#arpnetworks 2010-09-02,Thu

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***ballen is now known as Guest29300 [00:00]
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schmir has quit IRC (Remote host closed the connection) [05:58]
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RandalSchwartz waits for fink_ to wake up again
fink_hi RandalSchwartz
there's a hurricane coming up the coast
BarberRonnyEarl [07:16]
RandalSchwartzeast coast, I presume
"Earl's got to die.... gbye earl!"
yeah, I'm heading to atlanta... hope that doesn't impinge
so what do you want to know about my zfs snaps?
fink_RandalSchwartz: i was wondering how your yml config file is setup
would pm be better?
RandalSchwartzno - just trying to figure out how to show it to you :)
I keep 10 minutes for 90
30 minutes for 720
180 minutes for 10080
fink_ok, cool [07:24]
RandalSchwartzand 86400 for Big Number [07:24]
fink_RandalSchwartz: which filesystems do you snapshot? [07:24]
RandalSchwartzzroot recursive:true
just to keep it simple
I figure a snap costs very little
even for /var/empty :)
fink_RandalSchwartz: ok cool, that's what i was doing [07:25]
RandalSchwartzI think I'm about to change to zfsnap though
it puts the expiration directly in the name of the snap
fink_RandalSchwartz: we're talking about your arpnetworks vps, with zfs on root, yes [07:25]
I hadn't noticed zfsnap until recently
it removes the ruby dependency
fink_RandalSchwartz: is it new? [07:26]
RandalSchwartzfairly [07:26]
fink_it's an sh script? [07:26]
RandalSchwartzit's pure sh
fink_huh, like portmaster [07:26]
RandalSchwartzyeah, I'm now using portmaster too [07:26]
fink_i knew you'd come around ;) [07:27]
RandalSchwartzI like "portmaster -Da"
because it asks what it's about to do, and I can stop quickly if it's something dangerous
fink_RandalSchwartz: are you on 8.1? [07:27]
RandalSchwartznot yet
Have to plan for some uninterrupted downtime for that
i have three servers to move up, so it'll take a bit
fink_so you didn't try the boot code updater, etc. [07:27]
RandalSchwartzI've tried it in VMWare
and yes, you have to add the extra step
without it, you don't come back
I've written the authors of the doc online
and they haven't changed it yet
so it's a good thing I rehearsed with VMWare
I need to get up_the_irons to mount 8.1 DVD before I do that though
since I'll want the 8.1 bootloader
oh wait... it's done live
but yeah, I'll want 8.1 mounted at that point
actually, nothing stops me from having that already
fink_RandalSchwartz: yes, that's what i've been reading
RandalSchwartz: http://forums.freebsd.org/showpost.php?p=94557&postcount=19
looks like it worked for others as well
***schmir has quit IRC (Remote host closed the connection) [07:31]
fink_i should get a freebsd forum account
RandalSchwartz: how great is your zfs-fu?
RandalSchwartzooh - bookmarking that
I'm an advanced beginner on zfs :)
I just added "thanks" on that post. :)
fink_RandalSchwartz: i installed zfs on root on a test system, now i'm confused about how the filesystems are setup: http://pastebin.com/Y50jf94C [07:36]
that looks like opensolaris
it does that zroot/ROOT/zroot dance
fink_it's fbd 8 [07:37]
I never got that
fink_RandalSchwartz: tbh, i'm not sure how i got there ;) it was late, and now i don't remember… [07:38]
RandalSchwartzhow did you type your zfs create commands?
or did you use a script?
fink_it's a script, let me find it [07:39]
RandalSchwartzyeah - might be something that mimics opensolaris
what's in your fstab?
I don't understand how zroot/ROOT/zroot becomes /
fink_fstab: http://pastebin.com/hr2Qk5zz
RandalSchwartz: i'm confused about that too
RandalSchwartzok - weird
must be something in a boot script that fixes it
too much Heavy Magic
but probably the same magic that opensol uses
since that reminds me precisely of my opensol setup on EC2
the one I'm no longer using
for half the price of what we were paying on EC2, I've got maayan.insightcruises.com with twice the power
fink_heh, cool [07:42]
RandalSchwartznot to mention the kind of responsiveness that up_the_irons is becoming legendary for [07:43]
..... (idle for 22mn)
fink_RandalSchwartz: thanks for your help, it gave me some ideas
i'm going to read up about opensolaris' zroot, and try out zfsnap
well - you could also just build your zroot the sane way :)
fink_RandalSchwartz: that script was so nice and easy…had lots of options, wish i could find it [08:12]
I think I know
there's a boot stick that installs it
I'm sticking with pcbsd8.1 now though
*it* can do a sysinstall *and* pick zfs for root
fink_pcbsd installer? [08:13]
RandalSchwartzyeah [08:13]
fink_but then you install freebsd? [08:13]
RandalSchwartzyes [08:13]
fink_woooaaahh! [08:13]
as in you can install server stuff and not desktop stuff
fink_do you have a good link for this pcbsd insanity? [08:13]
RandalSchwartzbut still use their nice installer
google might :)
... http://www.pcbsd.org/content/view/169/11/
although you probably want the torrent
far faster
... http://www.gotbsd.net/

heh... freebsd 8.1 released on 23 july. pcbsd 8.1 on 21 july
they were psychic!
fink_RandalSchwartz: awesome, thanks
RandalSchwartz: found the script: http://anonsvn.h3q.com/projects/freebsd-patches/browser/manageBE/create-zfsboot-gpt_livecd.sh
RandalSchwartzyeah - I've seen that one
it was too rigid for me
and weird :)
ok - heading to atlanta... back online latetr...
fink_thanks again
have a good tirp
RandalSchwartzRandalSchwartz wanders off [08:18]
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twiggzIs the billing cycle running late? [10:29]
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toddflast month it went on the 3rd [11:05]
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ahmedarpnetworks allow small IRCds' yes? [11:54]
mike-burnsYes. [11:54]
ahmedlast question, are discounts available on annual payments? [11:55]
mike-burnsI do not know; email support@ for that discussion. [11:56]
ahmedthanks [11:56]
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mtve has joined #arpnetworks [20:38]
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