde to support requests?
ww: cpet: i imagine it depends on the request and how busy they are. i've experienced < 12 hours (largely because I'm in GMT+1 which is not so compatible with the US west coast working day)
toddf: cpet: the length of the response to a support request is not the usual thing to consider, the timing is. if it is a new vm, changes to your vm, etc .. typically it will end up being done overnight during the maintenance time ;-)
cpet: this is a request to add a rdns for my ip
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cpet: 6 more minutes and it will be 24 hrs waiting
not liking support so fare
dxtr: ww: Where are you, btw? I'm also in GMT+1 :)
cpet: Did you mail support@ or did you create a support ticket?
ww: dxtr: edinburgh
cpet: private support ticket
Tadaka: same here. at about 48 hours on my ticket.
mike-burns: Email support@.
cpet: that would require me to retype the support ticket which is beyond rediculous
fink: ridiculous
cpet: copy paste?
cpet: sure
but the support site does mention "All of support"
Tadaka: email sent
cpet: not All of support but please use email instead
-: cpet awaits another 24 hrs
fink: cpet: what's the issue?
cpet: fink: do you work for arp?
fink: no
cpet: fink: then you cant help me
fink: cpet: how do you know?
cpet: fink: only if you can do some RDNS magic for me?
fink: ;) probably not
cpet: fink: see I have mental powers
-: ww is sure fink could cache poison in-addr.arpa if he really tried :P
cpet: mike-burns: what are support hours? as by the looks of things it is not 24/hrs
mike-burns: I also don't work for arp.
cpet: ww: that too some extent is rather scary
mike-burns: "@up_the_irons is staff, other ops are long-time customers" - /topic
cpet: only 1 ?
well that explains that
I woudl expect some sort of vip service for the first few days on new orders
but I guess thats too much trouble ;/
fink: word of the day: kvetch
cpet: is that a fruit?
ww: ... you know, river.styx.org used to live at amazon
... do you know how long it took for me to get them to set up rdns?
cpet: if it takes longer than 3 days I cancel and call my cc company
kinda why I always have back ups and never cancel the old until I am fully happy with the new
but havng 1 persona doing everything is well ....
vcs: I have had no problems with support here
cpet: should just request delgation to a dns and do rdns myself
but i take it that will take days also
ww: cpet: that's what i did, and probably the best way
cpet: my current provider doesn't take longer than 30 mins to reply
kinda why im making a fit
vcs: cpet: how many names did you request
for rdns
cpet: 1
ww: why don't you try calling the telephone number on their website?
cpet: cause that would make me spend $$
support should be free, consistent, and decent
very important feature of a company
bad service = loss of $$
-: ww has had no problems with arpnetworks' service
fink has had no problems with arpnetworks' service either
cpet: must be the .mx
it's the chains of operations
us -> europe -> asia -> other -> mx
ww location?
fink: location?
-: cpet too lazy to do geoip
ww: scotland
cpet: europe
fink: ?
fink: cpet: location of arpnetworks?
cpet: no your location sir fink
fink: of me personally?
cpet: yes
fink: USA
ww: doesnlt alta california belong to mexico?
cpet: yeah thats it
i found the issue
order of operations
-: ww goes to study some history...
vcs has no problems with arp networks service
cpet: vcs: the issue has been found
I will delegate a domain to my vps and request delegation to a DNS
-: ww is very confused but is happy cpet knows how to delegate
cpet: eaiser to just be able to add ptr records instead of waiting
but cant request that cause i dont have bind setup ;/
wont do anything on this vps for about a month
i normally time how many times it reboots, networks issue etc.. if it falls into my special anal guidlines i cancel
after the periode is done I start to setup things starting with DNS
vcs: if you are not going to use it for a month
why are you complaining
cpet: then hiawatha, email, etc..
mike-burns: What do you even host?
cpet: small simple personal web sites but in the past months I always ended up with very crappy service
so I now test it for a month
but I like to do everything by hand
and hate cpanel with all my heart
i plan to use this vps as a fail safe for the other
vcs: why is rnds so important if you are running personal websites
just curious
cpet: it is a way to test the speed of support
I havent even added my ips yet
vcs: the way to test the speed of support is when something breaks
how long does it take them to fix
cpet: yeah thats step 2
mike-burns: I also host distfiles for freebsd ports, patches, and other freebsd specific things
mike-burns: tinderbox, etc..
wont be doing that on the vps as chances are compiling crap all day is a no no
so that is done locally
cant afford a full deddicated server ;/
would be nice though
vcs: yeah, dedicated servers have their own share of problems especially if you are on a limited income
like having to pay someone hourly just to go to the data center
are you taking about dedicated or colocation
cpet: dedicated
vcs: ahhh.
cpet: my codero server was nice decent support with techs who didint brag about there damn RHCE
had to cancel that when I lost my job though
vcs: lol
i have the "pleasure" of running many RHEL servers for work
cpet: I do consulting work and I only use freebsd
vcs: its nice, they come with bluetooth service enabled by default
cpet: people who request Linux get less of a service than the ones who request or agree to freebsd
ww: for dedicated servers i like hetzner.de
cpet: so about 3-4 days later they request freebsd
ww: sure but im not .de
ww: so? neither am i
cpet: my first dedicated server was in .ca
awesome server company
ww: my ISP has very crappy ping and editing docs with laggy choopey inet is no good
one of the reason why I choose arp was the ping of >70MS
ww: what does that even matter unless you're doing voip or something?
(and even then jitter more important)
cpet: lagg?
lagg for anything is bad
i myself dont like to wait 3-4 secs for each char to show up when typing
vcs: hehe i feel that one
cpet: i do everything over ssh and dont bother with any web panel or anything
ww: well... my vps is 200ms from where i am and i can't perceive any particular lag
dxtr: cpet: <70ms? I've got 170-200 depending on if it's ipv4 or ipv6
for a while I had 170 over ipv6 and 200 over ipv4 - now it's the other way around
cpet: Can you add a RDNS for the default ip so it is easier to remeber?
hrms never going to get how putty does c/p
my average is 77MS
hgihest is 85MS
fink: wow
i'm in the usa east coast and get ~100ms
cpet: if I remeber how to c/p in cmd
I will pastebin ping results
thats the reason for the purchase of a arp vps
fink: this is normal residential dsl also
fink: ok
cpet: normally im on my freebsd workstation doing ports
but I deicded to take a break on it and play some games on the winders box
so I am downloading all my purchased games off steam
dxtr: cpet: You can configure how Putty handles the mouse
I think the default is xterm-ish
cpet: yes and in xterm middle button is paste
dxtr: Yep
mike-burns: In Putty the right button is paste.
By default.
dxtr: Okay
My bad then
vcs: the right click button as paste
is not your friend
mattx86: I think you can also use something like Ctrl+Shift+Insert on putty for paste
DaCa: shift-insert even, just like in xterm
vcs: one time i posted a bunch of porn links into a channel from rick click paste
i think it was like #bible-discussion or something
right click *
never know when you will accidently hit it
mike-burns: You'll never know what you have in your paste buffer either, eh?
vcs: until its too late
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dxtr: I'll start using shift-insert
Thanks, DaCa :D
(I'm using xterm)
mike-burns: Shift-ins works in very few programs. You'll start to become annoyed whenever it's lacking.
tooth: oh yeah. that IS annoying
dxtr: damn
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cpet: still no reply holly hells
welp arp fails miserably on support. You should be ashamed
and im out
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vcs: yawm, nice attitude
DaCa: dxtr: yw
mike-burns: it works in putty, xterm and firefox, which happens the be to complete selection of gui programs I use :)
up_the_irons: bah, i've been sick this week and barely on the computer; today is the first day i feel well, and i'm scared to look at the support backlog
vcs: up_the_irons: i know the feeling man
up_the_irons: vcs: :)
fink: up_the_irons: prepare to face the wrath of cpet from europe
up_the_irons: fink: lol
vcs: hahahha
dxtr: up_the_irons: hi-five!
vcs: he blogged into this channel for two days straight now
dxtr: up_the_irons: Let me guess, it's 20C outside and you've got a cold? :P
fink: up_the_irons: you mentioned a few months a new dns server that you said was the new leetness?
up_the_irons: vcs: LOL, wonder if it is worth my time to read the scrollback
fink: nsd
fink: thanks
dxtr: I'm using it too thanks to up_the_irons
up_the_irons: dxtr: i had a throat thing, just very sore and coughing, and yeah it is about 20C outside
dxtr: I kind of remember what 20C feels like
up_the_irons: jeez, cpet opened like 20 support tickets..
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vcs: LOL
up_the_irons he was claiming the VPS was for a backup of a server hosting a few personal websites
up_the_irons: vcs: i see
dxtr: up_the_irons: It's thanks to your gulf stream the temperature around here goes as high as 5-10C during days this time of the year
Beat that ;)
up_the_irons: dxtr: ah, the gulf stream... what we fear will go away if climate change is not halted or reversed...
dxtr: Hehe
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-: tooth also using NSD. I like it
dxtr: I've set four alarms now
So I should wake up in the morning
Good night everyone!
mattx86: heh, good luck and good night :)
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Jason_Wood: up_the_irons: thanks for taking care of that ticket.
up_the_irons: Jason_Wood: hehe, which one? i'm in a pile of them now...
Jason_Wood: haha
fbsd switch
from ubuntu
up_the_irons: Jason_Wood: ah ok
Jason_Wood: you have everything you need off it? I'm gonna smoke it now
Jason_Wood: I decided to give ubuntu a go and realized I had made a mistake ordering it.
yup, its all yours
vcs: a common mistake
good you wised up ;)
and installed a real oS :P
Jason_Wood: yea, should have known better
vcs: :P
up_the_irons: haha
Jason_Wood: ok, rebuilding it now
Jason_Wood: been using freebsd far too long and got really irritated at apt in about 10 minutes
up_the_irons: cool, thanks
hrm, thought I deleted my duplicate ticket for this...
up_the_irons: Jason_Wood: it was re-opened b/c i replied from the email
Jason_Wood: oh
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Jason_Wood: up_the_irons: Thanks, I'm in and have all the auth info changed
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